
kànɡ yínɡ yǎnɡ yīn zǐ
  • antinutritional factor
  1. 植酸盐(phytate,myo-inositolhexophosphate)是植物种子中肌醇的主要来源和磷的主要储存形式,同时也是单胃动物中的一种抗营养因子,是动物粪便中磷污染物的重要来源。

    Phytate ( myo-inositol hexophosphate ), the major source of inositol and the main storage form of phosphorus in plant seeds , serves as an antinutritional factor in monogastric animals as well as a significant source of phosphorus pollutants in animal manures .

  2. 采用对比法首次对吉林省小粒大豆的超氧歧化酶(SOD)活力及抗营养因子胰蛋白酶抑制剂进行了分析研究。

    Activity of superoxide dismutase and trypsin inhibitor , anti nutrition factor , in small grain soybean from Jilin Province were studied .

  3. 大豆种子中的磷(P)60%~80%以植酸的形式存在,而植酸对于人和单胃动物是一种抗营养因子。

    In soybean seed , about 60 % - 80 % phosphorous ( P ) is stored as phytic acid , which is believed as an important anti-nutrition factor to human being and non-ruminant livestock .

  4. 几种大豆抗营养因子对牙鲆(Paralichthysolivaceus)生长和消化生理的影响

    Effects of Antinutritional Factors in Soybean on the Growth Performance and Digestive Physiology of Japanese Flounder , Paralichthys Olivaceus

  5. 344只AA肉仔鸡分别从15日龄和35日龄开始饲喂抗营养因子含量不同的日粮至49日龄,以观察大豆抗营养因子对不同年龄阶段和饲喂期肉仔鸡器官重的影响。

    Day old and 35-day old broilers were fed diets containing varying levels of soybean ANFS to investigate the effects of soybean ANFS on organ weights during different age or feeding period .

  6. 抗营养因子(ANF)指的是饲料中(或代谢产物中)所含有的一些对养分消化、吸收、代谢及动物健康和生产性能产生不良影响的物质。

    Anti nutritional factor ( ANF ) in feeds may be defined as substances which by themselves , or through their metabolic products , interfere with nutrient utilization ( including assimilation , digestion , and metabolism ) and affect health and production of animals .

  7. 不同处理方法降解大豆中抗营养因子的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Different Removal Methods of Anti-nutritional Factors in Soybean

  8. 用酶去除大豆抗营养因子的研究

    Studies on Enzymatic Removal of Anti - nutritional Factors in Soybean

  9. 魔芋飞粉中抗营养因子的去除研究

    A Study on the Removal of Anti-Nutritional Factors in Konjac Fly Powder

  10. 大豆抗营养因子钝化失活速度的研究

    Study on passivation & deactivation speed of soybean antinutritional factors

  11. 中国双低菜粕抗营养因子研究

    The Anti - Nutritional Factors in Chinese Double - low Rapeseed Meal

  12. 菜籽粕中抗营养因子及其去除方法的研究进展

    Research progress on anti-nutrients and detoxification methods of rapeseed meal

  13. 菜籽饼粕中的抗营养因子和毒性成分对饲用价值的影响

    Effects of anti-nutritive and toxic factors in rapeseed cake on feeding value

  14. 鱼饲料中植物原料抗营养因子的研究

    Antinutritional factors in plant feedstuff used in fish formulated feeds

  15. 热处理方法对大豆中抗营养因子的钝化作用

    Effect of heat treatment on anti-nutrition factor passivation in soybeans

  16. 大豆中营养因子和抗营养因子研究进展

    Study progress on nutritional and antinutritional factors in soy

  17. 常见饲料中抗营养因子及对动物的影响

    The anti nutritional factors in the conventional feed and their effect to animals

  18. 大麦抗营养因子及其抗营养机理

    The Anti nutritive Factor of Barley and Its Mechanism of Anti nutritive Activity

  19. 大豆中主要抗营养因子对鱼类的影响

    Effects of main antinutritional factors in soybean on fish

  20. 膨化加工对全脂大豆养分含量和抗营养因子的作用

    Effect of Extrusion on Nutrient Composition and Antinutritional Factors

  21. 糙米皮层中抗营养因子酶解条件的研究

    Study on Conditions of Enzymatic Hydrolyzing Anti - nutrition Factor in Brown Rice

  22. 家庭制豆浆中抗营养因子含量变化分析

    Analysis of anti-nutritional factors in home-made soybean milk

  23. 蚕豆抗营养因子研究

    On Research of Anti-nutrition Determinant of Broad Bean

  24. 全脂大豆抗营养因子对两种猪种小肠形态结构的影响

    Influence of soybean antinutritional factors on the micromorphology of small intestines of two breeds of swine

  25. 利用微生物发酵法去除菜粕中抗营养因子是比较常用的方法。

    Removal of anti-nutritional factors by microbiological fermentation is a more commonly method in rapeseed meal .

  26. 对大豆中的营养因子和抗营养因子的生理功能,对动物的营养及危害作用进行了论述。

    The physiological function , nutrition effect and harm to animals of these factors were reviewed .

  27. 降低糙米中抗营养因子植酸含量的途径及作用机理的研究

    Study on Method and Mechanism of Decreasing Content of Anti-nutritional Factor Phytic Acid in Brown Rice

  28. 大豆中主要的抗营养因子是胰蛋白酶抑制剂,在其它食用豆中也有存在。

    Trypsin inhibitor is a major antinutricntal element in soybean and also exists in other legumes .

  29. 酶解糙米抗营养因子中超声波强化传质过程的研究

    Studies on Mass Transfer Procedure Enhanced by Ultrasonic Wave for Enzymolysis of Anti-Nutritional Factors in Brown Rice

  30. 热处理对大豆及豆饼抗营养因子和营养价值的影响

    Effect of heat treatment on anti - nutritive factors and nutritive value of soybean and soybean meal