
  1. 为了证实数据有效,作者也对研究对象的课堂作文分数和大学英语四级考试作文分数做了相关分析。

    In order to testify the validity , correlation analysis was made between class writing scores and CET-4 ( College English Test Brand 4 ) writing scores of the subjects .

  2. 其二,在写作教学中渗透。即在课堂作文教学和校园文学创作活动中,让学生学会做人和作文。

    Second , in the teaching of writing , that is , in the classroom thesis teaching and in campus literature creation , students learn to be a moral person as well as writing .

  3. 本研究采用定性研究和定量研究相结合的方法,研究工具分别为:课堂命题作文、问卷调查以及访谈。

    The method used in this research consists of qualitative and quantitative studies . Three instruments are adopted , that is , English writing samples , questionnaire and interview .

  4. 为了督促同学将该看的文章按时看完,偶而我会要求你们在课堂上写作文。

    Occasional brief and informal in-class writing will help you stay disciplined about getting the reading done on time .

  5. 期望创建灵活的教学形式,把生活引入课堂,让作文走向生活。

    In hopes of creating flexible forms of teaching , the life into the classroom , so writing to life .

  6. 该实验持续了九星期,在实验的初期与末期,让两组学生分别对同一主题在课堂上写作文。

    The experiment lasted for 9 weeks , at the beginning of the experiment and at the end of the experiment , the two groups students were required to write compositions on the same topic in class .

  7. 对于那些采用低技术方式打击剽窃行为的学校而言,最简单的办法莫过于让学生在课堂内写短篇作文。

    For schools that choose the low-tech way to fight plagiarism , taking in-class writing samples is one of the easiest solutions .

  8. 把课堂中写的作文用双语的形式整齐地誊写在纸上,作为送给父母家长开放日的礼物。

    Write the composition on a piece of paper and translate it into Chinese , then give it to your own parents as a gift .

  9. 读下来,手不释卷,对自己的课堂教学艺术、作文教学乃至自己的写作等领域的思索都有很大启发。

    Read come down , fondle admiringly , of the domain such as education of artistic to oneself classroom education , composition and even oneself writing think to have very big inspire .

  10. 固守阵地,就是充分运用好语文教材,把握好语文课堂教学,在语文教材中挖掘写作素材,归纳写作方法,在语文课堂教学中渗透作文教学。

    Stick " position , " is to make full use of good language teaching materials and a good grasp of the language classroom teaching , writing in the language teaching materials excavated material , inductive method of writing , in the language classroom teaching penetration of composition teaching .