
cái yuán
  • financial resources;finances;source of revenue;coffers;purse;gold mine;source of money revenue
财源 [cái yuán]
  • [source of money revenue;financial resources] 创造财富的路径和源泉

  • 广开财源

财源[cái yuán]
  1. 对天水市财源建设情况的调查分析

    On Survey and Analysis of Tianshui citys Construction of Financial Resources

  2. 对定西市乡镇财源建设的思考

    On Financial Resources Construction of Villages and Towns in Dingxi

  3. 这一方案能为产量较小的公司带来滚滚财源。

    The programme was a gold mine for small production companies .

  4. 与电视台签订的这项大合同会让富有的英格兰足球俱乐部财源滚滚。

    The lucrative contract with television means that England 's wealthy football clubs will now be laughing all the way to the bank .

  5. 岁入来自如下财源。

    The revenue is derived from the following sources .

  6. 这个国家的财源殷实吗?

    Are the country 's finances sound ?

  7. 财源滚滚。

    The money rolls in .

  8. 基于SOA和智能客户端技术的财源监控系统设计和实现

    Design and realization of financial supervision system based on SOA and smart client

  9. 充分利用windows的系统资源未利用的财源、聪明才智、灵感

    Making Full Use of Systematic Resources of Windows ; an untapped source of wealth , talent , inspiration

  10. 至少从目前来看,Facebook的工作能为桑德博格带来滚滚财源。

    For now , working at Facebook is darn good financially for her .

  11. 目前,g20正提议扩大亚洲开发银行(adb)的财源,但同样重要的非洲开发银行呢?

    Currently the G20 is proposing more resources for the Asian Development Bank , but what about the equally critical African bank ?

  12. 相比之下,Facebook似乎找到了妙方,足以在移动设备和其他平台的用户那里赚取数以亿计的美元,给公司带来滚滚财源。

    Facebook , in contrast , has figured out how to wring billions of dollars from its members on mobile devices and other platforms , making the company 's revenue-generation machine unstoppable .

  13. 第四部分从增加有税GDP,尤其是能增加地方税收收入的GDP的角度,对广州市地方财源优化提出对策建议。

    The fourth part from a tax increase of GDP , in particular , can increase local tax revenue GDP point of view , local sources of revenue optimization in Guangzhou put forward countermeasures and suggestions .

  14. 这次实验带来的道德问题暂且不谈,它更揭示了Facebook商业模式的深层次变化:即便它屈尊赏赐用户一点隐私权,依然能确保滚滚财源。

    Troubling ethics notwithstanding , the experiment has revealed a deeper shift in Facebook 's business model : the company can make money even when it deigns to allow its users a modicum of privacy .

  15. 但就算redd财源滚滚,仅凭其一己之力也难以制止森林采伐。

    But even if Redd money flows in spate , it will not be enough to stop the clearance on its own .

  16. Airbnb的云服务能让游客和各种类型的住所相匹配,从只住一晚的公寓到可以住上一个月的别墅,应有尽有,同时还能帮业主们推广闲置空间,开辟财源。

    The airbnb cloud matches travelers with lodgings ranging from apartments for a night to villas for a month , and helps property owners to promote and monetize unused spaces .

  17. 希望黄老板能练好他的knock-knock笑话,为维克和鲍勃带来财源。

    Let 's hope he has also perfected his collection of knock-knock jokes to give Vic and Bob a run for their money .

  18. 简言之,PS3不会像PS2那样在相当一段时间内为索尼带来滚滚财源,并且似乎也不可能达到PS2的市场占有率。

    The PS3 , in short , will not be the moneyspinner [ 3 ] that the PS2 was for quite some time , and it seems unlikely to achieve the market share of its predecessors .

  19. 其资金来源主要分为三大类:欧洲发展基金(EDF)、欧共体的援助性预算和欧洲投资银行(EIB)的自有财源。

    The fund sources of the EU foreign development aid mainly comes from three approaches : European Development Fund ( EDF ), the EU aiding budget , and the ` own resources ' of the European Investment Bank ( EIB ) .

  20. 北京国际财源中心(西塔)混合结构设计

    Design on a Hybrid Structure of International Financial Center Beijing Project

  21. 和财权向上集中,县乡缺乏充沛的财源两个方面,并对这种不对称带来的一系列问题进行了总结。

    And then it summaries the problems brings by the asymmetry .

  22. 对旅游业来说,这是财源滚滚的一年。

    It 's been a bonanza year for the tourist trade .

  23. 您的顾客所不知道的正是你未开启的财源。

    What your customer doesn 't know leaves revenue-generating potential untapped .

  24. 第二部分,财源建设的相关理论。

    Chapter 2 , the theories of fiscal revenue resources construction .

  25. 家庭、财源和你想从投资中获得的好处的信息。

    Family , finances and what you want from your investments .

  26. 要是我长胖了,财源也就断了。

    If I get fat , there goes my fiscal year .

  27. 不要杀鸡取卵。(不要自绝财源。)

    Don 't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs .

  28. 云南省德宏州财源建设初探

    Probe into Financial Construction in Dehong Prefecture in Yunnan Province

  29. 经济发展中财源与财政收入背离问题研究

    On the Deviation of Financial Resources and Fiscal Revenue in Economic Development

  30. 老板苦心经营了很多年才发现财源。

    The inventor worked for years before hitting pay dirt .