
  • 网络Emergency button;panic button;EMERGENCY STOP;SOS
  1. 我做的第一件事是按了紧急按钮。

    And the first thing I did was press the panic button .

  2. 领事的紧急按钮已经按下了。

    The consul 's panic button was triggered .

  3. 墙上有个紧急按钮看见没?

    There 's an emergency button on the wall.You see it ?

  4. 工会发言人图尔基亚诺说,紧急按钮能遏阻喧闹轻浮的客人。

    Union spokesman John Turchiano said panic buttons would deter potentially rowdy guests .

  5. 此外,巴士的外部也有一个可以使用的紧急按钮。

    An emergency button is also available on the exterior of the bus .

  6. 所有房间中都有一个紧急按钮。

    All rooms have an emergency button .

  7. 当紧急按钮被占用,灯光闪烁,将会吸引现场的注意力。

    When the emergency trip button is engaged , the light flashes , attracting attention to the scene .

  8. 按了紧急按钮之后过了几分钟你们冲进了大楼?

    And after the panic button was hit , how long was it before you entered the building ?

  9. 房间里和厕所里居然还有紧急按钮,这真的是智慧和细心的结合啊。

    The room even has emergency call buttons in both the room and the toilet-a sign of wisdom and thoughtfulness .

  10. 这时,你可以按下紧急按钮,发出“插队”信息。

    At this point , you can press the emergency button , the issue of " queue jumping " information .

  11. 努力不惊慌,我按下了紧急按钮,它触发一个维修服务的自动电话呼叫。

    Trying not to panic , I hit the emergency button , which triggers an automatic call to the repair service .

  12. 这个组织提议,客房服务员应该配有一种紧急按钮,这种电子装置能在麻烦出现时发出警讯。

    The organization is proposing that room attendants be issued panic buttons , electronic devices that would send an alarm in case of trouble .

  13. 此外只有有权限的人才能使用的紧急按钮,切断电源而阻止过往车辆。

    It also features an emergency trip button that authorized personnel can use to cut power to the track to halt an oncoming train .

  14. 图尔基亚诺说:“我们希望旅馆协会能同意为客房服务员提供紧急按钮。但愿旅馆业加强对我们会员的训练,并且也为管理层人员提供训练。”

    We are hoping that the hotel association will agree to panic buttons for the room attendants , and hopefully enhanced training not just for our members , but for management staff as well ," he said . "

  15. 他看到她用拇指按了一个红色按钮——紧急呼叫按钮。

    He saw her jab her thumb on a red button — a panic button

  16. 某乘客按下站台上的紧急停车按钮。

    A passenger press an emergency stop button on the platform .

  17. 你们该不会没听说过紧急呼救按钮吧?

    Aren 't you supposed to be able to hear the emergency call button ?

  18. 这里是紧急停车按钮。

    Here is emergency brake button .

  19. 这里是紧急呼叫按钮。

    Here is emergency button .

  20. 安全设计,采用双手操作,设有紧急停止按钮及上下点动功能。

    Safety designed , using both hands to operate , with emergency stop button jog up down function .

  21. 每部电梯都配有紧急报警按钮和警铃,直接连到监控中心。

    Each lift has an emergency alarm button that rings a bell in the lift room situated on the CCTV room .

  22. 使用紧急呼叫或帮助按钮,也可打电话或用对讲机寻求救助。

    Use the ALARM or HELP button , the telephone or the intercom to call for assistance .