- 名chymotrypsin

Chymotrypsin attacks the same peptide bonds that pepsin does .
Chymotrypsin 22 000 ATEE U · mg - 1 protein , 19.5 × 10 6 ATEE U ;
Chymotrypsin inhibitors ( CIs ) in insect haemolymph play a major function of proteinase controlling which is essential to life , and they are also important factors in innate immune system .
The influence of organic solvents , pH values , ionic strengths and ionic types on the stability of α chymotrypsin was preliminarily studied . The secondary structure of α chymotrypsin in different pH was studied by circular dichroism ( CD ) spectra .
Immobilization of α - Chymotrypsin and its Application to Resolution of DL-Phenylalanine
Preparation of Immobilized Chymotrypsin by Chitosan-arginine Resin and Its Properties
ResultsA clear inhibitor band on the gel was observed after chymotrypsin treatment .
A molecular dynamics study of the activation of chymotrypsinogen
The activity and stability of α chymotrypsin in different media were studied .
Post-stroke dementia is associated with α _1-antichymotrypsin polymorphism
Association between alpha-1-antichymotrypsin gene polymorphism and cerebral hemorrhage
The polymorphsim distribution of CI exhibited the similar pattern in both the Japanese and Chinese strains .
The results showed that all the preparations from the larval intestines contained chymotrypsin-like and trypsin-like enzymes .
A study of chymotrypsin inhibitors in the hemolymph of the silkworm , Bombyx mori & polymorpism among different races
It revealed high inhibition specificity toward serine proteinases ( bovine trypsin , bovine chymotrypsin , and porcine trypsin ) .
The specific binding of phenylboronic acid to chymotrypsin was considered to account for the stabilizing effect of enzyme activity during reverse micelles extraction .
Chymotrypsin was activated by Ca ~ ( 2 + ) and low concentrations of Mg ~ ( 2 + ) and Cu ~ ( 2 + );
Investigation of Chymotrypsin Inhibitor Types From Haemolymph of the Eri Silkworm , Philosamia cynthia ricini STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKER ON THE BLOOD COAGULATION OF THE SEVERELY FROZEN RATS
Being a small peptide molecule , protamine 's basic structure can be destroyed and it 's antimicrobial efficacy largely affected by some protein enzymes like chymotrypsin , trypsin , papain and pepsin .
The effect of phenylboronic acid , a competitive inhibitor , on the extraction process and activity recovery of α - chymotrypsin by AOT [ sodium 1,4-bis ( 2-ethylhexyl ) sulfusuccinate ] reverse micelles was studied .
The results displayed that AK was easily degraded by pepsin than TM , while TM was not resistant to trypsin and chymotrypsin digestion .
SPI hydrolysates induced by several commercial proteinases ( subtilisin protease , chymotrypsin , trypsin , papain , and Protex ) were analyzed by the SDS-PAGE .
Inhibitory assay showed that rETIa had inhibitory activities against trypsin , chymotrypsin and tPA deletion variant NTA .
As a member of the serine proteinase inhibitor family , potato proteinase inhibitor II ( Pin II ) resists against insects broadly and stably because it contains two reactive sites , one of which inhibits trypsin and the other of which inhibits chymotrypsin .
The Bowman-Birk inhibitor ( BBI ) is a soybean-derived serine protease inhibitor with a well-characterized ( ability ) to inhibit trypsin and chymotrypsin simultaneously . BBI , both purified BBI and extract of soybeans named BBI concentrate ( BBIC ) have been studied extensively .
For digestion , chymotrypsin and pepsin with broader specificity were used as complementary enzymes to trypsin .
SPs are divided into several types , including the trypsin , chymotrypsin and elastase , based on the target scissile bond .
Biochemical studies of memory and learning ⅱ . influence of hippocampus injection of pancreatic trypsin and chymotrypsin on memory of dark box avoidance ( dba ) task in albino rats
The inhibition ability and stability of proteinase inhibitor of potatoes were studied in this paper . The results showed that PI has obvious inhibition ability to trypsin and chymotrypsin , but it is stronger to chymotrypsin than to trypsin .
Cloning and Relative Quantitative Determination of Trypsin-like Enzyme and Chymotrypsin-like Enzyme Genes in Larval Midgut of Bt Susceptible and Resistant Helicoverpa armigera