
  • 网络Cognitive Management;Knowledge management
  1. 所得结论如下:第一,农民工创业隐性知识学习的内容结构包括六个维度:他人管理技能、自我成长、任务认知管理、绩效管理、人际交往和自我调节。

    The conclusions are as follows : First , the peasant workers venture tacit knowledge learning content structure includes six dimensions : other people management skills , the ego growth , tasks cognitive management , performance management , interpersonal and self adjusting .

  2. 社会认知管理作为突发公共事件管理的重要环节,在政府应对和处理危机事件中发挥着关键作用。

    Social cognition as a public emergency management an important part of management , and crisis in the government should play a key role in the incident .

  3. 管理角色动机、晋升机会认知与管理者的创新行为

    Managerial Role Motivation , Promotion Opportunity Cognition and Managers ' Innovative Behavior

  4. 认知·管理·活动:一个管理哲学的研究视角

    Cognition , Administration , Operation : A Research on the Administrative Philosophy

  5. 用正确、理性的认知模式管理压力与不良情绪;

    Using proper and rational methods to manage the stress and bad mood .

  6. 因为采用心理认知的管理理论主要基于:顾客主要是通过其自身的认知来判断银行服务满意度的高低。

    Because adopt the theory of cognitive psychology main base on the viewpoint that : the customers often judge the satisfaction of bank service by their own feeling .

  7. 从医院和医师两个主体着手,从认知、管理、主体参与、先进医疗器械使用、培训等几个方面深入分析了卫生支农中存在的种种误区。

    Mistakes of medical supports for rural areas were analyzed from hospital and doctor 's cognition , management , individual involvement , advanced medical equipment utilization , training and so on .

  8. 利用语义评价量表法调查学生对校园绿地空间的主观感受评价,并通过因子分析确定了主观感受评价的四个评价因子:舒适感、环境认知、管理度、场所感。

    And then through the method of factor analysis , the main factor of the subjective impression is obtained . They are comfort , environment cognition , engagement and the sense of place .

  9. 为此,我国商业银行必须加强对CRM的认知,创新管理理念,重构业务流程,营造重视客户利益和让客户满意的企业文化。

    Therefore , it is necessary for our commercial banks to strengthen the cognition to the CRM , innovate management and re-construction business process , build the enterprise culture of customer benefits and satisfaction .

  10. 计算机支持的协同技术(CSCW)是一个多学科支持的新兴研究领域,如社会学、心理学、认知学和管理学等自然学科领域以及计算机网络技术、多媒体技术、数据库技术等计算机和通信领域。

    CSCW is a new research field supported by many subjects such as sociology , psychology , Cognitive Science and administration etc and the computer networking technology , multi-media technology , database technology etc computing and communicating field .

  11. 其次介绍认知无线电资源管理与分配技术的模型。

    Then we describe the cognitive radio resource management and allocation models .

  12. 81名企业经理填答了风险决策认知表和管理人员人格特质问卷。

    The Risky Decision Making Survey is administered to 81 company managers .

  13. 社会认知偏差对管理活动的影响

    The Effect of Social Cognitive Bias on Managerial Activities

  14. 基于直扩技术的认知无线电资源管理信道研究

    Resource Management Channel of Cognitive Radio Based on Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Technology

  15. 决策行为与认知偏差&管理者过度自信研究述评

    Decision Behavior and Cognitive Bias & A Review of Research on the Manager Overconfidence

  16. 认知跨国财务管理在国际金融机构中的作用,评估宏观经济对企业的影响。

    Identify and assess the potential impact of emerging issues in finance and financial management .

  17. 基于认知心理学和管理学视角的组织隐性知识共享障碍研究

    The Research of The Influential Factors of Tacit Knowledge Sharing Based On Management and Cognitive Psychology

  18. 研究了高层管理者的管理工作行为和认知模式对管理者职业成就和组织绩效的影响,揭示了高层管理者的管理行为和认知模式对其个人和组织结果变量的作用。

    This study also explores the influence of managerial work behavior and cognitive models on career achievement and organizational performance .

  19. 综合技术接受、社会认知以及战略管理相关理论,从组织行为和战略整合视角研究组织电子商务的采纳行为。

    According to Technology Acceptance Model and related E-Commerce trust theories , model of online trust based on TAM is proposed .

  20. 本部分通过调查问卷的方式,对认知偏差与管理决策关系进行了实证研究。

    This part makes empirical research on the relations between cognition bias and management decision by the way of investigation questionnaire .

  21. 结论护理干预能提高糖尿病便秘患者对疾病相关知识的认知和自我管理能力,改变不良的行为和生活习惯,降低糖尿病便秘的发生率,提高生活质量。

    Conclusion Nursing intervention can improve the cognitive and managing ability of the diabetic constipation patients , decrease the frequency of diabetic constipation .

  22. 在此基础上,进一步把这一概念划分为三个维度:管理对象认知、学生管理理论和学生管理经验。

    On this basis , the concept is further subdivided into three dimensions : management object recognition , student affairs management theory and student affairs management experience .

  23. 然而,面对市场经济多元化、信息与价值观念冲突的新情况和新问题,高校诚信教育存在着教育认知、教育管理和教育过程上的种种误区。

    However , faced with the new situation of market economy and the new problems of information contradicting to values , there exist some misunderstandings about the honesty education of colleges and universities in education cognition , education management and education process .

  24. 认知冲突与高层管理团队(TMT)的决策质量、理解程度和接受程度成正相关,情绪冲突则削弱TMT决策质量。

    Cognitive conflicts have positive relationship with Top Management Team 's ( TMT ) quality of decision , understanding and reception , while , emotional conflicts weaken TMT ' decision quality .

  25. 大学生身体自我认知及健康行为管理的调查与分析

    Study on body self - cognition and health behavior manage of students

  26. 中层管理者角色认知及其职业危机管理

    Roles Cognition and Career Crisis Management on Middle Manager

  27. 流程银行的战略认知及操作风险管理研究

    A Research on Strategic Understanding and Operational Risk Management of Process-Oriented Commercial Banks

  28. 认知结构在知识管理中的转变

    The Cognitive Structure and its Transformation in Knowledge Management

  29. 基于现代认知观的饭店管理课程教学改革初探

    An Exploration of Teaching Reform of Hotel Management Course Based on Modern Cognitive Theory

  30. 第四部分(第三章),对高中物理学习中的元认知策略和资源管理策略进行了研究。

    The fourth part ( chapter 3 ) studying the strategy of resource management and macro-recognization .