
jì shòu qǔ dé
  • derivative acquisition
  1. 农村集体建设用地的取得包括原始取得和继受取得。

    The rural collective construction land tenure includes original acquisition and derivative acquisition .

  2. 不动产善意取得的性质为继受取得,它为有效解决不动产善意取得物上原有负担问题提供了合理解释。

    Estate bona-fide possession is derivative acquisition , which is good for reasonably resolving the inhere burden of bona-fide acquisition .

  3. 船舶所有权继受取得

    Derivative Aquisition of Ownership of Ship

  4. 动产物权的善意取得为原始取得,而不动产物权的取得则为继受取得。

    Movable property made in good faith of the original , and real property acquisition was made following the subject .

  5. 其取得方式有原始取得与继受取得,消灭形式有绝对消灭与相对消灭。

    The ways to get it are original form and successive form ; the ways to abolish it are absolute form and relative form .

  6. 原始取得主要表现为法定取得,继受取得的方式主要包括合同、指配、拍卖以及一定条件下的继承。

    The main way of the original acquisition is legal made , and the ways of the successive acquisition mainly include contract , assignment , auction and inheritance with certain conditions .

  7. 创设网络环境并投入运营是对虚拟财产的原始取得,用户对网络游戏中虚拟物(包括账户、道具、游戏人物、货币)的取得是继受取得。

    Establishing the network circumstances and going into managing are the original acquisition of the property , obtaining the virtual things ( such as accounts , props , dramatis personae in the games and currencies ) in the network games is the derivative acquisition .

  8. 其一,股权是否具有可移转性,股权的本质是具有身份属性的财产权,故其本质仍为财产权,转移继受取得财产权系财产权的固有特性。

    First , whether to transfer of equity , equity is the essence of the identity attributes of a property , so the essence is still property , following the transfer of property made by the Department of the inherent characteristics of property rights .