
  • 网络seismic fortification intensity;seismic precautionary intensity;anti-seismic fortify intensity
  1. 抗震设防烈度的决策分析方法研究

    Research on decision analysis method of seismic fortification intensity

  2. 场地条件和抗震设防烈度是影响中高层住宅设计和施工的两个重要因素。

    Site conditions and seismic fortification intensity are the key factors affecting the design and construction of mid-highrise residential building .

  3. 两种CS板式结构均可用于抗震设防烈度为7度的地震区。

    Two kinds of CS plate structure can be used for seismic intensity of 7-degree earthquake zone .

  4. 抗震设防烈度为7度。

    The seismic intensity at the bridge site is 7 degree .

  5. 浅析不同设计使用期建筑结构抗震设防烈度的选取

    Selection of seismic design intensity of strustures with different design term

  6. 9度抗震设防烈度地区建筑施工的差异分析

    Differential Analysis on Building Construction in Areas of 9 Degree Seismic Fortification Intensity

  7. 提高福建省教育建筑抗震设防烈度的探讨

    Discussion on the Upgrade Fortified Intensity to Vibration Tolerance of School Buildings in Fujian Province

  8. 提高教育建筑抗震设防烈度可行性与必要性的探讨

    Studies on the feasibility and necessity to upgrade the fortified intensity of school buildings in vibration tolerance

  9. 抗震设防烈度的变化对框架结构钢筋用量影响的定量分析

    Quantitive analysis to the influence of steel quantity in frame structure due to change of aseismatic design intensity

  10. 本建筑属寒冷地区的乙类高层医疗建筑,抗震设防烈度为8度。

    This is a 2nd class tall medical building in cold area , with fortification of 8-degree seismic intensity .

  11. 分析结果表明,不同的悬索桥在相同抗震设防烈度的地面加速度作用下,一般会有不同的反应。

    The results show that different suspension bridges may react differently under earthquake accelerations of the same seismic fortification intensity .

  12. 按抗震设防烈度7度判别,①层淤泥质砂为液化土层。

    Judged by seismic fortification intensity , the ( 1 ) layer is muddy sand , which is the liquefaction layer .

  13. 基于场地条件和抗震设防烈度的中高层住宅结构选型优化可用于住宅的初步设计。

    Lectotype optimization of mid-highrise residential building based on site conditions and seismic fortification intensity is used for the original design of residential building .

  14. 兰州是全国直辖市及省会城市中抗震设防烈度8度的重点抗震城市之一。

    Lanzhou city is one of the major seismic fortified city whose seismic fortification intensity is 8 of all the capital city in our country .

  15. 根据计算的各抗震设防烈度对应的地震作用及开裂荷载、屈服荷载设计出加载制度;采用液压伺服装置进行低周反复荷载试验。

    The loading process is designed on the basis of the cracking and yielding loads and earthquake action as calculated for seismic load of fortification intensity .

  16. 随着抗震设防烈度的提高,含钢量和钢材价格的敏感性在提高,而墙板的敏感性在降低。

    The sensitivity of steel ratio and steel price is raised along with the improvement of seismic fortification intensity , but the wallboard price is on the contrary .

  17. 介绍抗震设防烈度九度区场地建造尿素造粒塔的建筑及结构设计,并探讨其技术关键。

    The author introduces the architecture and structure design of urea prilling tower construction in the 9 degree seismic intensity region and the technical key points are discussed .

  18. 最后,通过研究框架结构的连续倒塌规律,分析了楼板和抗震设防烈度对框架抗连续倒塌性能的影响。

    At last , the influence of slabs and seismic design on PC resistance of the two RC frames is discussed by analyzing the PC law of RC frames .

  19. 公式反映了抗震设防烈度、场地类型、建筑总高度及地基土条件等影响因素。

    The influence factors , such as : the intensity of earthquake , the type of site , the total height of building and the soil condition have been taken into account .

  20. 研究了抗震设防烈度的决策分析方法,提出了最优经济设防烈度和最优安全设防烈度的两种决策分析模型,并引出了社会可接受死亡率的概念。

    In this paper , the decision analysis method of seismic design intensity is studied . Two decision analysis methods of optimal economic design intensity and optimal safe design intensity are put forward .

  21. 以合理的建筑方案和结构方案为前提,在抗震设防烈度为8度的地区,采用钢筋混凝土异形柱与矩形柱组合框架-剪力墙结构建造10~15层的高层住宅是可行的。

    Premise to the reasonable architectural plan and structural plan , to build 10 ~ 15 storey high-rise dwelling house with special-shaped columns and rectangular columns in the eight degree anti-seismic fortified zone is feasible .

  22. 随着地震设防烈度的增加(加速度峰值的增大),桥墩的位移延性系数随之增大;本文建议对不同抗震设防烈度提出相应的位移延性要求。

    With the increasing of seismic fortification intensity ( peak acceleration of the earthquake increased ), the displacement ductility coefficient of piers increases . This paper suggests that different displacement ductility demands should be adopted for different seismic fortification intensity .

  23. 根据规范中考虑的三个概率水准的设防烈度之间的平均相互关系,建议了一种可以用于估计不同服役期结构抗震设防烈度的简便方法。

    On basis of mutual relations among three level probabilistic earthquake protection intensities , which are considered in seismic design code , a simplified method for estimating design basic intensity of structures with different service period and acceptable hazard level is presented .

  24. 然后对计算结果做了详细的对比研究。(4)研究了地震波输入维数及方向,几何非线性和抗震设防烈度这三个因素对塔机地震响应的影响规律。

    Then made a detailed comparative study on the calculation results . ( 4 ) The effects of seismic wave dimensions and directions , geometric nonlinearity and the seismic intensity of these three factors on the tower crane seismic response have been studied .

  25. 抗震设防烈度为6,7度时,网架杆件控制内力的主导组合是1.2静+1.4活和1.2静+1.4风;

    In the regions of 6 and 7 fortification intensity , the mainly controlling internal forces of the trusses of grid are the work case combinations of 1.2 multiply dead load plus 1.4 multiply live load , and 1.2 multiply and 1.4 multiply wind load .

  26. 最后以具体的工程实例阐述了优化选择中高层住宅结构体系的全过程。2.场地条件和抗震设防烈度是影响中高层住宅设计和施工的两个重要因素。

    At last , an example is given to illustrate the overall process of optimal selection of structural system of high-rise residential buildings . 2 . Site conditions and seismic fortification intensity are the key factors affecting the design and construction of mid-highrise residential building .

  27. 抗震设防高烈度区异形柱结构设计应注意的两个问题

    Two Important Questions About Structural Design of Special-shaped Columns in the High Earthquake Fortification Zones

  28. 工程抗震设防中的烈度与加速度

    Intensity and acceleration applied in engineering fortification against earthquake

  29. 抗震设防地区评定地震烈度的平均震害指数法

    Assessment of Seismic Intensity with Mean Damage Index in an Earthquake-resistant Region

  30. 汶川地震后大部分建筑物的倒塌使得建筑物的抗震性能和地区设防烈度成为人们非常关注的问题,提高设防区设防烈度的呼声很高。

    Most of the buildings collapsed after Wenchuan earthquake that makes the seismic performance of buildings and areas fortification intensity become of great concern . A loud voice to improve the fortification intensity of the defensive zone .