
  • 网络business process;operational process;operating process
  1. 一是经营权与管理权分开原则,二是社会环境效益优先兼顾经济效益原则,三是经营方式灵活多样、经营流程规范化原则。

    The first principle , the right to operate and manage should be separation . The second is the social cost-effective environmental benefits , taking into account the principle of priority . And the third principle is flexible and diversified mode of operation , business process standardization .

  2. 跨国公司理财是跨国公司的主导性管理之一,通过对资金及其流转的管理,控制着跨国公司整个生产经营流程,对于跨国公司的存续、发展起着举足轻重的作用。

    Being one of the main managements , financial management plays a decisive role for the existence and improvement of multinational company .

  3. 论文在比较分析的基础上,规范了流程分类方法,将企业流程分为三类:战略流程、经营流程和支持流程。

    The designing should be on basis of normative classification and meet five rules . It is standardized to sort business processes into three : strategic , operating and supporting process .

  4. 它具有保费少、保额低,针对低收入人群面临的疾病、死亡、残疾等特定风险,条款浅显易懂,核保简便,经营流程简单等特征。

    Its premium is few , the insured value is low , in view of the low income crowd most urgent disease , death , disability and so on specific risk , provision simple easy to understand , the nucleus guarantees easily , management flow simple and so on characteristics .

  5. 利用BSC具有前瞻性的维度:客户维度、内部经营管理流程、学习与成长,制定企业中长期发展战略,为EVA增长服务。

    The writer takes advantage of the prospective dimensions in BSC to increase EVA , there are custom dimension , internal operating and management process , learning and growth , developing long development strategy of enterprise .

  6. 第二部分,多元化经营操作流程。

    The second part , the process diagram of diversification .

  7. 信用风险是商业银行面临的主要风险,其始终作用于商业银行经营的流程但中,也是传统风险之一。

    Commercial bank credit risk is the main risk , Its always the role of commercial banks in the process . Is also one of the traditional risk .

  8. 广州蓄能水电厂为寻求不断改善生产经营业务流程和工作绩效而实施了国际对标工作,包括:对标内容、方法及实施过程、成果和特点;

    The International Benchmarking Program in Guangzhou Pumped Storage Power Station is introduced , including the benchmarking ′ method , procedure and results , and the characteristics of benchmarking is analyzed .

  9. 一方面,分析现代机械企业经营活动流程,按照价值链上的各个环节将业务流程大致分为:(1)获取相关信息源;

    On the one hand , analyzes the working flow of modern mechanical enterprise , according to every taches of value-chain , the working flow is compartmentalized of six phases : ( 1 ) Obtaining related information .

  10. 该方案以项目管理为中心重新设计了经营管理流程和生产管理流程,加强了项目的进度控制、成本费用控制和质量控制,强化了项目管理。

    The scheme , centering on project management , has redesigned the flow processes of operation and production management , strengthened the control over the progress , cost and quality of projects , greatly bettering the project management .

  11. 近年来,国内外众多企业都在实施业务流程再造。业务流程再造是通过重新设计组织经营的流程,以使流程的增值最大化、成本最小化,从而获得绩效改善的跃进。

    In recent years , a lot of domestic and foreign enterprises are implementing business process reengineering ( BPR ) in order to maximize the appreciation of the process , minimize the cost , and greatly improve their performance .

  12. 本部分重点介绍了在三层会计主体内经营业务流程、重点控制环节、资金管理体制,同时通过对国外大公司资金管理控制形式和运行方式的实例对比介绍,分析探讨了资金管理控制应用模式。

    This part focuses on business processes , important control link and capital management system in the three-tier accounting entities . Contrast of operating mode of forms and examples of capital control in the large foreign . Application mode of capital financial management and control is analyzed and discussed .

  13. 本文分析了电视剧生产经营的业务流程,提出适用于电视剧生产经营管理的MIS-TVS电视剧管理信息系统。

    This article analyzes the business process of TV Series ' producing and poses an idea of a management information system , MIS-TVS , which adaptable to TV Series manufacturing .

  14. 新华书店;连锁经营;营业流程重组;组织结构。

    Xinhua bookstore ; chain operation ; business process reengineering ; organization structure .

