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xiánɡ jiānɡ
  • general who has surrendered
  1. 第三部分,降将的创作意图。

    The third part , down to the creative intent .

  2. 第二部分,降将的价值判断。

    The second part of the value will drop .

  3. 这些电压扰动和电压降将严重影响用户端的电能质量。

    These voltage perturbations along with voltage sag can strongly degrade customer power quality .

  4. 除了以上所提到的运动之外,为何不降将一些其他的运动作为你日常生活的一部分呢?

    In addition to the exercises above , why not make exercising a part of your everyday routine ?

  5. 降将的个人行为影响了双方力量对比,改变了战争格局和推动了战争发展。

    Their personal behavior unbalances the force of both sides , changes the war pattern and pushes the war forward .

  6. 降将对自己的行为进行了辩解,但是他们的背叛失节行为受到了人们的批判与唾弃。

    The military officers make explanations to their own behavior . But their betrayal disloyal behavior is criticized and disdained by people from both sides .

  7. 但是如果电解质中各类电荷载流子的扩散率是不相同的,那么,通过电解质的电压降将是二次方地变化。

    But if the diffusion rate of varies charge carrier in electrolyte is different , so the voltage drop which passed electrolyte would change in square .

  8. 回流通路中的接续头部分是回路中的薄弱环节,若处理不当,电流在该处引起的电压降将成为导致钢轨电位升高的主要因素。

    As the Connector of return current circuit is the weakness in loop , the voltage drop caused by the current will be the main reason of potential rise in rail owing to improper disposal .

  9. 在文本分析的基础上,得出降将的降因有战败被俘、形势所逼、自择明主等三类。

    In the text on the basis of the analysis , the drop will come down because of the defeat has captured the situation by force , since the main , such as prescribed three types of optional .

  10. 一项新研究表明,你的薪水是升是降将取决于老板的新宝宝的性别。而且,孩子的出生还会极大地改变老板对员工的看法。

    Wages can go up or down depending on the baby 's gender and the head of a company could significantly change the way he looks at his employees after the birth of a child , according to new research .

  11. 着重分析降将投降之后的作为,其价值判断定位在三个方面:唯贤是从的择主观、效忠新主的政治观和立功疆场的人生观。

    Analysis will focus on the surrender after the fall of the act , determine the location of its value in three areas : Elite from the Optional subjective concept of allegiance to the New Main and meritorious political battlefield of life .

  12. 通过以上努力,希望能对《三国演义》人物系列的研究进行一些拓展,并引起对《三国演义》中降将群体的关注。

    Through the above efforts , hoping to " Romance of the Three Kingdoms " series figures to carry out some research to expand and cause the " Romance of the Three Kingdoms " in the fall will be the concern of groups .

  13. 对样机的机械特性试验曲线分析可知,在相同的电压条件下,两种工作方式的机械特性有相同的理想空载转速,但容错工作时因负载产生的转速降将增大1倍。

    From the experimental mechanical characteristics curve , it can be obtained that the no load speeds of two operation modes are same under the same voltage , but the speed drop in the case of the fault-tolerance operation is greater than the normal operation because of the load .