
  • 网络novalis
  1. 诺瓦利斯不仅是德国浪漫派先锋,更是一位具有强烈政治理想的诗人。

    Novalis is more a poet with intense political ideal than just a pioneer of the German Romanticism .

  2. 本文力图从“自我”形象角度,分析18世纪思想语境之下的德国早期浪漫派诗人诺瓦利斯诗学思想。

    This article attempts to analyze German Romantic poet Novalis ' " self image " of his Poetics under the ideological context of the18th century .

  3. 在批评观上则受到浪漫派批评家弗·施莱格尔、诺瓦利斯、荷尔德林、歌德等的影响。

    His criticism theory was affected by the romantic critics such as F Schlege , Holderlin , Goethe etc.

  4. “死亡诗人”诺瓦利斯的创作通过歌颂“黑夜”与“死亡”去感悟生命,表达对生命的执着,其间隐藏着一个力图扩张的自我。

    Novalis , known as " Macabre Poet ", attempts to comprehend the meaning life by eulogizing night and death , hence showing his persistent belief in life with a hidden extending self .