
  1. 出口货物免征消费税。

    Exported goods were exempted from the Consumption Tax .

  2. 指货物的消费、使用及进一步加工的国家(地区)。

    It refers to the country ( region ) that consumes , use and process the delivered goods .

  3. 由于运能严重过剩,作为主要货物的消费品需求崩溃,集装箱航运业倍受打击。

    Container lines have been hit by huge overcapacity and collapsing demand for the consumer goods that are their main cargo .

  4. 商业活动(如货物生产和消费)的理论。

    A theory of commercial activities ( such as the production and consumption of goods ) .

  5. 零售业作为数据挖掘的主要应用领域,积累了大量的销售数据,顾客购买历史记录,货物进出,消费与服务记录等。

    As a main application field of data mining , retailing has stored huge amount of data on sales , customer shopping history etc.

  6. 在这些可喜的消息传来之前9个月,全球制造业产出出现了第二次世界大战以来最剧烈的收缩,世界贸易额骤降,资本货物和耐用消费品的买家实际上都进入“罢工”状态。

    The welcome news comes after nine months of the sharpest contraction in global manufacturing output since the Second World War and a dramatic plunge in world trade as buyers of capital goods and consumer durables effectively went on strike .

  7. 营业税只在货物从生产到消费这一分配过程中征收一次。

    Sales tax is only levied once in the distribution chain of goods from manufacture to consumption .

  8. 非列名货物以及用于个人消费的列名货物,不予办理退税。

    The tax on the non-named goods and the named goods used for personal consumption shall not be refunded .

  9. 是否将货物分拣环节从消费地区转移到生产地区,这个问题是物流公司和它们的客户必须要做的一系列复杂计算之一。

    The question of shifting the sorting of goods towards manufacturing areas and away from consuming areas is part of the complex calculations logistics providers and their clients must make .