
  • 网络antacid;antiacids
  1. 抗酸药研究进展

    Development of the study on antacids

  2. 英国的一项研究发出警告,抗酸药可能不是被认为的那样是无害的。

    A study in Britain warns that antacids may not be as innocuous as they are thought to be .

  3. 1例术后有反流症状,经抗反流及抗酸药治疗后症状缓解。

    Case with postoperative reflux was relieved by antiacid and antireflux management .

  4. 强调围手术期常规应用速尿、抗酸药、胰岛素等。

    Frusemide , antacid and insuline were used in the perioperation period .

  5. 我院2003年~2005年抗酸药与抗消化性溃疡药应用分析

    Utilization of Antiacids and Anti-ulcer Agents in Our Hospital from 2003 to 2005

  6. 未见全身性反应。目的研制新型抗酸药铝镁加的合成方法。

    No systemic reaction has been found . Objective To study the synthesis of almagate .

  7. 长期服用大剂量抗酸药的病人骨折的风险高出2。

    The risk was2.6 times higher among people who took high doses oer a long period .

  8. 去药店是买布洛芬和抗酸药,而不是避孕套和早孕试纸了。

    You go to the drug store for ibuprofen and antacid , not condoms and pregnancy tests .

  9. MgAl-LDHs/NiFeO及其焙烧产物作为一种新型的磁靶向抗酸药具有较广泛的应用前景。

    The MgAl-LDHs / NiFeO and its calcined product can be used as a novel magnetic targeted antacid drug .

  10. 1996年~2002年南京地区医院抗酸药及治疗消化性溃疡病类药应用分析

    Analysis of the Use of Antiacids and Other Drugs for Peptic Ulcer in Nanjing During the Period 1996 ~ 2002

  11. 前言:目的:分析我院近3年来抗酸药与抗消化性溃疡药的使用状况。

    OBJECTIVE : To utilization of antiacids and anti-ulcer agents in our hospital during the recent three years ( 2003 ~ 2005 ) .