
  • 网络Gift Card;Shopping Card
  1. “枪支回购计划”今年是第二年在洛杉矶进行,计划于周六开始启动,市民交出他们的枪支之后会得到一张杂货店的购物卡或者预先存了钱的维萨卡。

    Under the city 's second annual Gun Buyback program which started on Saturday , residents surrendered their firearms in exchange for a grocery store gift card or a prepaid Visa card .

  2. 另外,若您愿意,我们也可以寄一份购物卡。

    Otherwise we can send a gift card by mail if you prefer .

  3. 百思买的购物卡、塔吉特的购物卡、科尔士的购物卡,还有100美金,我今年得到的全是“空洞礼物”啊。

    For example : Best Buy , Target , and Kohls gift cards , and $ 100 .... man , all I got this year were blank presents .

  4. “空洞礼物”指没有任何想法或创意的礼物,通常是以购物卡或者现金的形式送出。送出这一类礼物的人多半是不清楚收礼物人的喜好,所以就干脆让他们“想买什么就买点什么”。

    Blank present are the present that has no thought behind it . This usually comes in the form of gift cards & money . The person who give these as presents often do not know what the reciever likes , and simply gives them the " choice " to get " whatever they want " .

  5. A5在购物卡中存入一本书后继续购物

    A5 Continue shopping after storing a book in the shopping cart

  6. 去年年末,贝宝宣布达成了一项交易,可让购物者在其700多万家可使用Discover购物卡的合作实体店用贝宝账户付款。

    PayPal announced a deal late last year that will allow shoppers to pay using their PayPal accounts at any one of the 7 million-plus brick-and-mortar stores that take discover ( DFS ) , for instance .

  7. 老师们也许能够意识到,接受家长赠送的香奈儿(Chanel)手袋不太合适,但对于向教师赠送超市购物卡或者为他们的手机充值这类常见行为,他们的态度往往比较模棱两可。

    They may recognise that accepting a Chanel handbag from a parent is not exactly kosher ; but they are often a bit hazier about the propriety of common practices as giving teachers supermarket gift cards or topping up the minutes on their mobile phones .

  8. 我们还要送给你价值5000美元的超市购物卡

    So we wanna give you a 5000 dollars Target card ,

  9. 包括200人的一组额外获得了一张价值25美元的购物卡。

    A group of200 workers receive an additional $ 25 grocery card .

  10. 每当你使用你的购物卡时,其实你拱手交出了你自己的私人信息。

    Every time you use a loyalty card you surrender personal information .

  11. 所以我们会送你女儿一张价值2000美元的玩具商店购物卡

    So we wanna give you a 2000 dollars Toys Rus card for your daughter .

  12. 如有需要,更换购物卡以获得新密码。

    And if you need to , replace your card and get a new pin number .

  13. 在过去几年中,许多员工收到购物卡或昂贵的食品作为礼物。

    In past years , many employees received grocery store gift cards or expensive foods as gifts .

  14. 他们说有些顾客用购物卡买筹码然后马上用筹码再换成现金离开。

    They said some customers were using the certificates to make token purchases and walk away with cash .

  15. 说到对比价格,或许你可以使用一些比较好的购物卡。

    And speaking of comparing prices , you just should also shop around for some good cards out there .

  16. 图森市举行了枪支回购活动,每件武器可以得到50美元的购物卡。

    The city of Tucson held a gun buyback , giving 50 dollars in grocery cards for every weapon turned in .

  17. 国外也存在类似于我国购物卡券的现象,并围绕该现象形成了一系列相关的制度规范。

    There are similar phenomena as shopping cards and certifications in foreign country , and regulations related have been well founded .

  18. 为了给越来越普遍的“发送购物卡”促销方式下顾客的决策提供理论依据,对其进行了初步的研究。

    To provide the theoretical support to the decisions made in the wide-spread promotion by sending shopping cards , it is studied preliminarily .

  19. 对我来说,顾客就是一旦开始刷购物卡,其记忆力就完全失效的这么一个人。

    To me , a customer is a person whose memory fails entirely once he or she starts to push a shopping card .

  20. 而这个比例在收到基本现金奖励的小组当中只有34%,在额外获得购物卡的小组当中只有43%。

    That compares with 34 % of those receiving the basic cash reward , and 43 % of those getting an additional grocery card .

  21. 此外,沃尔玛还是绿点公司的小股东,这家公司的业务是提供在线支付和金融服务,它为沃尔玛门店使用的预付费购物卡提供支持。

    It is also a minority investor in Green Dot , an internet based payment and financial service , that it uses to support its pre-paid store payment cards .

  22. 还有人抱怨传统的年终补贴被取消,这种补贴有时以超市购物卡形式发放,用于贴补家里过年的花销。

    Some also complain of the cancellation of traditional year-end subsidies , sometimes in the form of grocery gift cards used to defray the expenses of celebrating the spring festival at home .

  23. 周三洛杉矶警方开展回收枪支活动,用购物卡换枪支。市长安东尼奥•维拉戈沙宣布这一活动是为了应对康涅狄格州纽镇疯狂致命枪击事件而采取的抗击犯罪的举措。

    Police traded gift cards for guns in Los Angeles on Wednesday , in a buyback program Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced as a crime-fighting response to the deadly shooting rampage in Newtown , Connecticut .

  24. 因此,笔者对购物卡券的利弊进行了分析,列举了购物卡券的优点,反驳了某些强加在购物卡券头上欲加之罪,希望以此能够使公众正确客观地认识购物卡券。

    Because of that , the author analyzes the advantages and disadvantages by listing them and refutes some prejudice , in order to make people understand the shopping cards and certifications in a correct way .

  25. 本研究课题属于烟草连锁零售行业消费支付应用领域,阐述如何建设烟草连锁店购物卡管理系统。

    This dissertation belongs to the area of applications concerning consumer payment of tobacco retail chain , which is aimed at explaining how to build a management system of shopping card released by the chain stores .

  26. 中央纪委每年开展两次主要检查工作。中央纪委表示调查者发现两大电网公司领导人员利用职务便利为亲属谋利、收受下属单位有关人员赠送的现金、奢侈品和购物卡。

    The CCDI , which generally carries out two major inspections each year , said investigators found that the leaders of the two grid companies sought benefits for their relatives and had accepted cash , luxury gifts as well as shopping cards from employees of subsidiaries .

  27. 购物礼卡:别把你的钱包塞得满满得,把它们都放在一个随身的小拉链包中。

    For warehouse cards and gift certificates : Instead of clogging up your wallet , keep these handy in a small zip pouch .

  28. 刷卡是最关键的:当你在商店购物时,卡越来越容易受到攻击。

    Swipe is the operative word : cards are increasingly vulnerable to attacks when you make purchases in a store .

  29. 兰州国芳购物广场VIP卡设白金卡、金卡、银卡以及普通卡四种。

    Guofang Baisheng Shopping Centre offers four types of VIP cards : the Platinum Card , the Gold Card , the Silver Card , and the General Card .

  30. 昆明金鹰购物中心VIP卡设白金卡、金卡、银卡、中银-金鹰联名卡(以下简称联名卡)四种。

    Four types of VIP cards are offered by Kunming Golden Eagle Shopping Center : the Platinum card , the Gold card , the Silver card and the co-brand card .