
  • 网络Passive Skill;PASSIVE;Skill
  1. atlas:技能符石可以加持被动技能吗?

    59 [ Comment From atlas ] & Q : does rune affect passive skills ?

  2. 以传统观点看,阅读是一种被动技能。

    In traditional sense , reading is sometimes viewed as a passive skill .

  3. 获得新的被动技能:狂野防御。

    Savage Defense this is a new passive ability .

  4. 被动技能效果:加强召唤的骷髅,骷髅魔法师和复活怪物。

    Passive Effect : Improves the quality of your raised Skeletons , Magi , and Revived .

  5. 修正了技能的说明文档,现在显示该技能作为被动技能没有冷却时间。

    Updated the tooltip to reflect that this ability has no cooldown since it is passive .

  6. 这是一个被动技能,所以不需要玩家主动激活它。

    This is a passive ability so it won 't need to be activated by the player .

  7. 被动技能。增加宠物和呼唤物的伤害和物抗,落低宠物归乡的游览时光。

    Your affinity for animals increases you pet and minion 's power , and decreases the pet 's town-travel time .

  8. 次级隐形应该是个被动技能,当她不在战斗的时候,立刻自动回归隐形。

    Lesser Invisibility should be a passive on the Succubus , when it 's not in combat it returns to it 's Invisible state .

  9. 阅读曾被认为是一项被动的技能。

    Once , reading was thought to be a passive skill .

  10. 从传统意义上,阅读被看着是一种被动的技能。

    In traditional sense , reading is viewed as a passive skill .

  11. 被动游戏技能。改善喝药效果、增加游戏经验和名声的获取速度、降低死亡后复活的惩罚。

    Improves the potency of potions , increases the rate of Experience and Fame gain , and reduces resurrection penalties .

  12. 许多学生在被动的技能训练(阅读和语法分析)中进步更快,而在主动并且复杂的技能训练(说、记课堂笔记)中则进步较悛。

    Many students progress more quickly in passive skills ( reading and grammar analysis ) than in active and complex skills ( speaking , notetaking during a lecture ) .