
  • 网络noise cancellation headphone;anc;sony
  1. 降噪耳机通常都能排除低频噪音。

    Noise cancelling headphones usually do away with low pitches .

  2. 你拿这降噪耳机干嘛用呢?

    So what do you need the headphones for ?

  3. 你俩走之前,能帮我测试一下这降噪耳机吗?好呀。

    Before you leave , could you test these noise-cancelling headphones ? Yeah , sure . Okay .

  4. 此外,车内还提供冰咖啡、冰沙、降噪耳机、毛巾等。

    In addition , it also provides iced coffee , ice sand , noise reduction headphones , towels and so on .

  5. 在坐火车或乘飞机时,为了不受周围噪音干扰,建议使用降噪耳机听音乐,这样可以在音量较小的情况下保持声音清晰。

    For people trying to drown out the noise of flying or train journeys , it says noise-cancelling headphones allow music to be heard clearly at a lower volume .

  6. 我们来看看,我的壁式手机充电器和其他设备,相机的备用记忆卡,还有在飞机上用的降噪耳机。

    Let 's see , I have wall chargers for my cell phone and other devices , extra memory cards for my camera , and noise-canceling headphones for the airplane .

  7. 造成这种情况的罪魁祸首是:员工在用耳机听音乐,或戴上降噪耳机免受干扰。玛丽莎约有四分之三的同事戴着耳机工作,耳机也正成为美国各地办公场所的一样必备工具。

    The culprit : ear buds playing music and noise-canceling headphones . Roughly three-quarters of Ms. Yu 's co-workers wear them , and they 're increasingly becoming de rigueur ear-wear in offices throughout the country .

  8. 如果说碧昂斯是21世纪音乐界的主导人物,也许是因为流行音乐又回归到了19世纪轻歌舞剧的根源,回到了我们通过高保真音响或降噪耳机聆听没有实体的声音之前的时代,那时音乐是唯一的表演艺术。

    If Beyonc é is the dominant figure in 21st-century music , perhaps it 's because pop has circumnavigated back to its 19th-century vaudevillian roots , to a time before disembodied voices came to us through hi-fi speakers or noise-canceling headphones , when music was , exclusively , a performing art .

  9. 最后,总结了降噪蓝牙耳机需要改善的方面,并对以后蓝牙耳机的发展方向进行了展望。

    At last , advices to the test items were given in detail . Finally , it summarizes the need to improve aspects of noise reduction Bluetooth headset , Bluetooth headset and future development direction of the prospect .