
  • 网络Carcinoma Of Tail Of Pancreas
  1. 结论:初发临床体征为孤立性脉络膜病灶经证实为胰尾癌的报告鲜见。

    · CONCLUSION : There are few reports that demonstrate the significance of a solitary choroidal lesion as the initial clinical sign of cancer of the tail of the pancreas .

  2. 胰体尾癌肝转移的外科治疗

    Surgical therapy of pancreatic body and tail cancer with hepatic metastasis

  3. 20例胰体尾癌的外科治疗体会

    Surgical Treatment of 20 Cases with Pancreatic Carcinoma of Body and Tail

  4. 积极手术切除肿瘤是胰体尾癌患者获得长期生存的唯一途径。

    Radical resection is the unique method for long survival .

  5. 胰体尾癌95例诊断与外科治疗分析

    Diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic body and tail carcinoma

  6. 应用电化学疗法和腹腔化疗泵注射治疗中晚期胰体尾癌

    Electrochemical therapy and implanted ports treatment for unresectable carcinoma of body and tail of pancreas

  7. 胰体尾癌应通过脾动脉插管化疗。

    Splenic artery is proper for the carcinoma in the body and tail of pancreas .

  8. 射频消融治疗不能切除的胰体尾癌

    Radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of unresectable carcinoma of the body and tail of the pancreas

  9. 联合腹腔干切除在胰体尾癌扩大根治术中的应用

    Application of combining resection of the celiac axis in extended distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic body-tail carcinoma

  10. 术中超声引导下射频消融治疗晚期胰体尾癌的临床研究

    Clinical study of intra-operative ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation for treatment of unresectable carcinoma of pancreatic body or tail

  11. 目的探讨并总结胰体尾癌的手术切除方法和经验。

    Objective To review our experience in the surgical management of pancreatic carcinoma of body and tail .

  12. 皮下置入药泵区域化疗在治疗不能切除的胰体尾癌中的初步应用

    Clinical application of regional chemotherapy with subcutaneous placed drug pump for unresectable carcinoma of pancreatic body and tail

  13. 目的探讨胰体尾癌的临床特征,提高术前切除率的估计,总结手术切除方法以提高切除率。

    Objective To explore clinical features and preoperative evaluation of pancreatic carcinoma of body and tail , improve resection rates .

  14. 结论术中超声引导下射频消融治疗晚期胰体尾癌是一种安全有效的姑息性疗法。

    Conclusions US-guided RFA is an effective and safe treatment for unresectable carcinoma of pancreatic body and tail during operation .

  15. 65例胰体尾癌诊治教训与经验

    Lessons and Experience in Diagnosis and Treatment of the Carcinom of Body and Tail of Pancreas : Report of 56 Cases

  16. 结论对于胰体尾癌,尤其是有腹膜后重要血管和腹腔神经丛浸润的晚期癌,通过努力完全可以手术切除。

    Conclusion For the pancreatic carcinoma of body and tail , especially with infusion of vessel and neuroplexus , surgical resection is possible .

  17. 结论积极行手术切除肿瘤是胰体尾癌肝转移患者获得长期生存的惟一途径,术中肝动脉栓塞化疗是治疗肝转移灶的重要方法。

    Conclusion Radical resection is the unique method for long survival and hepatic arterial embolization chemotherapy in operation is an important way for hepatic metastasis .

  18. 方法比较保留脾脏与切除脾脏的胰体尾癌术式的手术出血量、并发症发生率、患者细胞免疫功能、生存期。

    Methods The operative blood loss , incidence of complication , cell immune function and survival time were compared between the Spleen-preserving Group and the Spleen Resection Group .

  19. 结果24例胰腺癌中,胰头癌19例,胰体尾癌5例;

    Results : Among 24 patients of pancreatic carcinoma , 19 were pancreatic head carcinoma , 5 were pancreatic body or tail carcinoma ;

  20. 方法:病理证实胰腺癌37例,胰头癌28例,胰体癌5例,胰尾癌4例。

    Methods : 37 cases pancreatic cancer were proved pathologically , including 28 cases of pancreas caput cancer , 5 cases of pancreas corpus cancer and 4 cases of pancreas cauda cancer .

  21. 结果:胰头颈部癌152例,胰体癌12例,胰尾癌4例。

    Results : 152 cases were in head and neck of pancreas , 12 cases were in pancreas body , 4 cases were in pancreas tail .

  22. 结果:本组胰腺癌53例,其中胰头癌33例,胰颈癌4例、胰体癌14例,胰尾癌2例。

    Results : There are 33 cases with pancreatic carcinoma in the head of pancreas , 4 cases in the neck of pancreas , 14 cases in the body of pancreas , 2 cases in the tail of pancreas .