
  • 网络competency;Competency Model;competence model
  1. 信息技术企业管理人员素质能力模型构建研究

    Research on Competency Model Construction for Managerial Personnel in Information Technology Corporation

  2. 目前,在中国主要是心理学家从事胜任能力模型的理论研究。

    Few psychologists in china are researching competency model .

  3. 分析了并行工程对制造资源的需求特点,基于STEP建立了制造资源能力模型,采用面向对象技术,建立了制造资源库和制造知识库;

    The requirement features of manufacturing resource for concurrent engineering is analyzed . The model of manufacturing resource capability is established based on STEP . Manufacturing resource base and knowledge base is built based on object-oriented approach .

  4. 在无信号T型交叉口主路车流车头时距服从改进后的M3分布的条件下,建立了支路3种车型混合车流的通行能力模型。

    When the flow of the major lane of unsignalized T-intersection follows improved M3 distribution , the traffic capacity model of mixed flow at minor lane was developed .

  5. 本文分析了各种制造企业生产类型的特点,总结了制造企业中物料的特点、制造BOM模型以及能力模型,在此基础上给出了离散型制造企业生产计划模型。

    The dissertation analyses the characteristics of manufacture enterprise 's production types , summarizes the material 's characteristics , BOM model and capacity model in manufacture enterprises , then bring forward the production planning model of disperse manufacture enterprises .

  6. 本文系统分析了公路大件运输安全性的影响因素,建立了运输车辆的可靠性、稳定性和通过能力模型,并在此基础上用VB语言开发出了公路大件运输计算机决策系统。

    In this paper , impact factors on safety of over-size transport are analyzed firstly . Then some models of reliability , stability and capacity of road are established , on the basis of which a decision making system for over-size transport is developed .

  7. 基于能力模型的匹配机制的研究与实现

    Researches and the Implementation about Matching Mechanisms Based on Capability Models

  8. 基于卓越绩效模式的企业技术创新能力模型研究

    A Study of Enterprise Technological Innovation Capability Model Based on the Excellent Performance

  9. 可持续发展的人口承载能力模型

    Population carrying capacity model based on sustainable development strategy

  10. 企业管理系统应变能力模型研究

    Research of Flexibility Model of Enterprise Administration System

  11. 铝合金舟桥甲板结构极限承载能力模型试验与数值分析

    Numerical Calculation and Model Test for Ultimate Strength of Aluminum Alloy Pontoon Deck Panel

  12. 第六章对能力模型进行了说明和应用举例,使得其具有更高的借鉴价值。

    The sixth chapter is the introductions and application examples of the competence model .

  13. 政府知识型公务员能力模型的构建与能力评价研究

    Research on Construction of Competency Model of Knowledge Civil Servant in Government and Competency Evaluation

  14. 情绪智力的能力模型

    The Ability Model of Emotional Intelligence

  15. 企业要建立一个行之有效的能力模型,必须与其战略紧密联系,并对企业战略所需要的能力进行均衡地评估与明确地界定。

    Competencies model should be well defined , evaluated and differentiated according to each enterprise 's characteristics .

  16. 领导者执政能力模型及开发模式研究;

    Studies on leadership competency modeling and development for managers ( both in business and in governments );

  17. 然后从员工胜任能力模型的角度出发,判断员工胜任能力与需求之间的匹配度,从而对症下药,为第五章政策建议的提出奠定了基础。

    From the perspective of staff competency models , this paper matches the staff between the capacity and the demand .

  18. 第一篇主要解决组织中国人的问题,提出了中国企业组织能力模型。

    First organization of the Chinese people mainly solve the problem , a model of organizational capacity of Chinese enterprises .

  19. 我国企业持续营销能力模型构建与提升策略研究

    The Research on the Model Construction of Sustainable Marketing Capability of Chinese Enterprise and That of Strategies for Its Promotions

  20. 中医知信行问卷的信度、效度评价信息系统能力模型的信度与效度分析

    Analysis on Reliability and Validity of KAP Questionnaire of TCM Research on the Reliability and Validity for Information System Capability

  21. 利用文中建立的挟沙能力模型对概化粉沙质海岸上波浪因素对泥沙运动的影响进行了分析。

    The carrying capacity model was used to investigate the effects of wave on the cross-shore sediment suspension on a generalized silty coast .

  22. 口考虑酸蚀裂缝表面的粗糙度、地层闭合应力及岩石抗压强度等因素,建立并求解了新的导流能力模型;

    Calculated the new model of fracture conductivity , considering the roughness of the surface , closure stress and the anti-press intensity of rock .

  23. 确定需求计划的首要问题是确定招聘人才数量和类型,之后是利用岗位分析、职位说明书和建立通用能力模型来确定招聘大学毕业生的标准。

    After that , the criterion for recruitment should be formed by using post analysis , post specifications and establishing the common competency model .

  24. 引入动态视角,分析持续竞争优势的构成要素,构建出四维式集群动态能力模型;

    Then through introducing the dynamic methods , it analyzes the factors which generate the sustainable competitive advantage , and builds a model of clusters ' dynamic capabilities .

  25. 本文将主要结合北京区域经济发展对人才的要求,谈人才能力模型的建立与制度管理,以及以此为基础对绩效管理的影响。

    Combining with the demands for talents in Beijing , the paper talks about the establishments of capacity model and system management , and the effect on performance management .

  26. 有氧呼吸能力模型认为,选择提高支持物理运动的最大呼吸能力,而增加的静止代谢作为其相关反应而得以进化。

    The Aerobic Capacity Model suggests that selection acted mainly to increase maximal aerobic capacity that supports physical activity , and elevated resting metabolic rate evolved as a correlated response .

  27. 通过分析局部的应变集中或应力集中再加上金属变型能力模型,裂纹的发生和地点可以预见。

    Through the analysis of the local strain concentration or stress concentration , together with the forming ability model , the occurrence and location of the crake can be predicted .

  28. 最后,本文提出实施能力模型应与变革的环境与战略保持一致,注意企业文化的影响以及得到企业领导的认同与推动。

    Finally , competencies model should be adapted to environment and strategy change . It is also influenced by corporation culture and should be accepted and strongly supported by the management .

  29. 而动态能力模型的一个核心要素就是组织学习,组织学习是企业创新和创造动态能力的根本。

    And one of the key elements of the dynamic capability concept is organizational learning , which is the base of enterprises ' innovation and the ability to create dynamic capabilities .

  30. 通过建立竞争能力模型,分析指出不同等级软件研发组织对不同规模的软件项目具有不同的竞争能力,以及不同等级软件研发组织在市场策略上应当关注的重点。

    By competitive power modeling and simulating , it was concluded that software development organizations at different CMM levels possessed distinct competitive power and their distinct market strategies should be concerned .