
  • 网络terminal system;End system;CMTs;POS
  1. 例如,一个Principal可能是我在一个终端系统上的用户ID,而另一个可能是我在同一系统上所属于的“组”。

    For example , one Principal could be my user ID on an end system and another could be a " group " that I belong to on the same system .

  2. 但随着应用需求的日益丰富和技术的不断发展,研究者开始认识到要想完全依赖实现在终端系统上的策略与算法是很难满足诸如QoS这样复杂的应用需求的。

    As the development of technology and application demand , researchers began to realize that it is very difficult to meet the demand of complex application , such as QoS , only depending on the policy and algorithm on end system .

  3. Stand与传统的销售终端系统相比如何?

    How does stand compare with more traditional point of sale systems ?

  4. 基于Pipeline体系结构的三维PACS图像终端系统

    The 3D PACS Image System Based on Pipeline Framework

  5. 基于P2P的网络分发智能终端系统

    Intelligent Client System Based on P2P Network Distribution

  6. 她也曾为全球定位导航GPS系统、自动电话系统,以及三角洲航空公司终端系统献声。

    Shes also lent her vocals to GPS devices , automated telephone systems and even Delta airlines terminals .

  7. 基于SIP协议的可视VOIP终端系统研究及设计

    The SIP-Based Research and Design for Video VOIP Terminal System

  8. 基于IP-SAN的Windows终端系统在图书馆的应用

    The application of windows based terminal in library on the basis of IP-SAN

  9. 标准化作业;后台管理系统;手持终端系统PDA;无线扩音设备。

    Standardization Work ; the Backstage Management System ; Hand-hold Terminal System PDA ,; Wireless Microphone facility .

  10. 高速主干网的快速发展以及Web应用的急剧增长使得网络终端系统承受着越来越大的负载压力,为了提高Web服务器的处理能力,多种WebServer结构得到提出和实现。

    With sharply development of high-speed backbone network and phenomenal growth of Web applications , many kinds of Web server structures were advanced and implemented to increase the serving ability of Web servers .

  11. 实现移动IPSECVPN终端系统的集成方案,终端系统支持SDIO接口的智能卡。

    Integrates the mobile IPSec VPN terminal system .

  12. 常州市国光富士通金融电子有限公司委托项目:基于GPRS网络的无线POS终端系统的设计与实现。

    GFFS of Changzhou City commission project : Designing and Implementing of wireless POS terminal system based on GPRS network .

  13. 在新一代的电视终端系统中,能否获得上佳的用户体验(UserExperience)是各大电视终端厂商和电视内容提供商所关注的焦点,也是能否赢得市场的关键。

    Ability to obtain a good user experience ( User Experience ) is the focus of attention by the major TV terminal manufacturers and TV content providers , but also is the key to win market .

  14. 讨论了内涵于系统结构中的终端系统结构和通信网络结构,并对多点控制单元MCU作了深刻的剖析。随后,论述了视频会议系统的组网结构。

    Then the paper discusses the terminal system structure and network structure of system structure , and deeply analyzes the multi-point control unit MCU .

  15. 分析了在PAT过程中由于通信终端系统各光学器件安装误差所引起的光束矢量偏差,确定了终端光学路径中轴系误差的分类。

    The beam vector deflection caused by the setting error of each optical element in the communication terminal system is analyzed .

  16. 周二,发展迅速的移动支付新创企业Square推出支架式硬件设备Stand,iPad装在Stand上,就能变成一款台面销售终端系统。

    On Tuesday , fast growing mobile payments startup square introduced stand , a hardware device that cradles an iPad , turning it into a countertop point of sale system .

  17. DTMF电话委托网络终端系统

    DTMF Telephone Entrustment Network Terminal System

  18. 本文在中国电信IMS网络的基础上,设计和开发一种家庭富媒体软终端系统。

    In this dissertation , a family rich media soft terminal system is designed and developed based on IMS network of China Telecom .

  19. 而随着终端系统处理能力的迅速增强和网络带宽的大幅增加,一种基于P2P的分布式存储系统迅速发展起来。

    At the same time , with the terminal system handling capacity has increased rapidly and the substantial increase in network bandwidth , a peer-to-peer based distributed storage system developed rapidly .

  20. 对系统进行的PESQ(感知评估语音质量)测评结果表明,该SIP终端系统的性能较好。

    The PESQ ( Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality ) results show that the terminal system has a well-pleasing performance .

  21. 神经PID控制算法对空间光通信终端系统的工程实现具有重要的参考意义。最后,在仿真实验的基础上,对光束粗瞄控制算法提出了改进算法和建设性的意见。

    All in all , NN PID control algorithm is very meaningful refer to the inter-satellite laser communication . Finally , based on the simulation experiments , improved algorithm of control and constructive idea are presented .

  22. 随后讲述了终端系统的数据辅助处理功能,包括采用二进制序列化方式保存和读取试验数据,将试验数据导出至Excel文档。

    Subsequently the paper tells about data-aided processing functions of terminal software system such as using binary serialization to save and read the experimental result , exporting experimental data as Excel document .

  23. 高速发展的可编程图形处理单元(GPU)为信息化、软件化雷达终端系统的发展提供了新的技术平台。

    The rapid development of programmable Graphics Processing Units ( GPU ) provides a new technical platform for the development of informationalized software radar terminal system .

  24. 通过主站软件对终端系统实现的功能进行了测试,测试结果表明:系统实现了上位机与现场终端通过GPRS网络的交互,能够进行数据传输。

    The result indicates that the system can realize the communication of the supervisory computer with the terminal system by the GPRS network , and the transmission of the real time data .

  25. 本文介绍了IP电话的基本功能、特点,并给出了一个基于宽带接入PhonetoPhone技术基础而开发的IP电话语音终端系统的硬软件设计。

    This article introduces the IP phone basic function and characteristic . At the same time one IP phone terminal implementation including hardware and software design based on broadband access with " phone to phone " technology is given mainly .

  26. 传统的与Internet连接的智能卡系统结构包括智能卡系统和读写终端系统,智能卡系统和终端系统是独立的且都从属于具有网络连接能力的主机。

    The traditional system structure of smart cards connected to Internet mainly consists of the smart card system and the cardreader terminal system which were separate from each other but both of which are subordinated to the host that is able to access to networks .

  27. 本文主要以国内某银行销售终端系统中的电话POS终端系统为研究课题,作者有幸参与了该系统的设计开发工作。

    This paper mainly introduced point of sale system in a domestic . The author had the honor to join in the designing and developing of the system .

  28. 大港油田供水自动化系统由供水调度SCADA系统、水厂监控系统和若干个供水站终端系统组成。

    The automatic control system of water supply facility in Dagang oil field is composed of SCADA dispatching system , the waterworks monitoring system and terminals at some water distribution points .

  29. 介绍双向HFC接入网的用户家庭终端系统的基本功能和各种类型业务,主要介绍数字STB在HFC接入网中所起到的重要作用。

    Introduced the basic functions and some kinds of business user house terminal system over HFC net . Mainly introduced an important function of digital STB in HFC net .

  30. 全球卫星定位系统(GPS)越来越广泛的应用到实际生活的各个方面,对GPS终端系统的研究一直都是国内定位与导航领域的研究热点之一。

    Global Positioning System ( GPS ) has become more and more widely applied in all aspects of real life , the research of GPS terminal system has been one of the hotspots in the field of orientation and navigation in domestic .