
  • 网络lipid-lowering drugs;lipid lowering agents;lipid-lowering agents
  1. 在一些患者中还可见LDL或“坏胆固醇”增加,其中部分患者需要加用降脂药。

    Elevations in the LDL or bad cholesterol were also seen in some patients , some of whom required the addition of lipid lowering agents .

  2. 对照组给予ACS的一般治疗,不予任何降脂药;

    Control group just only accepted routine therapy of ACS except non-lipid-lowering drugs ;

  3. 目的:观察贝特类降脂药对2型糖尿病(DM)伴高三酰甘油血症患者的降脂作用及对脑血管病变的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of fibrates on blood lipid and cerebral vessels in patients with NIDD .

  4. 目的探讨降脂药辛伐他汀对大鼠成骨细胞代谢的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of simvastatin on osteoblast metabolism .

  5. 急性冠脉综合征炎症反应及他汀类降脂药的抗炎机制

    Inflammation in Acute Coronary Syndrome and Anti-inflammation Mechanisms of Statin

  6. 降脂药非诺贝特的临床研究

    A clinical investigation on a hyperlipemia remission drug & fenofibrate

  7. 武汉地区2000-2002年降脂药用药情况分析

    A Study of the Medication of Antihyperlipidemic Drugs in Wuhan During 2000-2002

  8. 目的:合成降脂药辛伐他汀。

    Objective : To improve synthetic route of simvastatin .

  9. 贝特类降脂药对2型糖尿病患者的降脂作用及脑血管病变的影响

    The effect of fibrates on blood lipid and cerebral vessels in patients with NIDD

  10. 前言:目的:探讨武汉地区降脂药的应用状况及市场趋势。

    Objective : To investigate the administration and market trend of antihyperlipidemic drugs in Wuhan .

  11. 治疗心血管疾病的药物主要有强心药、抗心律失常药、抗高血压药、抗心绞痛药、降脂药等。

    Cardiovascular medicine mainly includes cardiotonic , antiarrhythmic drugs , antihypertensive drugs and antianginal drugs etc.

  12. 方法:测定靛红100mg/kg对正常大鼠血胆固醇水平的影响,分别与空白对照组和降脂药进行比较;

    Methods : Determine the effect of isatin 100 mg / kg on the level of serum cholesterin in normal rats .

  13. 阿托伐他汀是一种疗效确切的降脂药,目前研究表明阿托伐他汀对于颈动脉粥样硬化症的改善有效。

    Atorvastatin is a kind of definite therapeutic cholesterol-lowering drug . The present studies show that atorvastatin is valid for carotid arteries atherosclerosis improvement .

  14. 目的:观察保肝药益肝灵、降脂药非诺贝特及同时具有保肝和降脂功效的中成药疏肝降脂片对高脂饲料致大鼠脂肪肝模型肝功能及血清甘油三酯的影响。

    Objective : To study the effects of different treatment plans on the liver function and serum triglyceride of hyperlipidemia - induced fatty liver rat model .

  15. 研究证实,降血脂药的应用可减少心脏病死亡率24%,减少非致死性心脏病发作率19%。降脂药能延缓或减轻AS病变的发展,并促进其消退。

    Study showed , that antihyperlipidemic medicine can reduce mortality of heart disease and outbreak rate of nonlethal heart disease by 24 % and 19 % respectively .

  16. 并简要介绍神经保护药、降脂药、降压药以及新提出的一些可能有效药物,如基于抗炎症的药物及基因治疗的研究进展。

    Neuroprotectives , medicines for lowering blood pressure and lipid , as well as some new potential drugs with anti-inflammatory effect and for gene therapy are briefly discussed .

  17. 与此相反,前列腺癌的发病率、分期和分级在其它降脂药(如贝特类和降脂树脂)的使用者和非使用者间无显著差异。

    In contrast , there were no significant differences seen for prostate cancer incidence , stage or grade between users and non-users of other cholesterol drugs ( e.g.fibrates , resins ) .

  18. 方法:采用嘌呤霉素引起的肾病综合征大鼠模型,以有效的降脂药普伐他汀作阳性对照,观察黄芪当归合剂的作用。

    Methods : Effect of AAM was observed in puromycin amino-nucleoside induced nephrotic syndrome model of rat , and pravachol , an effective lipid lowering medicine , was used as Positive control .

  19. 美联社说,美国科罗拉多州的儿科医生,是这个指南的作者之一,他也是雅培和黙克公司的顾问,但(他提供咨询的范围)并不涉及到这两家公司的降脂药。

    Daniels , a Colorado pediatrician who was one of the authors of the guidelines , has consulted for Abbott and Merck , but not on matters involving their cholesterol drugs , the AP said .

  20. 建立小鼠高胆固醇血症模型,测定靛红100mg/kg和150mg/kg对血胆固醇水平的影响,分别与正常对照组和降脂药进行比较。

    Establish the hypercholesterolemia model in mice , determine the effect of isatin 100 mg / kg and 150 mg / kg on the level of serum cholesterin , compare the results with normal control group and lipanthyl 95 mg / kg group respectively .

  21. 本课题用兔的动脉粥样硬化模型为研究对象,给予烟酸及他汀类药物干预,随后探讨其对于动脉粥样硬化斑块病理组织结构等方面的影响,并与单独应用他汀类降脂药比较。

    This dissertation uses the rabbits ' atheromatous plaque as research object , intervenes them with niacin and statins , explores the effect of niacin and statins on the pathological organization of the atheromatous plaque , and at last compares the effect that is only used statins .

  22. 降脂治疗被医药学界认为是预防治疗心脑血管疾病的重要方法,并积极开发降脂药。

    Lowering blood lipid level therapy is considered a very important method in preventing and treating cardiovascular disease , so many lipid modifying drugs are developed for this cause .