
  • 网络property declaration system
  1. 而美国的财产申报制度,本身就是和规范纳税有关,因此,这些措施,不会对移民形成很大的心理压力。

    The measures designed for the properties declaration system where American people have to pay it by the book arguably hold no fears for them .

  2. 并通过对国外公务员财产申报制度的研究与比较,及我国公务员财产申报制度现状的分析,提出一些具有针对性、系统性、可操作性的建议。

    By researching on and comparing to Properties Declaration System for foreign civil servants and analyzing the system situation of Chinese civil servants , it offers some advices with pertinence .

  3. 我国也可以建立和实施财产申报制度。

    China can build and implementation of the property declaration system .

  4. 建立全社会性的财产申报制度

    On the Establishment of Property Declaration System in the Whole Society

  5. 第二部分深入探究我国财产申报制度不发达的历史原因。

    In The second part probes the notification system underdeveloped historical reasons .

  6. 关于完善我国财产申报制度的新思考

    On Improving the Idea of China 's Property Declaration System

  7. 第一部分,公务员财产申报制度概述。

    The first part , an overview of the civil service assets declaration system .

  8. 建立我国公职人员财产申报制度研究

    To Set up the System of Public Officals ' Properties Declaration in Our Country

  9. 因此建立行之有效的公务员财产申报制度十分必要,能监督公职人员财产情况,有效预防和遏制腐败的发生。

    Therefore the establishment of an effective civil service property declaration system is necessary .

  10. 第六部分为推进公务员财产申报制度构建的路径突破。

    Part VI is to seek a breakthrough in the civil property declaration system .

  11. 建立财产申报制度可以给领导干部造成一个无形的的压力。

    Set up a property declaration system for leading cadres to create an invisible pressure .

  12. 第三部分主要分析公务员财产申报制度势在必行的原因及重要作用。

    The third part analyzes the case of the property declaration system and its significance .

  13. 中国公职人员家庭财产申报制度构建研究

    Research on the Construction of Declaration System on China 's Civil Servants ' Family Properties

  14. 财产申报制度,就是一系列有关财产申报登记与审核的规范。

    Property declaration system is a series of registration and audit of financial disclosure norms .

  15. 本文有关家庭财产申报制度的研究在国内较为前沿。

    The research on Family Property Declaration System of the essay is comparatively advanced in China .

  16. 世界各国实践表明,公务员财产申报制度在预防和惩治腐败方面有显著成效。

    Practices show that civil property declaration system has won victory in preventing and punishing corruption .

  17. 首先对公务员财产申报制度的概念作了梳理。

    First of all , the property declaration system of civil servants were combing the concept .

  18. 近年来,社会对建立财产申报制度并进行立法的呼声再度达到高潮。

    In recent years , the calls of to establishing a property declare system climax again .

  19. 本文论述的官员财产申报制度正是以法导廉模式的制度再现。

    Officials of this paper is to law the property declaration system cheaper model system performance guide .

  20. 第二部分主要介绍公务员财产申报制度的概念,构成要素及理论来源。

    The second part introduces the concept of civil property declaration system , elements and theoretical sources .

  21. 第二章介绍了我国公务员财产申报制度的历史沿革和我国目前的状况以及存在的问题。

    The second chapter property system in civil servants of the history and the current situation in China .

  22. 财产申报制度的意义首先在于事前防范,而非事后惩戒。

    First , the significance of the property declaration system is to advance prevention , not after the punishment .

  23. 第三部分以阿勒泰地区为例,分析了我国探索财产申报制度在局部地区的突破。

    The third part with altar region as an example , analyzes the notification system in local property of breakthrough .

  24. 新疆阿勒泰地区、浙江慈溪市先后出台了各具特色的官员财产申报制度。

    The distinctive property declaring system in Altay of Xinjiang and Cixi of Zhejiang came into being one after another .

  25. 财产申报制度最基本和最直接的目的就是预防公职人员利用职权攫取经济利益。

    Property declaration system the most basic and immediate purpose is the prevention of public economic benefits of using power grab .

  26. 为了应对这一顽疾,公务员财产申报制度应运而生。

    In order to deal with this problem , the property declaration system for civil servants emerged as the times require .

  27. 一套良好的财产申报制度更是成功执行反腐败法律和其他刑事法律的基础。

    A good disclosure system can , further , be the basis for successfully enforcing criminal and other legal anti-corruption provisions .

  28. 第四部分主要对国内外公务员财产申报制度的实施情况进行简单梳理。

    The fourth part is the carding of the civil property declaration main domestic and international countries property declaration system for simple comb .

  29. 公务员财产申报制度,是进行权力监督、预防腐败的重要途径,也是现代政治文明的重要标志。

    To declare property system with civil servants is a way to conduct oversight powers and an important symbol of modern political civilization .

  30. 本部分立足中国国情,结合2010年7月公布实施的《关于领导干部报告个人有关事项的规定》,分析了我们当前公务员财产申报制度法制化所面临的各种困境。

    Combine the provisions of the leader report on personal matters published in July 2010 , analyzed currently facing difficulties about our system .