
  • 网络Basic Economics;Foundations of Economics;Fundamentals of Economics;Essentials of Economics;Introduction to Economics
  1. 高职院校经济学基础课教学改革研究

    Research on the Teaching Reform of the Foundations of Economics

  2. 经济学基础是高职院校经济管理类专业的基础理论课程。

    The foundations of economics is a basic course of economic and financial specialty .

  3. 第一部分介绍战略联盟产生的经济学基础;

    First part introduces the economics foundation of corporate strategic alliances .

  4. 中国经济法经济学基础的反思与前瞻

    The Reflection and Foresight on Economic Foundation of Chinese Economic Law

  5. 是整篇文章的理论基础,笔者以经济学基础和法学基础入手,为水权交易法律制度的理论提供支撑。

    The author supports the theory by legal basis and economic basis .

  6. 其次对能源生态的定义和特征进行了描述,最后对我国能源生态补偿所依赖的经济学基础进行了论述。

    Second , I describe definitions and characteristics of energy ecological compensation .

  7. 西方行政法治理论的经济学基础

    The Economic Philosophy of Administrative Law in the Western World

  8. 资源和环境的存在价值的经济学基础

    Economics of existence value of natural resources and environment

  9. 主要包括经济学基础、生态伦理学基础和法学基础。

    It mainly includes economic basis , ecological ethic basis and legal basis .

  10. 生态农业的经济学基础

    On the Foundation of Economics of Eco - agriculture

  11. 合作的经济学基础是自私与慷慨之间的权衡。

    The economic basis of cooperation is the tradeoff between selfishness and generosity .

  12. 法经济学基础理论论纲

    An Outline of Theory Base of Law and Economics

  13. 凯恩斯的国家干预理论为西方现代契约正义理论产生提供了经济学基础;

    Intervention theory in Keynesian countries provided economics foundation ;

  14. 论高校图书馆部分有偿服务的经济学基础及其意义

    The Economic Basis and Significance of the Partial Charged Service of College Library

  15. 企业资源基础论的经济学基础

    The Relative Economics of Firm Resource - based View

  16. 水权转让建立在制度经济学基础之上。

    The water rights transfer system is based on the rationale of institutional economics .

  17. 军标与民标统一的经济学基础及其判断准则

    The Economic Bases and Decision Principles of Integration of Military Standards and Civil Standards

  18. 保险品牌行为及其经济学基础

    Insurance Branding Activities and Its Economic Basis

  19. 试论消费者权益保护的经济学基础

    Exploratory Discussion About the Economic Foundation of the Protection of Consumers ' Rights and Interests

  20. 究其原因是它缺乏应有的经济学基础。

    Study on Eccentric God The reason is that it has lost its economics brace .

  21. 其次,主体部分提出了国债投资调控法的概念与特征,并从宏观调控法的角度论述了国债投资调控法的经济学基础、法理学基础。

    Secondly , the concept and features of macro-control law of investment with national bonds .

  22. 企业可持续增长财务问题研究的经济学基础&启示与假设

    The Economic Theories Supporting to Research on Company 's Sustainable Growth & Highlights and Hypothesis

  23. 适用除外制度生成的基础包括经济学基础、哲学基础和法学基础。

    The foundation of its establishment concerns economical base , philosophical base and legal base .

  24. 林业分工论的经济学基础

    Economic Bases of the Classified Forestry Theory

  25. 教育改革成本分析是教育可持续发展的经济学基础。

    The cost analysis of educational reform is a economics foundation of educational sustainable development .

  26. 浑沌经济学基础理论研究

    On Basic Theory of Chaos Economics

  27. 经济学基础主要包括公共选择理论、委托代理理论、交易成本理论。

    The former basis includes Public Choice Theory , Principal Agent Theory and Transaction Cost Theory .

  28. 本文认为,国家经济学基础人才培养基地政策是作为一种教育领域内的新公共管理模式存在的。

    The national economics-base policy exists as a kind of new public management model in education .

  29. 城乡协调发展的经济学基础与核心机制构建

    The Economics Foundation of Harmonious Development of Urban and Rural Areas and the Core Mechanism Construction

  30. 构建反洗钱会计的经济学基础

    Economic Groundwork of Money Anti-laundering Accounting