
  1. 证券交易信息系统与交易运行模式辨析

    On Information System of Securities Trading and Patterns of Trading Operation

  2. 基于反操纵的证券交易信息披露制度分析

    Analysis on the Mechanism of Security Transaction Information Disclosure Based on Anti-manipulation

  3. 证券交易信息通信安全体系的研究

    Study on Safety of Communication System for Stock Exchange

  4. 从赢富数据争议谈证券交易信息的法律保护

    Legal Protection of Securities Trading Information from the Perspective of " Yingfu Data " Dispute

  5. 各种传播媒介传播证券交易信息必须真实、观,禁止误导。

    Securities trading information disseminated by all media must be factual and objective and not misleading .

  6. (四)由于所任公司职务可以获取公司有关证券交易信息的人员;

    Personnel who , because of their offices in the company they serve , can have access to information relevant to the company 's securities trading ;

  7. 首先对证券交易信息系统的特性进行了阐述,介绍了证券公司交易系统的主要模式。

    At the very beginning , characteristics of securities trading information system are represented , which briefly introduce the main patterns of the information system of the securities company .

  8. 证券交易信息权利的保护,更是直接影响着证券市场的有序运行,关乎投资者对市场的信心,关系到证券市场的健康发展。

    The protection of information right directly impacts the orderly operation of the stock market , concerns the confidence of the investors to the market , concerns the healthy development of the stock market .

  9. 证券交易所交易信息权利的法律保护研究

    Legal Protection of Exchanges ' Right on Trading Information

  10. 编造并传播证券交易虚假信息罪争议研究

    On Dispute of the Crime of Concocting and Disseminating Hypocritical Information of Exchange of Securities

  11. 第六十七条禁止证券交易内幕信息的知情人员利用内幕信息进行证券交易活动。

    Article 67 . Security exchange personnel with inside information are not allowed to engage in securities trading activities using inside information .

  12. 第七十条知悉证券交易内幕信息的知情人员或者非法获取内幕信息的其他人员,不得买入或者卖出所持有的该公司的证券,或者泄露该信息或者建议他人买卖该证券。

    Article 70 . Personnel with inside information about a company 's securities trading , or other personnel having illegitimate access to inside information , shall not buy or sell the company 's securities , leak the information , or suggest that other people buy or sell the securities .

  13. 因此,网上证券交易系统中信息的安全性已经越来越成为人们日益关注的问题。

    So , safety of Internet security trading system becomes the issue that people pay attention to increasingly all the more .

  14. 但是,我国现行法律制度并没有对证券交易所的交易信息权利提供充足的保护。

    But the existing laws and regulations of our country fail to provide adequate protection for the rights of the securities trading information .

  15. 但近年来,许多中介机构公然违反勤勉尽责义务,或者与发行人通谋,造成证券发行和交易信息披露的瑕疵,给投资者带来损失。

    However , in recent years the violation of due diligence and colluding with issuers by some intermediate agencies give rise to flaws in issuing of securities and leakage of transaction information , which cause great losses for investors .

  16. 对投资者极大化生命期期望消费效用的最优化问题,在较一般情形下给出了由证券交易价格(部分信息)决定的最优投资消费策略显式解;

    An explicit solution is shown to the optimization problem of an investor who wants to maximize the expected total utility from consumption with partial information .

  17. 第二节集中探讨了网上证券交易的安全问题,主要是从网上证券交易的信息问题和电子签名问题两个方面进行了论述,提出应借鉴境外的经验来完善我国的相关立法。

    The second section focus on the security of the internet securities transaction , mainly from the angle of the internet securities information and the electronic signature , and argues that we should take the foreign experience as reference so as to perfect our legislation .

  18. 而所谓证券经纪人制度是旨在规范合法的前提下证券经纪商通过经纪人直接向客户提供证券交易、证券信息、证券分析、证券投资理财等服务的一种高层次、多功能、专业化的新型服务制度。

    The securities brokers ' system is a new service system through which the securities brokers can directly provide high-quality , diversified and professional services , such as stock exchange , securities ' information , analysis and management , by securities professional personnel .