
  • 网络uniform;Business Suit
  1. 艰难只是穿上职业服的机遇。

    Trouble is only opportunity in work clothes .

  2. 谈职业服的设计思路

    The Design of Professional Business Attire

  3. 首先对医护职业服进行了界定,并在医院的范围内,对医护职业服进行了较详细的职能分类。

    Firstly this paper defines the scope of medical professional uniforms and makes a classification on them .

  4. 再对国内现有医护职业服的功能性设计现状进行探讨,例如,护士服装口袋设计考虑不周全。

    Then this paper researches on the current situation of functional design on medical professional uniforms and finds out quite a few issues that need attention .

  5. 当前国内对于市场营销理论的应用研究涉及到各行各业,从文献的梳理来看对于服装市场的营销研究,特别是对于职业服这一类别产品的研究资料稍显不足。

    At present theory about the domestic marketing for applied research related to all walks of life , the sort of view from the literature for the apparel market marketing research , especially for professional services research were only have few . research data .