
  • 网络color theme
  1. 选择列表中的色彩主题。

    Select color theme in list .

  2. 然而,最近一段时间,越来越难以动员美国人去规划自己的迪士尼假期,为该公司带有乌托邦色彩的主题公园概念埋单。

    Lately , however , it has become harder for Americans planning a Disney vacation to buy into the company 's utopian theme park concept .

  3. 每间餐厅有自己的色彩和主题,里头安放了天鹅绒椅子,玫瑰色、绿色和蓝色的长条软座,以及具有现代感的枝形大吊灯。

    Each room has its own color and theme , with velvet chairs and banquettes in rose , green and blue , and modernist , large chandeliers .

  4. 崛起于二十世纪二十年代的美国南方文学以其新颖独特的风格和严肃而带悲剧色彩的主题、浓厚而沉重的历史感、罪恶感与失败感给美国文坛增添了异彩。

    Rising in the 20th century , the Southern literature adds extraodinary splendour to American literature , with its unique style , serious and tragic theme , heavy historic tone and guilty sense .

  5. 艺术是有标准的,需要技巧的,讲究构图,色彩,以及主题.

    There are standards , technique , composition , color , even subject .

  6. 在现代主义之前,西方绘画中关于十字元素的运用,宗教色彩占据绘画主题的绝大部分。

    Before modernism , regarding the use of " cross " in Western paintings , religious themes occupy most .

  7. 巨大的佛像铺天盖地,构图丰满,色彩强烈,主题很鲜明。

    The huge Buddha Tangka is covering everything , the composition if full , and color is dense , the subject is emphases .

  8. 略带科幻色彩的海洋主题,营造出奇妙的场景气氛,吸引着大家去探索游戏的奥秘。

    Ocean color slightly sci-fi theme , creating a wonderful atmosphere of the scene , attracting people to explore the mysteries of the game .

  9. 从80年代开始中国电影开启了以张艺谋为代表的用色彩来衬托电影主题,达到更深的表意作用。

    Chinese films from the eighties with zhang opened as a representative of the theme of the film with colour foils , reach deeper ideographic role .

  10. 与以往四部长篇作品不同,这部作品淡化了族裔色彩,无论从主题、背景、还是从主要人物的选择上都体现了多元化的特色。

    Compared with her previous four works , this novel has less ethnic color . It indicates more multicultural color on theme , background , and the choice of main characters .

  11. 十九世纪英国小说褪去了十八世纪浪漫主义文学的色彩,小说的主题开始涉及更为现实的社会问题,如阶级斗争、宗教冲突等。

    The 19th century British fiction cast away the shade of the 18th century Romanticism and its subject matters began to stretch into more realistic social problems , such as class struggle , religious conflict and so on .

  12. 通过对非主流网络图片的色彩、构图、主题、字体、后期处理等方面特色的分析,找出其合理的、有利于文化进步,形成独立、有特点的视觉艺术的发展方向。

    Based on " the non-mainstream " network of the picture color , composition , theme , font , processing , etc , the analysis of the features of reasonable and cultural progress , forming an independent , features of visual art development direction .