
jiànɡ luò chǎnɡ
  • landing field;landing area
  1. 直升机降落场坡度探测仪

    Detector for Gradient of Helicopter Landing Area

  2. 他们接到命令为基地建一处直升机降落场。

    They were ordered to build a helicopter landing site for their base .

  3. 亚伯拉罕的军队在太空船发射降落场的通路前进。

    Abraham blocks the advance at the gateway to the Spaceport .

  4. 尼格尔和尼奴塔毁灭了太空船发射降落场和周游的迦南城市。

    Nergal and Ninurta destroy the spaceport and the errant Canaanite cities .

  5. 当有乱流时千万不要一直看者你的伞,要注意地面情况(高度、降落场)。

    Look on the ground when you are in turbulence and don 't look your wing all the time .

  6. 这座新官邸中还设有直升机降落场、健身俱乐部、空中花园和6层停车场。

    His new pad will also include a helipad , health club , hanging gardens and six floors of car parking .

  7. 正当拿布集合他的迦南追随者去捕获太空船发射降落场,伟大的安奴那其批准使用核武器。

    As Nabu marshals his Canaanite followers to capture the Spaceport , the Great Anunnaki approve of the use of nuclear weapons .

  8. 汤姆把飞机安全地降落在着陆场上。

    Tom landed the plane safely in the field .

  9. 拉里觉得这种飞机要能降落在滑雪场上,谢尔盖认为它要能停靠在曼哈顿的码头。

    Larry said the plane should be able to land on ski slopes , and Sergey said it needed to be able to dock at a port in Manhattan .

  10. 降落区是安全降落场。

    The landing path is the safety path .