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  1. 知情人士表示,在该行约850名专业员工中,去年有十分之一左右的员工离职。

    People familiar with the situation say about a 10th of its professional staff of about 850 people left last year .

  2. 雪崩发生在尼泊尔境内的珠峰地段,当时一行约50人正在为定于下周开始的登山季进行技术准备,其中大多数人为尼泊尔夏尔巴人。

    The avalanche on the Nepalese side of the mountain hit while a group of around 50-people , mostly Nepalese sherpas , were doing the technical preparations for this year 's climbing season , which is set to begin next week .

  3. 美国全国铁路空车车辆的走行公里约占总车辆走行公里的45%。

    In America , the percent of empty of total car kilometers is up to45 % .

  4. 摩根大通在昨日股市闭市后提交给监管机构的文件中披露了这个令人震惊的消息。消息导致该行股票下跌约6%,并引发外界再次呼吁加强对银行业的监管。

    The shock disclosure , made after the market closed in a regulatory filing , sent shares in the bank down by about 6 per cent and prompted renewed calls for tougher regulation .

  5. 其三,交易成本极高&拍卖行向买家收取约为成交价20%的费用。

    A third is that the transaction costs are extremely high & auction houses charge buyers about 20 per cent .

  6. 从奥马哈到芝加哥这一段铁路叫做芝加哥石岛铁路,这条铁路是一条东行直线,沿途约有五十多个车站。

    Omaha is connected with Chicago by the Chicago and Rock Island railroad , which runs directly east , and passes fifty stations .

  7. 政府关门迫使总统取消了计划好的亚洲之行,并导致约80万名政府工作人员被迫休息。

    The shutdown has already forced the president to cancel a plan to Asia trip , and it 's idled some 800000 government workers .

  8. 结果1例穿透性胎盘植入致子宫破裂患者行子宫切除,约占6.7%;

    Results One case of placenta percreta with spontaneous rupture of uterus received emergency hysterectomy , about 6.7 % ( 1 / 15 ) of cases .

  9. 美银正面临着在不进一步稀释股东权益的情况下增加资本金的压力。今年,该行股价已大跌约54%,目前不足账面价值的三分之一。

    The US lender , which has seen its share price plunge about 54 per cent this year , is under pressure to raise capital without further diluting shareholders . BofA shares trade at less than a third of book value .