
  • 网络flip phone;clamshell phone;vertu
  1. 这是首次由RIM公司在印度的翻盖手机。

    This is the first flip phone from RIM in India .

  2. 不过,Fire还是比翻盖手机强:它自带1年免费AmazonPrime快递服务;

    Still , it 's better than a flip phone . It comes with 12 months of free Amazon Prime shipping .

  3. 当时iPhone还有两年才上市,我们大多数人用黑莓(BlackBerry)或者轻薄的翻盖手机打电话。

    The iPhone is still two years away and most of us are talking on BlackBerrys or flimsy flip phones .

  4. 达拉斯牛仔队的亿万富翁老板杰里&12539;琼斯(JerryJones)因夸耀一部翻盖手机被指过时,还因此引发了媒体的狂热报道。

    And Jerry Jones , billionaire owner of the Dallas Cowboys , created a media frenzy when he was ' outed ' for brandishing a clamshell .

  5. 韩国高中生LeeYun-soo六个月前将她那部褪色的旧翻盖手机换成了智能手机,对此她有些后悔。

    Lee Yun-soo has some regrets that she replaced her faded old clamshell phone with a smartphone six months ago .

  6. 他俩的加盟意味着谷歌(Google)将进行重大变革,这将远非直板手机和翻盖手机之间的改变,而是指手机硬件在谷歌的地位将变得和软件同样重要。

    Their hiring signals a big change at Google , showing that the company is getting just as serious about the hardware of phones and this goes well beyond flip vs. candybar as it is the software .

  7. 即使是最基础的翻盖手机――如三星RugbyIII、Pantech的BreezeIII和LG的Revere2――都能提供基础的联网功能。

    Even the most rudimentary clamshell models such as the Samsung Rugby III , the Pantech Breeze III and the LG Revere 2 offer basic Web connectivity .

  8. 尽管iPhone和安卓(Android)似乎在不断推出略有升级的机型,但是新奇,你的名字不是智能手机,而是让你成为反叛者、反主流之人的翻盖手机。

    Despite the seemingly constant rollout of slightly updated iPhones and Android models , novelty , thy name isn 't smartphone . It 's a flip that makes you a renegade , an iconoclast .

  9. 即使是最基础的翻盖手机――如三星RugbyIII、Pantech的BreezeIII和LG的Revere2――都能提供基础的联网功能。

    Even the most rudimentary clamshell models -- such as the Samsung Rugby III , the Pantech Breeze III and the LG Revere 2 -- offer basic Web connectivity .

  10. 然而诺基亚的美国竞争对手摩托罗拉(MotorolaInc.)凭借轻薄的Razr翻盖手机在全球大获成功,诺基亚却面临着投资者对其专注于高端智能手机的抨击。

    U.S. rival Motorola Inc. scored a world-wide hit with the thin Razr flip phones , however , and Nokia faced criticism from investors over its focus on high-end smartphones .

  11. 但是RIM确确实实集中精力推出这款设备,这就是他们推出storm耳机,最近推出的翻盖手机以及同时推出的黑莓Pearl的原因。

    But RIM is really really focused on boarding its devices out , that 's why they come up with flash ear phones like the storm , like a recently released flip phone , that came out with the BlackBerry Pearl as well .

  12. 对于里德来说,这种T9输入法——也就是说,没有全键盘的输入法——是翻盖手机最令人讨厌的地方。

    For Reid , this T9 texting - that is , without a full keyboard - is the most irksome thing about the flip phone .

  13. 韩国高中生LeeYun-soo六个月前将她那部褪色的旧翻盖手机换成了智能手机,对此她有些后悔。她喜欢用手机在推特上发布有趣的照片,跟朋友相互发信息,玩在线游戏。

    Lee Yun-soo has some regrets that she replaced her faded old clamshell phone with a smartphone six months ago . The South Korean high-school student enjoys tweeting funny photos , messaging friends and playing online games .

  14. 《Hello》MV24小时浏览量打破了泰勒·斯威夫特(TaylorSwift)之前在知名视频平台Vevo的纪录,MV单日浏览量高达2770万次。MV中,27岁的歌手悲伤地凝视窗外,检查她的翻盖手机,同时倒叙她与阳光前任的恋情。

    The song 's haunting music video , which broke Taylor Swift 's previous Vevo viewing record by receiving 27.7 million views in 24 hours , sees the 27-year-old singer staring sadly out a window and checking her flip phone , while having flashbacks of her smiling ex during their relationship .

  15. 然而,摩托罗拉在RAZR上市一年后下调了这款于2004年发布、曾属奢侈品的手机的价格,以便让普通大众也能买得起它,此后翻盖手机的吸引力便逐渐消退。

    But ever since Motorola dropped the price of the once-luxury RAZR a year after its 2004 debut to make it affordable to a mass market , the luster of the flip has been fading .

  16. 科技网站Engadget的高级移动资讯编辑布拉德・莫伦(BradMolen)认为:“在当今世界,翻盖手机在可预见的未来会有一席之地。翻盖手机不会消失――它们只是换上了不同的形式而已。”

    There will be a place for flip phones in today 's world for the foreseeable future , ' said Brad Molen , senior mobile editor at the technology website Engadget . ' Flip phones aren 't going away -- they 're just taking different forms . '

  17. 摩托罗拉翻盖手机…借鉴了“星际迷航”。

    The Motorola flip phone ... that came from Star Trek .

  18. 翻盖手机永远不会对你有同样的支配力。

    a flip phone will never have that same hold on you .

  19. 对于注重时尚的人,翻盖手机也有令人喜爱的特定品质。

    For the fashion conscious , clamshells also have a certain cachet .

  20. 翻盖手机前盖模具设计

    Mould Design of front Cover of double - cover Cellphone

  21. 按某些标准衡量,基础款翻盖手机的表现还超过了智能手机。

    By certain measures , basic flip phones outperform their smarter brethren .

  22. 现如今,专注使用翻盖手机并非就要你放弃互联网。

    Committing to one these days doesn 't require swearing off the Internet .

  23. 从前,翻盖手机是社会地位的终极象征。

    Once upon a time , flip phones were the ultimate status symbol .

  24. 尽管如此,翻盖手机或许最终还留存了一些生命力。

    Yet there might be some battery life left in the flip phone after all .

  25. 翻盖手机不会消失――它们只是换上了不同的形式而已。

    ' Flip phones aren 't going away & they 're just taking different forms . '

  26. 对于所有功能都想要的人,有充满希望的迹象表明翻盖手机会出现智能化趋势。

    For those who want it all , there are promising signs of a clamshell smartphone movement .

  27. 在许多情况下,这些翻盖手机的坚定支持者并不是出于反讽或怀旧心理而选择它们,而是出于对实用性的注重。

    In many cases , these cellular stalwarts aren 't opting for clamshells out of irony or nostalgia .

  28. 他说:打开翻盖手机给身体带来的满足感是其他所有事情所做不到的。

    ' There is nothing quite like the physical satisfaction of flipping open a phone , ' he said .

  29. 那样做可能足够了,但是如果你仍旧感受到一种使你感到不安的强迫感,那么就考虑一下翻盖手机吧。

    That might be enough , but if you continue to feel a compulsion that makes you uneasy , consider flip-phonedom .

  30. 翻盖手机的好处是它能保护屏幕,这以前是而且会继续是消费者最关心的问题。

    ' What is nice about the flip is that it protects the screen , which was and continues to be a top issue for consumers . '