
tǎo lùn zǔ
  • discussion group
  1. 教材讨论组

    Teaching material discussion group

  2. Git已经为有兴趣参与并更多了解项目的人们设立了讨论组。

    A discussion group is set up for Git # for those interested to participate and to know more about the project .

  3. 全球新闻网络是由多个被称为新闻组的讨论组组成,任何人都可以注册加入。

    Usenet is a collection of discussion groups , known as newsgroups , to which anybody can subscribe .

  4. 本文主要介绍如何通过Internet上专题讨论组&邮件列表来获取我们所需要信息资源

    The paper mainly introduces how to gaining information resources through special forum on Internet-mailing List

  5. 请阅读原贴,并可在rest讨论组中进行讨论。

    Do check original post , and the discussions available in the rest-discuss group .

  6. 人们已经建立了一个Google讨论组,用以跟踪讨论并宣传该计划。

    A Google Group has been formed to track discussions and publicise the program .

  7. 在Scrumdevelopment讨论组中对此话题展开了热烈讨论,力求找到问题答案。

    An interesting discussion on the Scrum Development group tries to address this concern and find some answers .

  8. 在讨论组中能够通过email对风险进行鉴别,分析并作出计划。

    Enable email for discussion groups for risk identification , analysis , and plan .

  9. 在AgileLeader讨论组外,还有一些人就可持续速度的话题发表了自己的看法。

    Outside of the Agile Leaders group a number of commentators have discussed Sustainable Pace .

  10. ExtremeProgramming讨论组上有一个有趣的讨论,AlistairCockburn在其中分享了他认为影响“团队涌流”的一些主要干扰

    In an interesting discussion on the Extreme Programming group , Alistair Cockburn shared the dominant interruptions which disturb the flow of a team

  11. Buddha的问题表面上得到了答案,但是讨论组继续探讨问题背后的潜在议题。

    The most basic aspect of Buddha 's question was answered , but the list discussion went on to examine some of the subtler issues present in it .

  12. 改进代码质量论坛:作为专注于改进代码质量的顾问,AndrewGlover将自己的许多专业意见都带到了这个他主持的讨论组中。

    Improve Your Code Quality : Andrew Glover brings his considerable expertise as a consultant focused on improving code quality to this moderated discussion forum .

  13. 此前,新浪微博已经具备了讨论组、虚拟会议和市场等社交网络功能丰富的功能使得新浪微博无论是与twitter还是facebook相比,都是一种更加完善和多样化的社交媒体平台。

    That comes in addition to social networking functions such as discussion groups and virtual meeting and market places a mixture that makes Sina Weibo a more complete and varied social media platform than either twitter or Facebook .

  14. 目前,IRC讨论组rubinius是得到信息的最好渠道(当然,直接读源代码也是非常有效的方式)。

    At the moment , the IRC channel # rubinius is the best source for information ( besides , of course , the source ) .

  15. 招聘人员和雇主比较关注的网络板块包括:编程大赛、代码分享网站GitHub上的个人档案、商务社交网站LinkedIn上的个人资料和讨论组,以及个人网站与博客。

    Some Internet trolling grounds for recruiters and employers : coding competitions , profiles on code-sharing site GitHub , LinkedIn profiles and discussion groups , and personal websites and blogs .

  16. JorgeArgus在敏捷测试讨论组里发起了一个有意思的话题,讨论在敏捷项目里采用跟踪矩阵的必要性,引发了大家热烈的讨论。

    In a raging discussion on the Agile Testing Group , Jorge Argus initiated an interesting thread on the need for a traceability matrix in an Agile project .

  17. 其次,应该主动打造QQ育人阵地,创建大学生思想政治教育新模式,如一对一的个别指导模式、讨论组的探究协作模式、交流群的对话教学模式。

    In the second place , they should build QQ education positions , create a new model of ideological and political education , such as " one to one " tutorial mode ," discussion group " collaborative model of inquiry ," communication group " dialogue teaching mode .

  18. 诸如Advogato、Kuro5hin和MetaFilter这些类似的网站均引入了一些创新理念,其核心就是怎样将网络技术应用于讨论组的社会生命力上。

    Other similar sites , such as Advogato , Kuro5hin , and MetaFilter , have introduced innovative ideas around how to apply technology to the social dynamics of discussion groups .

  19. 曾经有些关于考虑来自WS-CAF的相似成果是否会对WS-TX有所帮助的说法,但是在讨论组中已经超过一年没有讨论过这个话题了。

    There was some mention about looking at whether similar efforts from WS-CAF could be leveraged into WS-TX , but there has been no discussion in the group about this for over a year .

  20. 查找发表到本讨论组的、包含给定的词或模式的文章。

    Find articles posted to this discussion matching words or patterns .

  21. 然后谈到了如何创建一个新的讨论组;

    Then , discusses how to set up a new Newsgroup ;

  22. 这是无机生物化学讨论组的网站。

    This is the website of the Inorganic Biochemistry Discussion Group .

  23. 讨论组你可以找到适合你的市场。

    You may find discussion groups that cater to your market .

  24. 我们的5V5讨论组会对此展开争论并且预测勇士队的未来。

    Our 5-on-5 crew debates and predicts Golden State 's future .

  25. 通过串联讨论组和实时聊天的主意管理;

    Idea management through threaded discussion groups and real-time chat ;

  26. 参加关于某个主题的各方面的讨论组。

    Participate in discussion groups on a diverse range of special-interest topics .

  27. 来自联机讨论组、论坛等的内容。

    Content from online discussion groups , forums , etc.

  28. 我七点半要去英文讨论组。

    I 've got English comp discussion group at7:30 .

  29. 什么小组讨论组

    What group ? It 's a discussion group .

  30. 今天早上在专题讨论组里我还谈到了另外一点即游戏中的历险体验。

    Another thing I talked about this in this morning 's panel is adventures .