
fān yì jī
  • translator;interpreter;translating machine;translation machine
翻译机[fān yì jī]
  1. 它叫做翻译机。

    It 's called an interpreter .

  2. 在晚会上我看到没有一个人使用翻译机,不过若晚会有帮助重听者更好听的助听技术,不少人会因此感恩。

    I saw no one at the event using the interpreter but several would have been grateful for assistive technology that would enhance the effectiveness of their hearing technology .

  3. 此外,现在的翻译机可以提供口语翻译服务,技术十分成熟。在人工智能时代,翻译职业位居即将被淘汰职业的前10名。这番话立即引发网友热议。

    Moreover , smart translation devices can offer sophisticated translation services and in the age of artificial intelligence , translators will be among the top 10 professions to be eliminated , he added .

  4. 这是一款iPhoneapp,哭声翻译机(CryTranslator)号称可以辨识婴儿「五种不同的哭声」。

    Cry Translator promises to identify the " five distinct cries " made by infants .

  5. 关于Parlay和SIP的协议翻译机的研究

    Research on Protocol Convertor about Parlay and SIP

  6. 今天好冷。/今天冷风飕飕。英语翻译机。

    It 's cold today . / It 's chilly today .

  7. 句典翻译机首先来到处看看,并体验一下巴黎的生涯。

    First take some time to look around and experience life in Paris .

  8. 你们所需的商品,请与咱们的代理联络。句典翻译机优惠代码。

    Please get in touch with our agents for the supply of the goods you require .

  9. 但是,不知道为什么,我只是想说,虽然我现在有翻译机。

    But , don 't know why , I just like to say , though I now have the translating machine .

  10. 很不幸地,本人不得不离职,因这一次世界性的经济不景气,使我的雇主不得不结束业务。译乐通中英文翻译机。

    Unfortunately I have had to leave my position , as my employers have been forced to liquidate their business due to the worldwide economic adversity .

  11. 翻译机将使操不同语言的人可以毫无困难地相互交流或阅读外文刊物。

    The translating machine will enable people who do not share a common language to talk to each other without any difficulty or to read foreign publications .

  12. 由于我的英文很烂,只能用翻译机翻译!若哪位英文达人,有更好的翻译,请帮个忙!呵呵!

    Since my English sucks , machine translation can only be translated ! If the English over which people have a better translation , please help me ! Ha ha !

  13. “词句翻译机”的使用方法是,士兵对着机器说英语,几秒钟之后,机器会用选定的语言重复这个句子。

    To use the Phraselator , a soldier says an English phrase into the machine and , a few seconds later , the machine repeats it in the chosen language .

  14. 有钱人在船上有收killturtle翻译音机对他们谈话,还把棒球赛的turtle翻译中文消息告诉他们。

    And the rich have radios to talk to them in their boats and to bring them the baseball .

  15. 鉴于此,人们可以通过译前编辑与译后编辑介入机器翻译来提高机译译文的质量。

    In view of this , the human intervention , namely pre-edition and post-edition , can be involved to improve the quality of MT.

  16. 迄今为止,机器翻译已经历了近半个世纪的发展,适应信息处理和网络发展的需要出现了各种不同应用类型的翻译系统,如在线翻译、领域受限翻译和机助人译等。

    During these five decades , all kinds of application MT systems , such as on-line , domain-restricted and machine-aided translation , have come forth to accommodate information processing and network developing .