
  • 网络Absolute Signal
  1. 一种超低频绝对振动信号参数检测的实现方法

    Implement Method of Ultralow Frequency Absolute Vibration Signal Parameter Detection

  2. 提出一种软硬件相结合的超低频绝对振动信号参数的检测方法,根据被测信号的特殊性,以8032单片机为核心构建了专门的信号处理电路。

    A detection method of ultralow frequency absolute vibration signal parameter is proposed with integrated hardware / software .

  3. 本研究提出了一种利用普通的电磁式速度传感器检测超低频绝对振动信号的技术方案。

    This research offers the technical scheme of detecting ULF Absolute Vibratory signal by the normal electromagnetism rate transducer .

  4. 超低频绝对振动信号参数的检测在工程上有着十分广泛的应用前景。

    The detection of ultralow frequency absolute vibration signal parameter has very wide ranges of prospects for application in engineering .

  5. 根据这种方案研制的传感器系统不仅测量精度高、通用性好,而且体积小重量轻,携带方便,适合在生产现场对超低频绝对振动信号进行测量与分析。

    The transducer made by this research not only has the feature of measuring high precision and good currency , but also the mini volume and light weight , convenience to take , it is suitable for the scale and analysis of ULF absolute vibratory signal in production .

  6. 基于ARM的绝对式编码器信号接收器设计

    Design of ARM-based Absolute Encoder Signal Receiver

  7. 光栅扭矩传感器采用零位光栅提供绝对零位信号,以防止掉电时数据出错。

    In order to prevent from data fault during power failure , grating torque sensor provides absolute zero position signal with zero position grating .

  8. 为了防止突然断电时造成数据错误,增量式光电轴角编码器通常采用零位光栅提供绝对零位信号。

    Incremental optical electric axial angle encoder usually adopts zero position grating providing absolute zero position in order to prevent from data fault during electricity failure suddenly .

  9. 本研究用绝对辨认法与信号清晰度和响度适宜性主观评价测试了60、70和80dB(A)三种噪声水平下与言语通讯同时呈现的高优先权音调信号的最小强度增量要求。

    The study explores the minimal intensity gain of high priority tone signals presented on the background of speech communication at three noise levels of 60,70 and 80 dB ( A ) .

  10. 高精度绝对式编码器的信号处理

    The Signal Processing for the High Precision Absolute Encoder

  11. 介绍了一种16位绝对式矩阵编码器信号采集与处理的设计。

    A design of signal collection and processing for16 bits Absolute matrix encoder is presented .

  12. 此外吻戒指,吻圣经,吻衣角,或者吻照片,也是该民族表达绝对忠诚的普遍信号。

    Kissing a ring , a Bible , a piece of someone 's clothing , or a photograph are widespread signs of extreme devotion .

  13. 该方法先对整流信号(取绝对值以后的信号)进行开运算以滤除尖峰噪声,再用长度为1/2工频周期的扁平结构元素进行膨胀运算提取其幅值特性;

    In this method the opening operation of rectified signal 's absolute value is performed to filtrate the spike noise , then the dilation operation of flat structuring element , whose length is one half of the period of power frequency , to extract the magnitude characteristic of the signal ;

  14. 本文中,我们设计了一套数显电子绝对气压计,其分辨率高,测压准确可靠,具有数字显示,模拟电压量输出功能,能为自动检测控制系统提供绝对气压电压信号。

    In this paper , we design a set of electric absolute pressure meter with digital display , which is high in measuring pressure . And it has functions of digital display and analog voltage output , and can provide absolut pressure voltage signals for automatic check and control system .