
  • 网络google earth;Google Earth pro;Google Earth Plus
  1. 王梦秋表示,例如,百度永远不会开发谷歌地球(GoogleEarth)这样的产品。

    She says Baidu would never have developed a product like Google Earth , for example .

  2. 这让分析师转向谷歌地球(GoogleEarth)跟踪油轮的航行,并在中国各地采访基层石油行业管理人员。

    That has led analysts to turn to Google Earth to track the movements of oil tankers and to travel across China meeting with low-level oil industry officials .

  3. 国家测绘局本月讯问了数家在线平台的负责人。用户可以在这些平台上,分享谷歌地球(GoogleEarth)和谷歌地图(GoogleMaps)的图片及其它信息。

    The bureau has this month questioned the hosts of several online platforms on which users share pictures and other information on Google Earth and Google Maps .

  4. 布兰斯菲尔德将这些网络点通过谷歌地球的应用程序接口(API)在由英特网合作创建的程序中绘制出来,安全防护薄弱的网点数量之多令人吃惊。

    Bransfield mappedthose networks in a program created by an Internet collaborator , usingGoogle Earth 's API . The number of vulnerable access points surprisedBransfield ;

  5. 它的虚拟星球计划:谷歌地球、谷歌月球和谷歌火星,是在大量由NASA收集的数据基础上建立起来的。

    Its planetary-visualisation projects , Google Earth , Google Moon and Google Mars , draw a lot on data collected by NASA .

  6. 所有您的旅行数据是存储在手机上的CSV文件,并可以上传到一个电子表格的训练分析或谷歌地球进行跟踪。

    All your trip data is stored on the phone in CSV files and can be uploaded to a spreadsheet for training analysis or Google Earth for tracking .

  7. 左下角的是显示你目前位置的按钮,右下角那个极小的图标点开后,你可以切换到卫星视图,查看公交线路以及路况信息,或者启动独立的谷歌地球(GoogleEarth)应用程序。

    In the lower left is a button that brings up your current location , and in the lower right is a tiny icon that lets you switch to satellite view , to see public transit and traffic information , or to launch the separate Google Earth app .

  8. 谷歌地球(googleearth)关于大东部城区大约从第十街到第三街,南起弗农山,北至nationalmall的空旷绿地的卫星图片仍然显示,在那些千篇一律的政府大楼之间散布着一些临时停车场。

    Googleearth satellite images of the broader Eastern downtown area which runs roughly from 10th Street to 3rd Street and south from the Mount Vernon neighbourhood to the green , open space of the National Mall still show makeshift parking lots sprinkled between nondescript government buildings .

  9. 露天矿中基于谷歌地球的车辆三维助驾系统

    GE-based 3D Driving Assisting System for Truck Using in Strip Mine

  10. 谷歌地球是一个伟大的除了应用商店。

    Google Earth is a great addition to the App Store .

  11. 不幸的是,新的洋底在谷歌地球不是三维-没有。

    Unfortunately , the new ocean floor in Google Earth is NOT3D-yet .

  12. 部分在谷歌地球中还可以查看街景软件的内容。

    It 's also possible to view Street View content in Google Earth .

  13. 现在它是在谷歌地球上可见到的最大船体残骸之一。

    Now it 's one of the largest shipwrecks visible on Google Earth .

  14. 我们这里有一份谷歌地球提供的图像。

    We have a Google Earth image I want to you see here .

  15. 地球各大洲板块平移很剧烈,科学家们看,就像看谷歌地球一样。

    The tectonic plates shift so violently scientists can almost see them on Google Earth .

  16. 这很可能并不是针对我的,而是针对谷歌地球的,他表示。

    This was probably not directed against me but against Google Earth , he said .

  17. 该标记功能使用全球定位系统数据的谷歌地球标记抓获的红外图像。

    The tagging feature uses GPS Google Earth data to tag the infrared images captured .

  18. 如果想得到天空软件,用户只要下载最新版谷歌地球即可。

    To get Sky , users will have to download the latest version of Google Earth .

  19. 在谷歌地球上能读海洋深度会直接带来经济效益吗?不太可能。

    Will the visibility of the ocean depths on Google Earth make money directly ? Not likely .

  20. 你没有做任何事情来看到新的洋底,只要打开谷歌地球。

    You don 't have to do anything to see the new ocean floor , just open up Google Earth .

  21. 既然能知道房子的颜色,想必在谷歌地球或别的类似网站应该上能找到你家房子的照片吧。

    To get the house color I assume the house must have a photo on Google Earth or some similar website .

  22. 如果谷歌地球是个男生,就算我打扮得像座10层高的大楼,他也看不到我。

    If Google Earth were a guy , he couldn 't find me if I was dressed up as a10-story building .

  23. 其中遥感图像来源于谷歌地球和wikimapia,最终实现了遥感图像的读入和道路提取。

    The remote sensing images from Google Earth , and ultimately to achieve the remote sensing image read and road extraction .

  24. 成像技术的发展,越来越多的“逆向天文学家”将会把视线下投,用功能超强、延时拍摄的“谷歌地球”之类的工具俯瞰居住的星球。

    As imaging improves , more reverse-astronomers will look down at our own planet with something like a super-powered , time-lapse Google Earth .

  25. 几年前,一些目光敏锐的谷歌地球用户发现这个无人岛从高空俯瞰恰如寥寥几笔画成的心形,因此引起了一场轰动。

    The uninhabited island caused a stir several years ago when eagle-eyed Google Earth users realised that it looked like a clumsily scrawled heart .

  26. 因为去某个地方之前人们经常需要对它进行了解。谷歌地球和地图将会是利润丰厚的工作。

    Since people often need to discover information about a place before going there , Google Earth and Maps could prove a lucrative endeavor .

  27. 这些地图跨度巨大,分属于不同时期、不同地区,既有托勒密艰苦劳作的产物,也有谷歌地球,还有一些更鲜为人知的伊斯兰作品和东亚作品。

    The examples are impressively varied , from Ptolemy 's toils to Google Earth , and include some lesser-known Islamic and East Asian works .

  28. 阿根廷当地媒体宣称,该国税收部门正在用“谷歌地球”在因特网上的卫星图像来调查税务欺骗行为。

    Argentina 's tax authorities are using satellite images generated on the Internet by Google Earth to track down fraud , local media said .

  29. 而2007年谷歌地球探测器发现该基地四座互不相连的建筑在俯瞰时形成了不吉祥的图形:纳粹十字。

    But in2007 Google Earth sleuths found that four unconnected buildings on the base formed an unfortunate shape when viewed from above : a swastika .

  30. 但是,在2007年,谷歌地球的侦探们发现,基地上这四栋并没有相连的建筑从上空俯瞰的时候却形成了一个不吉利的图案—万字文。

    But in 2007 Google Earth sleuths found that four unconnected buildings on the base formed an unfortunate shape when viewed from above : a swastika .