- 名Right to self-defence;right of self-defense

In the international law , the right of self-defense is a nation 's natural right and a legal expectation of the principle of prohibition of the threat or use of force .
It can be inferred from the legal theory that the security interest of EEZ is originated from the inherent right of self-defense of the State and other right derived accordingly , and is the " naturally extended " security interest of the State .
The right of self - defense is only available against unlawful attack
On the Right of Collective Self - defence and the Security of Japan
Self-Defense in International Law : On the Self-defending of USA 's War against Iraq
Influence of " Preemptive Strike " as Self - defense Right on Collective Security System
On the Self-defense Right in Environment Protection
This is a necessary measure China has taken to exercise its right to self defence , he said .
It is necessary for the right to self-defense in conditions appropriate to expand and better protect the country 's security .
The " 9 · 11 " attack also led to a brand new practice of utilizing the self-defence theory to fight against terrorism .
A right to collective self-defence underpins Mr Abe 's broader ambition , which is to ensure that Japan can play a bigger role in international security .
The right to self-defense is a natural right of countries , as well as all countries to respect other country 's sovereignty and territorial general obligation exception .
From the aspect of international law and practice of international relations , there exist problems ; the extension and spread of self - defence , proof and trial .
Being an exceptional case of the legal use of force , the implementation of the state right of self-defense should be severely restricted in the future development of the International Law .
Polls taken by three national dailies within the past week showed that at least half of respondents opposed the idea of Japan exercising its right to collective self-defence , with a third or fewer in favour .
But the preventive military action should still be banned strictly because it evidently lacks the basis of international law and this broadened interpretation of self - defence has not been accepted by the majority of international community .
Most scholars consider it must be very careful to perform protective self-defense , it is better to have an international organization ( such as the Security Council of the UN ) to decide the necessity of performing it .
On Monday , Lee Myung-bak , the South Korean president , said his government would take the warship issue to the United Nations Security Council and would exercise the right to defend itself against further aggression from the north .
Protective Principle is one of the criteria for the decision of the space limits of criminal law , which bases on the defense ' right of Sovereignty in the international law and historically origin from Germany 's doctrine and Italian Middle Ages jurisprudence .
Self-defence is one of the reason justifying the use of force under international law , to exercise the right of Defence , however , states shall comply with the principles of necessity , proportionality and being dominated by UN and UNSC ;
When Japan established its self-defense forces had pointed out that self-defense forces must insist purely defensive defense , not send troops abroad and not exercise collective self-defense .