
jì lǜ jiào yù
  • Discipline education;disciplinary education
  1. 高师学生纪律教育新探

    An Approach to the Disciplinary Education of the Teachers ' Training College Students

  2. 第四部分针对初中纪律教育的问题进行了一些思考。

    The fourth part has carried on ponders in view of the disciplinary education .

  3. 论雇员的权利纪律教育引论

    On Discipline On the Rights of Employee

  4. 文章从实践出发探索了在新形势下对高师学生如何进行有效的纪律教育。

    This article aims at the practical and effective disciplinary education under the new circumstances .

  5. 这说明我是受纪律教育的。

    It means I was taught discipline .

  6. 蒙台梭利纪律教育的分析及启示

    Analysis and Inspiration of Montessori Discipline Education

  7. 进行群众政策、群众纪律教育和群众宣传工作教育;

    Executing mass policy , mass rule education and the publicity work and education of mass ;

  8. 教育能力包括文明礼貌教育组织纪律教育、道德品质教育;

    The educating ability includes manners education , collective discipline education , and moral character education .

  9. 第二部分介绍了纪律教育的理论依据,主要从哲学、伦理学和心理学三个方面来为纪律教育奠定理论基础。

    The second part introduced discipline theory basis , mainly from the philosophy , ethics and the psychology three aspects .

  10. 这是传统教育思维的影响也是对于纪律教育理念本身存在的偏差。

    This is the traditional education thought influence and also the deviation which exists regarding the disciplinary education idea itself .

  11. 青年教育要突出理想信念教育、党的基本路线的教育、纪律教育和历史教育四个方面内容;

    Youth education must stress the four aspects : socialist ideology , the party 's basic policy , discipline and history .

  12. 最终促进纪律教育,体育教学不仅关系到自身,而且和学校的纪律息息相关。

    Ultimately promote the discipline of education , physical education not only to themselves but also closely related and school discipline .

  13. 纪律教育是塑造高师学生教师职业道德的重要手段之一。

    Disciplinary education is one of the important means to build the professional teachers ' ethic of the students in a training college .

  14. 在体育教学中应充分实施爱国主义教育,集体主义教育、纪律教育和意志品质教育,以实现德育教育的功能。

    In PE teaching , we should give full play to patriotism education , collectivism education , discipline education and willpower education to realize the function of moral education .

  15. 道统维护与思想启蒙&论童心说的双重使命及儒学的终结蒙台梭利纪律教育思想对幼儿园常规教育的启示

    Confucian Orthodoxy Maintenance and Ideological Enlightenment & On Dual Mission of Childlike Innocence Theory and Finality of Confucianism Discussion on Normal Education in Kindergarten from Maria Montessori 's Disciplinary Education

  16. 素质教育是面向未来的教育,在素质教育中不仅要加强纪律教育、政治品质教育,还要重视学生的法制教育,提高学生的法律素质。

    Diathesis education faces the future . We must not only strengthen discipline education and political character education , but also think much of legal system education in diathesis education .

  17. 要切实加强对他们的思想政治教育、品德教育、纪律教育、法制教育,将其培养和塑造成为具有高尚人格的人。

    The education of their ideology , moral characters , discipline and legality should be strengthened so as to develop and model them to be the persons of noble personality .

  18. 在党政机关、军队、企业、学校和全体人民中,都必须加强纪律教育和法制教育。

    Education in discipline and legality must be intensified in Party and government organizations , in the army , in enterprises and schools as well as among the people as a whole .

  19. 司法警官教育是一种特殊的职业教育,一种特殊的法律纪律教育,一种特殊的医师(即社会医学)教育,一种特殊的师范教育,一种特殊的强制管理教育。

    Judicial police officer education is a specific professional education , a specific legal and discipline education , a specific social medical scientific education , a specific teacher-training education , and a specific forced administer education .

  20. 现代社会理想信念教育的基本特征体现在理想信念教育的科学性与价值性的统一,理性与感性的统一,理想信念教育与纪律教育的统一等方面;

    The basic characteristics of the education of modern social ideals and beliefs are embodied in the unification of the education 's scientificalness and value , of rationality and sensibility , and of education of ideals and beliefs and education of discipline .

  21. 第三部分通过初中纪律教育的问卷调查与访谈,从师生对纪律教育本质的认识和态度、纪律教育的实施情况两个方面揭示纪律教育存在的一些问题。

    The third part survey three aspects of the disciplinary education which is understanding and the manner of the teachers and students with the disciplinary education essence , the disciplinary education implementation situation . The three aspects has promulgated disciplinary education existence fault .

  22. 进行理想道德文化纪律的教育。

    Education in ideals , ethics , culture and discipline .

  23. 首先要向青年进行有理想、有纪律的教育。

    First of all , we should teach young people to have ideals and a sense of discipline .

  24. 是由一对爱尔兰兄弟经营的,他们相信纪律和教育的高标准。

    It was near Gole market , run by Irish brothers who believed in discipline and a very high standard of education .

  25. 纪律既是教育的手段,又是教育的目的,而这二者的道德价值有别。

    Discipline is a " means of education " and the " aim of education " as well , both having difference in moral value .

  26. 针对我国存在的道德问题,笔者认为涂尔干道德教育思想具有三方面的启示:明确纪律在道德教育中必要性、道德教育核心应是社会责任的培养以及道德教育需要自主能力作为其根本。

    On the ethics of our existence , Durkheim moral education has three aspects of Enlightenment thinking : a clear need for discipline in moral education , moral education should be the core of the culture of social , responsibility and moral education as a fundamental need for autonomy .

  27. 结合存在的问题,从明确目标定位、严格招生纪律、突出教育特色、追求管理创新、促进学科发展等五个层面提出解决的对策。

    In light of the missions and comparative strengths of science universities , five strategies are then proposed for dealing with such problems by means of clearly defining their goals , strictly controlling the enrollment process , better tailoring education programs , innovating management , and promoting various academic advances .

  28. 一是强化学生的“有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律”的思想教育;

    There are two aspects : one is to stress the education in ideal , discipline , morality and knowledge ;

  29. 据《北京晨报》报道,教育部一位发言人表示该部支持清华采取的维护学术纪律的行为。教育部同时表示,将成立学风建设委员会,来与学术不端行为作斗争。

    A spokesperson of the Ministry of Education told Beijing Morning Post yesterday that it supported the disciplinary action taken by the university .

  30. 通过加快各种纪律规范的制定和完善、加强纪律教育和纪律监督,实现纪律与道德两种行为规范的优势互补,促进道德建设健康发展,逐步形成纪律和道德互相促进的局面。

    The healthy development of the construction of ethics should be improved through the making and bettering of various discipline standards , through the enhancing of discipline education and supervision to give full play to the respective advantages of the both so that disciplines and ethics will achieve mutual progress .