
  • 网络AAA
  1. 自2000年以来,我公司资信等级一直是AAA级。

    Our credit standing has been AAA-rated since 2000 .

  2. 另一方面,市场仍旧认为我们的资信等级应为“AAA”。

    The markets , on the other hand , continue to believe our credit status is AAA .

  3. 基于改进BP神经网络提出了客户信用评价方法,其步骤包括建立客户信用评价指标体系,构建BP神经网络模型,然后通过训练模型,评价出不同的资信等级。

    Based on advance BP neural network , method for custom credit evaluation is put forward . Establishing index system , devising BP neural network , and evaluating different rank of credit are included in the step for evaluating .

  4. NET+MSSqlServer2000的B/S构架实现,为该集团的供应商资信等级分类提供了科学方法,其聚类结果的合理性得到了实际应用的验证。

    It is designed with the use of asp . net plus MS SQL Server 2000 B / S structure and provides a scientific method on credit clustering of the suppliers of corporation . The rationality of results is verified by application .

  5. 经过多年的发展,公司用过ISO9001-2000质量体系认证,荣获AAA级企业资信等级及多项国家实用新型专利。

    North Tianyan has been certified by ISO9001-2000 quality management system , obtained AAA contract credit grade as well as the patent right for several new materials granted by the authority .

  6. 穆迪和标准普尔重申对MBIA公司的资信等级,消除对全球最大的债券保险公司低估的威胁(目前至少是如此)。

    Moody 's and Standard Poor 's reaffirmed their AAA + ratings for MBIA , removing the threat of a downgrade to the world 's biggest bond insurer at least for the moment .

  7. 针对不同资信等级的客户,提出了相应的管理模式,以达到风险控制的目的。

    To aim at risk control , corresponding management modes are proposed for customers with different credit grades .

  8. 一般而言,债券资信等级与发行债券的融资成本呈负相关。

    In general , the bond credit ratings and the financing costs of issuing bonds is a negative correlation .

  9. 它不仅能评出企业的资信等级,而且能够找出企业信用高低的原因。

    It not only gives the rank of an enterprise , but also seeks the reason why the rank is high or low .

  10. 但当我提及AAA&这个只有寥寥几家世界性银行才有资格拥有的资信等级时,他们眼睛都不眨一下。

    When I mention AAA , and that only a handful of banks worldwide can boast it , they don 't bat an eye .

  11. 第二步为定量结合定性研究部分,分析定性指标因素对企业资信等级产生的影响。

    The second step for the quantitative part of the combination of qualitative research , qualitative indicators of factors on the corporate credit rating impact .

  12. 然而,中小企业由于规模相对较小、经营风险大、资信等级低,在其创业与成长过程中面临诸多困难。

    However , the SMEs because of the relatively small size , operating risk , credit rating is low , and growth in the course of its business is facing many difficulties .

  13. 针对评估结果确定资信等级标准,实行不同等级的资信管理,可适时地进行风险预警和控制,这在企业实践中具有很强的操作性,也具有较强的现实意义。

    Aiming at the result of assessment to determine capital credit grade standard , enterprises carry out capital credit management in different grade , carry out risk-warning in advance and control in time , which has great operative and practical significance in business .

  14. 财务治理是企业治理的重要组成部分,规范的财务治理可以对企业的生产经营全过程进行预算控制,降低企业的经营风险,提高企业的资信等级,扩大企业的融资能力。

    The financial governance is an important constituent which the enterprise governs . Standard financial governance can control the budget in enterprise production , reduce the enterprise operating risk , enhance the enterprise grade of credit and expand the enterprise 's financial ability .

  15. 近年来,随着集团企业的蓬勃发展,集团客户也因其规模较大、市场竞争力较强、资信等级较高等特点,逐渐成为各商业银行的营销重点。

    In recent years , with the vigorous development of conglomerates , because of its larger customers , the market more competitive , a higher credit rating and other characteristics , the group client has become the focus of marketing of all commercial banks .

  16. 资信;资信等级根据过去的资信表现,判断一个借款人还债的可能性。

    Creditworthiness ; financial standing the likelihood of a borrower to pay back a debt , based on past credit performance .

  17. 要发展我国的资信评估业,关键要有一套关于企业资信的评价指标体系,以科学的方法去评价企业的资信等级。

    In order to develop the credit evaluation of our country , there should at first be a series of evaluation index system about it , by a certain method evaluating the credit rating of an enterprise .