
  • 网络Artistic Dialectics
  1. 简论中国古典诗词中的艺术辩证法

    A Brief Exposition of the Artistic Dialectics of Classical Chinese Poetry

  2. 道的思维促进了中国古代艺术辩证法的发展;

    The thinking of " Tao " has promoted the development of ancient Chinese artistic dialectics .

  3. 作者曾运用这一基本观点和方法写成了《论艺术辩证法》一文。

    Talk about the art dialectics was written by using this basic standpoint and the method .

  4. 叙事与节奏:奇正张弛起伏&艺术辩证法之一

    Tradition and novelty , tension and relaxation , rise and fall & An artistic dialectic of narration and rhythm

  5. 因此,魏晋玄学是《文心雕龙》艺术辩证法的一个重要思想来源。

    Therefore , the metaphysical philosophy of Wei and Jin Dynasties should be considered a major source of artistic dialectics fin this work .

  6. 这个命题既与“从俗脱俗”思想息息相通,又符合艺术辩证法的原则。

    This definition accords with the thinking of " Exaltation of Elegance in Submission to Convention ", as well as the principles of the artistic dialectics .

  7. 论魏晋玄学对《文心雕龙》艺术辩证法的影响

    The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons and The Summary of Arts On the Influence of Metaphysics of Wei and Jin Dynasties On the Artistic Dialectics in Literary Mind Elaboration

  8. 文艺创作和文艺批评中对立统一的艺术规律,是艺术辩证法的核心。

    The rule of antinomy and unification in literature art creating and artistic criticizing becomes the core of the art dialectics .

  9. 民族性的艺术哲学话语姜耕玉《艺术辩证法中国艺术智慧形式》管窥

    National Discourse of Art and Philosophy & JIANG Geng-yu 's Art Dialectics-Artistic Wit Form of China