
  • 网络The Negotiator;PNC
  1. 皮特彼得森(PetePeterson)在1984年以前做了十年雷曼掌门人。他曾任尼克松政府的商务部长,是一位希望与欧洲和日本发展关系的谈判专家。

    Pete Peterson , head of Lehman Brothers for 10 years until 1984 , had served as commerce secretary in the Nixon administration and was a skilled negotiator who wanted to foster links with Europe and Japan .

  2. 浅议当前国际社会的反恐怖措施及缺陷反恐维稳行动中优化谈判专家心理能力的基本措施

    The basic measures to optimize the negotiator 's metal capacity in anti-terrorist and peace maintaining operation

  3. 谈判专家说他们保持着沟通渠道的畅通。

    Negotiators say they 're keeping communication lines open .

  4. 薪资谈判专家JackChapman也同意这个观点,并补充说:“你的上司要给你减薪并非会这样说‘我们要给你减薪,需要征得你的同意。’”

    Salary negotiations expert Jack Chapman agrees , adding ," It usually isn 't presented as , 'This is what we 're doing , and we need your approval . ' "

  5. 但谈判专家与FBI里更具有军国主义倾向的人之间的分歧开始加大,后者希望加快谈判速度。我知道这会起反作用,也表达了我的态度。

    But schisms began to grow between the negotiators and the more militaristic part of the FBI , which wanted to speed things up . I knew this would be counter-productive , and said so .

  6. 人质谈判专家深谙此道。

    No one knows this better than hostage negotiators .

  7. 向你介绍谈判专家克瑞斯塞比安。

    I would like to introduce you to the negotiator , Chris sabian .

  8. 我要找个谈判专家过来

    I 'll get a negotiator out here .

  9. 你应该请求换另一位谈判专家。

    You would have asked for another negotiator .

  10. 谈判专家颈部中弹就在这里。

    The negotiator catches one in the neck , like , right around here .

  11. 强化谈判专家机制刍议

    Elementary Discussion on Strengthening Negotiation Expert System

  12. 去找谈判专家到这儿来需要很久吧

    Well , how long isit going to take to get a negotiator out here ?

  13. 谈判专家机制在中国

    About Negotiator Mechanism in China

  14. 找一个人质谈判专家,封锁两条街区,疏散周围五条街。

    Give me a hostage negotiator , clear two blocks radius and five of the outer perimeter .

  15. 谈判专家乔纳森•奥布莱恩认为,你应当询问有关培训课程和业务资质的问题。

    Negotiation expert Jonathan O'Brien believes that you should ask about training courses and business qualifications . '

  16. 美国派遣了军事专家,刑事侦查员和人质谈判专家帮助寻找女孩。

    The United States is sending military experts , criminal investigators and hostage negotiators to help find the girls .

  17. 人质解救的新理念&谈判专家中心论

    A New Theory of Rescuing Hostages & On the theory of setting negotiation experts as the center in rescuing hostages

  18. 此反转使得双方的贸易谈判专家们都为之震惊,因为他们在几周前正在尽力为达成最后的协议扫清最后的障碍。

    The turnaround shocked trade negotiators on both sides , who only weeks ago were trying to iron out the last wrinkles in a deal .

  19. 这个案子令我顿悟:它让我意识到,人质谈判专家必须成为危机辅导员&更具创造性。

    This case was an epiphany for me : it made me realise that hostage negotiators had to become crisis counsellors – to be more creative .

  20. 他认为,避免他所说的“同情心陷阱”,对于帮助女性成长为强势的谈判专家大有好处。

    Avoiding what he calls " the empathy trap " could , he believes , go a long way toward turning more women into powerhouse negotiators .

  21. 在哥本哈根大会召开前夕,这一点更为重要,因为今年12月各国谈判专家将在哥本哈根聚会,决定国际社会对气候变化的反应。

    These messages take on added importance ahead of Copenhagen , where negotiators will meet in December this year to shape an international response to climate change .

  22. 周一,救援物品抵达加沙地带,这一天正是以色列哈马斯遵守72小时熄火协议的第一天,谈判专家在开罗的谈判将会继续。

    Trucks with aid arrived in Gaza Monday as Israel and Hamas observed the first day of a three-day cease-fire and negotiators agreed to resume talks in Cairo .

  23. 安德鲁的录像中也记录下了他和谈判专家的通话,通话中他告诉警察自己只是很生气,并表示想要和他父亲通话。

    Andrews video also records his phone conversation with negotiators , in which he tells police he is merely angry and that he wanted to speak with his father .

  24. 一位肯尼亚海盗谈判专家被告知他将会成为一部好莱坞电影的素材,但是他本人可能没空观赏。

    Kenyan pirate negotiator has told of his surprise that he is set to be the subject of a Hollywood film , but reckons he may be too busy to see it .

  25. 正如谈判专家科恩·赫伯特所言,成功的合同谈判并非以一方独得而赢,而以双方各有所得而赢。

    As a negotiation expert called Cohen Herbert says , successful negotiation does not mean " winning by defeating the other party , but winning by getting what both parties want " .

  26. 保尔森在接受采访时表示,他选择不是中国问题专家的霍尔默负责与北京方面的对话,是由于霍尔默作为谈判专家的记录。

    In an interview , he said he chose Mr Holmer , who is not a China expert , to manage the dialogue with Beijing because of his record as a negotiator .

  27. 必须树立以谈判专家为中心的人质解救理念,从制定科学的培训计划、应急预案、现场指挥体系和现场处置策略等方面着手,以此才能架构起长效的危机处理机制。

    In order to build an effective long-term system to deal with such a crisis , the police should bear in mind the theory of setting negotiation experts as the center in rescuing hostages which incorporates scientific training plans , emergency programs , on-the-spot command systems and on-the-spot strategies .

  28. 最后针对上述问题,国家汽车质量监督检验中心(襄樊)应在加强广告与营销推广,扩大知名度加强营销队伍,建立项目建议、论证、投标、谈判的专家部门:加强人力资源管理;

    Aimed at above-mentioned problems finally , National Automobile Quality Supervision ( XiangFan ) should strengthen the advertisement and marketing popularization , expand popularity , strengthen marketing team , set up expert department of project propose , prove , submit a tender , and negotiating ; Strengthen manpower resources management ;

  29. 裁军谈判会议科学专家组

    Conference on Disarmament 's Group of Scientific Experts

  30. 关于中印边界问题的谈判,今年首次专家组的谈判已经告一段落。

    As far as the border issue is concerned , the first talks between expert groups this year have completed .