  15. 商业银行经营革命:流程银行的构想与现实

    The Operation Revolution of Commercial Banks : Design of procedure Bank and its Realization

  16. 小型民营企业生产经营管理业务流程重组研究

    Business Process Reengineering of Small Private Enterprises

  17. 通过这种比较,梳理出资本在上市公司中形成、变更、经营的全部流程,形成一套上市公司的资本制度。

    Through this kind of comparison , I 'll form a set of listed company 's capital system .

  18. 在商业银行整个信贷业务经营与管理流程中,客户信用风险评估工作相当于一个准入门槛。

    In the whole commercial bank credit business and management process , customer credit risk assessment is equivalent to a sill .

  19. 保险单证是重要的载体,它贯穿于保险公司经营的各个流程,在很大程度上影响着公司整体经营情况。

    Insurance documentation is an important carrier through the various processes of company operation , which influences management situation of whole company to some extent .

  20. 同样,还有许多公司争相要外包你管理经营的其他流程,将你从管理员工和维护基础设施的责任中解脱出来。

    Similarly , there are any number of companies clamouring to take over other parts of your business process , relieving you of the responsibility of maintaining staff and infrastructure .

  21. 第四部分是公司品牌营销战略设计,共分为六大步骤,通过品牌定位、品牌创造、品牌传播、品牌发展、品牌维护、品牌经营一系列流程设计,打造公司的品牌营销模式。

    The fourth part is the design of brand marketing strategy , which is divided into six steps , design , brand orientation , brand creation , brand development , brand maintenance , brand management , then the article makes a series of process of brand marketing mode .

  22. 客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagement,CRM)系统在房地产企业中的应用,可以帮助房地产企业改变经营理念及工作流程,从而更好地服务于广大客户。

    Customer relationship management system in the real estate corporation applications can help to change the real estate business and workflow management to serve customers better .

  23. 而后从经营模式、业务流程、ERP系统、组织结构等诸多方面归纳了中化国际开业以来的经营实绩。

    Thereafter the author induces various aspects of operational results since the opening of business such as the modes of management , the flows of operation , the ERP system , the regime construction , etc.

  24. 本文根据石油企业生产经营方式以及业务流程的特点,提出了建立基于数据仓库的石油企业DSS的新思路,并创新地建立了数据仓库与模型库相结合的石油企业DSS的系统结构模型。

    According to the producing and managing ways and the trait of the operation flow , this article bring forward the new idea which to build the Data warehouse-based DSS of petroleum enterprise and establish the new structural former which combine the data warehouse and the former warehouse .

  25. 与去年相比,受到采用新技术、新的商业和经营模式以及新流程的推动,更多的中国CEO(2017年65%,2016年52%)预期其企业在未来三年会实现显著转型。

    Compared with last year , more China CEOs ( 65 percent in 2017 vs 52 percent in 2016 ) expect their companies to be transformed into a significantly different entity over the next three years , driven by adopting new technologies ; new business and operating models ; and adopting new processes .

  26. 门诊流程优化对于医院经营管理、医院流程型组织的构建、医院信息化等方面有着重要的作用。

    The optimization also plays a vital role in hospital management and operation , construction of process organization and informationization .

  27. 零售书店方面的销售区域面积问题、书店人员责任心问题和经营理念及业务流程问题。

    The problems of sales areas in retail bookstores , responsibilities of bookstore staff and the management ideal and operation process .

  28. 现代化、集约化的电子采购正成为跨国公司经营运作的重要流程。

    Modernized and centralized electrical purchasing has become one of the most important processes in the operation of the multi-international companies .

  29. 在这种情况下,许多企业都开始重新审视自己的经营机制、业务流程和组织结构等构成企业战略优势的核心要素。

    Under the new circumstance , enterprises begin to examine the key elements of business strategy advantage such as the operating mechanism , business procedure and organizing framework , etc.

  30. 现代银行业对技术,尤其是信息技术的依赖程度越来越大,技术水平深刻地影响着现代银行的经营模式、业务流程和服务水平。

    The modern banking depends on technology ( especially IT ) more and more . The modern banks ' business pattern , processing and service are deeply affected by the technological capability .