- career diplomat

To the delight of her father , a career diplomat , she then won an international scholarship run by the Madrid chamber of Commerce , and worked as a commercial adviser attached to the Spanish Embassy in Johannesburg .
Uichiro Niwa , who became the first Japanese ambassador to China to be appointed from the private sector , is to be succeeded by Shinichi nishimiya , a career diplomat and the Deputy Minister for foreign affairs .
At first the plan was for professional diplomats of middle rank to head the liaison offices .
This change led to the reorganizations of the personnel structure on diplomacy and the transformation on scholar 's role .
Solely because of partisan obstruction , Mr Obama has yet to secure approval for his choice of two career diplomats as ambassadors to Turkey and Syria .
At first the plan was for professional diplomats of middle rank to head the liaison offices . He had therefore to be in regular communication with his field officers .
But undeniably , the Chinese diplomats group structure and knowledge structure demonstrated the obvious transitional characteristic and there was a large distance between the Chinese diplomats professional quality and the real career diplomats .
In the 1990s the career diplomat still held sway , but these days course participants are likely to have spent some time in industry , either on secondment or in previous jobs , or be specialists in information technology or human resources .
He is a diplomat by profession .
Occupations which most frequently carry titles include : diplomats , members of the Congress and the Senate , Judges of the courts , 6 ) officers , medical doctors , ranking professors , priests , rabbis , and some Protestant clergy .