
  • 网络Resource Environmental Bear Capacity
  1. 基于GIS技术的成都市灾区资源环境承载力快速评价

    Repaid Evaluation on Environment Resources Carrying Capacity of Earthquake Stricken Area in Chengdu

  2. 江西区域资源环境承载力评价及其启示

    Analysis on Regional Carrying Capacity of Resources and Environments and Its Inspiration

  3. 新疆各地、州、市资源环境承载力研究

    Resource and environmental load of regions , states and cities in Xinjiang

  4. 中国区域发展潜力与资源环境承载力的空间关系分析

    The Spatial Relationship between Regional Development Potential and Resource & Environment Carrying Capacity

  5. 人们对资源环境承载力的研究由来已久。

    The scholars began their researches into resource environmental bearing-capacity for a long time .

  6. 区域资源环境承载力评价信息系统设计与开发

    Design and Development of Evaluation Information System of Regional Resource and Environment Carrying Capacity

  7. 大型煤矿矿区的资源环境承载力研究

    Research on the Carry Capacity of Resources and Environment for the Large-Scale Coal Mining Area

  8. 西北开发资源环境承载力研究

    Research of Carrying Capacity on Resource and Environment in the Campaigns of Development of Northwest China

  9. 长江上游地区资源环境承载力的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis on Resource Environmental Bearing Capacity of the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River

  10. 汶川地震重灾区10县资源环境承载力研究

    Studies on Bearing Capacity of Resources and Environment of 10 counties in Area Hited by Wenchuan Earthquake

  11. 研究结果表明,长江上游地区资源环境承载力状况达到全载或超载状态,形势依然严峻。

    The results show that resources and environmental conditions have been achieved full capacity or overloading state .

  12. 城市可持续发展如何与城市资源环境承载力相协调,不仅关系到城市自身未来的命运,也关系到其周边地区能否顺利实现可持续发展目标。

    How to coordinate the relationship among carrying capacity of natural resources and evironment and urban sustainable development ?

  13. 空间上,以湟水流域和黄河干流区域生态系统健康等级最低;各项分指数中,以资源环境承载力指数相应的生态系统健康等级最高,多处于健康状态;

    Among the sub-indices of ECC , the ecosystem health level corresponding to resources environmental carrying capacity was the highest .

  14. 重建规划的前瞻性:基于资源环境承载力的布局

    The Prospective Study of Reconstruction Planning after ' Wenchuan Earthquake ' : Based on the Distribution of Resource and Environment Carrying Capability

  15. 从资源环境承载力、经济增长和可持续发展等角度,人们已对人口规模的适度性问题做过不少探究。

    There have been many studies on proper population scale from visual angles of environment supporting capacity , economic growth and sustainable development etc.

  16. 第五章在对资源环境承载力相关概念界定的基础上,对资源环境承载力的理论进行了系统探讨;

    Based definition on related concepts to carrying capacity on resource and environment , Chapter Five systemically expounds upon theories of carrying capacity on resource and environment .

  17. 第七章对提高西北地区资源环境承载力的原则和对策进行了分析,并探讨了西北小城镇发展的一些相关问题;第八章概括总结了主要研究结论,并就有关问题进行了讨论。

    Chapter Seven analyzes principles and countermeasures for enhancing carrying capacity on resource and environment in Northwest China and discusses problems relating to development of small town in Northwest China .

  18. 最后,针对分析结果提出提升长江上游地区资源环境承载力的可持续发展策略。

    Finally , for analysis of the results in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River region , the paper raises to improve resource and environmental bearing capacity of sustainable development strategies .

  19. 它是环境科学研究中衡量环境质量状况和环境容量受人类生产生活活动干扰能力的一个重要指标,资源环境承载力由承载体、承载对象、环境承载率三要素组成;

    It is an important index used to monitor environmental quality and influence level of human activity on environment . Resource environmental bearing-capacity consist of three key elements & bearing-substance , bearing-objective and environmental bearing-rate .

  20. 目前,各种类型的资源环境承载力的研究已形成了一个环境生产力集合,如区域环境承载力、资源环境综合承载力、资源环境要素承载力等。

    At present various kinds of environmental bearing-capacity researches have already came into an aggregate of environmental productive forces , such as regional environmental bearing-capacity , resource environmental comprehensive bearing-capacity , resource environmental key element bearing-capacity and etc.

  21. 承载力研究是可持续发展研究的核心内容,通过对资源环境承载力盈余/超载状态的分析,可间接看出开发是否处于可持续状态。

    Study on carrying capacity is a core content of sustainable development , and it can indirectly reason whether development is sustainable or not by analyzing situations about surplus / overload of carrying capacity on resource and environment .

  22. 第六章通过对目前有关承载力研究方法的分析,选用生态足迹和相对承载力两种方法对2001年西北地区的资源环境承载力进行了计算,并对解算结果进行了比较分析;

    With analysis of method related to carrying capacity , Chapter Six calculates carrying capacity on resource and environment in Northwest China in 2001 by two ways of ecological footprints and carrying capacity relatives , analyzing and comparing the two results .

  23. 目前我国社会正在向更高阶段迈进,正在建设以资源环境承载力为基础、以自然规律为准则、以可持续发展为目标的资源节约型、环境友好型社会。

    At present , our society is moving to a higher stage , we are constructing a resource-saving and environment-friendly society which is based on the capacity of the resources and environment , its criterion is the natural law and its objective is sustainable development .

  24. 海湾型城市拥湾而立,具有区位和空间优势以及较高的资源环境承载力,通常为海岸带的区域中心城市,具有很强的辐射和区域带动作用。

    With the bay crowded , the bay-type city has the superiority of the location and space , as well as the higher carrying capacity of resources and environment , which is usually a regional center of the coastal areas , has a strong radiation and regional leading role .

  25. 生态经济区划理论为主体功能区的划分提出了思路和原则,文章重点从生态经济学角度逐一讨论了主体功能区划分的依据:资源环境承载力、开发密度和发展潜力。

    Eco-economic zone theory can use as a direct theoretical foundation of the main functional areas ' division . From the perspective of eco-economics , the author mainly discusses the facts of division in the main functional areas , which involves resources environmental capacity , development density and development potential .

  26. 森林资源环境人口承载力初步研究

    A Primary Study on the Carrying Capacity of Forest Resource , Environment and Population

  27. 长江三角洲水资源水环境承载力、发展变化规律与永续利用之对策研究

    Bearing capacity and regularity of development of water resources and water environment of Yangtze River Delta and measures for sustainable development

  28. 因此,对资源与环境承载力进行分析和研究,可以为人类的社会经济活动提供一定的理论依据和指导意义。

    Therefore , the resources and environmental carrying capacity analysis and research , for human social and economic activities to provide certain theoretical basis and guiding significance .

  29. 在空间向量描述基础上,采用因子分析法研究连云港地区1993-2002年的资源环境综合承载力现状、变化与原因。

    Based on the description of spatial vector , the study , through factor analysis , involves general status of carrying capacity , change and the reason of resources and environment from 1993 to 2002 in Lianyungang .

  30. 近年来,广东由于多年的快速发展,土地资源、环境承载力及高成本问题与经济发展的矛盾越来越突出,招商引资优势逐渐弱化,经济发展后劲乏力逐步显现。

    In recent years , due to years of rapid development of Guangdong , land resources , environmental carrying capacity and cost issues and the contradictions of economic development has become increasingly prominent , the gradual weakening of the investment advantages , and sustained economic development is weak gradually revealed .