
  • 网络Role deviation;OOC;role deviance;Out Of Character;role strain
  1. 本文针对当前女大学生就业存在的心理问题,以及女大学生就业心理问题产生的原因,导致女大学生的自卑心理、角色定位偏差心理、竞争意识缺乏所带来的依赖心理等问题进行了剖析。

    In this paper , we analyze the psychological problems and their causes in the employment of female university students , especially some psychological problems such as inferiority complex , role positioning deviation and dependence caused by the lack of sense of competition .

  2. 但是由于多方面因素的影响,政府在执行职能时角色发生偏差,应该管的却没有管,不该管或可以不管的却插手去管,浪费了教育资源,降低了行政效率。

    However , due to the impact of various factors , the Government role in the implementation of functions to deviate , they should not control a lot , the tube did not manage well , take a lot of detours , an increase of administrative costs .

  3. 浅谈秘书角色的认知偏差及其对策

    Cognition Deflection on Secretary Role and Strategies

  4. 论文通过调查研究,分析了导致角色定位出现偏差的影响因素,进而为学生评教主体角色的合理定位提出了对策建议。

    From researching , the paper analyse the factors which caused role definition deviation , and then put forward the suggestions for rational role definition .

  5. 如果主体的角色定位出现偏差,学生评教不但流于形式,还会破坏主体之间的平衡,造成无形的资源浪费。

    But if their roles have deviation ," Students ' Evaluation of Teaching " will be only a form , which will cause the waste of resources .

  6. 其次,是角色学习存在偏差。在入学前的角色学习上,存在幼儿园大班下期入学教育流于形式以及幼儿园教育小学化的问题。

    In the role study before entering a school , the entrance education became formalistic at the next period of the top class in a kindergarten and the kindergarten education approached to primary school education .

  7. 从社会学角度看,婆媳冲突是由于婆媳双方对对方角色理解的偏差,利益、权力的争夺,婆婆、儿子、媳妇三者的互动不良,社会历史的原因造成的。

    Observed from the sociological angle , the mothers and daughters-in-law 's conflicts result from their understanding deviation of each other 's role , scramble for benefit and authority improper interactions and as well as social and historical reasons .

  8. 然而,尽管评论视角广泛,但对其作品的阐释仍然存在着一定的误解。尤其是对他作品里的女性角色,阐释颇有偏差,正如常见的一种观点,海明威具有很强的厌女情结。

    Yet , in spite of multifaceted views upon his works , there still exists certain miscomprehension about his creations , especially the interpretation of female characters under his pen , as is the common claim that he is a writer with strong misogyny .

  9. 20世纪80年代以来的社会转型期,因外部环境冲击和内部环境失调,学校管理人员普通存在种种非心理健康表现:角色认知方面的偏差;个人品格方面的缺陷;

    During the social transitional period in the 20th century , external environment impact and internal environment disorder brought to school 's managerial personnel 's various unhealthy psychological behaviors , such as deviations in role recognition , lowness of individual 's quality , physical and mental diseases .

  10. 图书馆角色在扮演过程中由于资源匮乏、图书馆馆员素质不高、对自身角色领悟偏差和同时担任多种彼此不协调的角色等原因,导致图书馆角色出现冲突和失败等问题。

    Due to lack of resources , poor quality of librarians , inaccurate to comprehend its own role , and hole the role which multiple uncoordinated in the same time , the role of library will result to conflict and failure .

  11. 记者职业角色与社会角色之间的冲突,反映出社会力量及记者自身对记者职业活动的不同把握与理解,在新闻实践中往往会造成记者的角色偏差与道德缺失。

    Conflict between the occupation role and social role of journalist , usually will result in the reporter 's role deviation and morals imperfections in practice of news report .