
  1. 认识我的哥哥吗?

    Did you know my brother ?

  2. 幸运的是,这个外星人很快就找到了朋友和伙伴——一个孤独的小男孩、十岁的埃利奥特。慢慢地他认识了埃利奥特的哥哥迈克尔、妹妹格蒂,熟悉了地球上的事务。

    Fortunately the extra-terrestrial soon finds a friend and companion , 10-year-old Elliot , a lonely boy himself , and slowly acquaints himself with Elliot 's older brother Michael , his sister Gertie and how things are done on Earth .

  3. 我认识他已经过世的哥哥。

    I knew his late brother .