
  • 网络network copyright
  1. 第二部分:网络版权的限制。

    The second is about the network copyright limitation .

  2. 版权管理方面:重视网络版权管理,创新管理手段。

    Copyright management : pay more attention to network copyright management , innovation management .

  3. 新规的出台是我国政府加强网络版权管理,打击盗版活动的行动之一。

    The new rules are part of the government 's anti-piracy campaign that aims to improve online copyright management .

  4. P2P技术下网络版权许可模式初探

    Preliminary Study on Licensing Models of Internet Copyright under P2P Technology

  5. P2P技术引起的网络版权侵权问题研究

    Study on the Internet Copyright Infringement Caused by P2P Technology

  6. 网络版权制度与信息的有效传播及公平使用网络版权权利扩张与限制的成本效益分析

    Internet Copyright Regulations and the Effective Dissemination and Fair Use of Information

  7. 第六部分,简明阐述本文的结论和网络版权保护的发展趋势。

    Part six . summarizes the conclusion and trend of copyright protection .

  8. 对数字图书馆建设引发的网络版权保护的思考

    Thoughts on Network Copyright Protection Caused by Digital Library Developments

  9. 网络版权侵权的法律适用

    On the Applicable Law of Copyright Tort in Cyberspace

  10. 世界范围内的网络版权保护还未制订公认的国际法规,网络的健康发展面临新的问题和挑战。

    The sound development of Internet copyright protection faces the problem and the challenge .

  11. 国际网络版权贸易的司法管辖问题

    Judicial Jurisdiction Over International Internet Work Copyright Trade

  12. 网络版权保护之我见

    My view on the Protection of Network Copyright

  13. 网络版权侵权的若干问题研讨

    Studies on Problems in Network Copyright Tort

  14. 论网络版权侵权行为之表现

    On the Forms of Internet Copyright Infringement

  15. 论网络版权中的法定许可

    On Legal License in Internet Copyright

  16. 网络版权保护的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of Internet Copyright Protection

  17. 网络版权侵权行为使得国际和国内各种法律救济也随之而出现。

    The infringements of internet copyright make kinds of legal remedies appear in international and oversea .

  18. 新时期网络版权保护述评

    Network Copyright Protection of New Period

  19. 这就要求必须与时俱进,不断发展和完善网络版权制度。

    This will require the times , and continuously develop and improve the network of the copyright system .

  20. 国际网络版权保护立法从一般性国际条约和专门性国际条约两方面来介绍。

    An international network of copyright protection legislation from the general international treaties and specialized international treaties to introduce .

  21. 在第三部分,分析了网络版权技术措施产生的法益。

    In part three , the author analyzes the legal benefit produced by the technological measures of copyright in network .

  22. 第二部分:各国关于网络版权的立法观及内容。笔者先介绍了世界上几个有代表性的国家或组织有关网络版权的立法状况。

    The second chapter introduces the legislation condition about network copyright of some representative countries and organizations in the world .

  23. 在第四部分,笔者提出了对中国网络版权技术措施的立法分析和建议。

    In part 4 , the author presents the legislative analysis and advice on Chinese technological measures of copyright in network .

  24. 通过完善著作权管理组织和网络版权救济的途径,能有效平衡各方利益。

    Through the improvement of copyright management organization and network copyright relief way can balance the interests of all parties effectively .

  25. 正因如此,对于屡屡发生的网络版权侵权,很容易将网络服务商卷入其中。

    Just because that , ISP is easily involved in the swirl of copyright tort disputes frequently occur on the internet .

  26. 经济学绐我们提供了改革现有版权,限定网络版权的范围的有益视角。

    Economics provides us a useful perspective on how to reform the present copyright law and define the scope of Internet copyright .

  27. 网络版权保护是知识产权法的新问题,它向我国的传统版权提出了种种挑战。

    Copyright protection on Internet is a new question of intellectual property protection . It challenges the traditional copyright in our country .

  28. 网络版权作品使得国际版权贸易从单一的纸质贸易形式转向无纸化贸易。

    The copyright works of Internet make international copyright trade to be paperless trade from the single trade form of paper quality .

  29. 从利益平衡点的角度出发,探讨数字图书馆建设中有关数字复制、立法保护、合同法律保护和版权技术保护措施在网络版权保护中的运用等问题,并提出相应对策;

    Analyses the various copyright problems of digital library , such as digital reproduction , legislation protection , contract protection and technical protection .

  30. 摘要对于网络版权的权利限制,学界的论述较多地集中于合理使用情形,而对法定许可的关注较少。

    Academic discussions on the limitations of Internet copyright mainly focus on issues of fair use , with less attention to legal license .