
  • 网络Mind Control;mental control
  1. 令人关注的是,你可以注意到精神控制技术对85%的人起作用,而对其他15%的人不太起作用,(因为)他们则有着特殊的DNA链。

    It 's interesting to note that mind control techniques work on85 percent of the people , and the15 percent that they don 't work well on are people that have that particular DNA string .

  2. 尽管Ervin参议院委员会对精神控制实验展开调查及严惩,但试验仍在继续。

    Despite the Ervin Senate Committee investigation and chastation of mind control , the experiments continued .

  3. 刚刚又重新读了你的MindControlForum(精神控制论坛)网的摘要,我开始发现以前我所未发现的:政府不相信你是微波的受害者。

    Just reread your resume on your MCF site and my eye caught what it did not catch before : that the govt does not believe you are the victim of microwaves .

  4. 一种方法被发现可用来使这些ELF塔不能实施它们的精神控制功能,这种方法是通过在这些塔周围1300英尺半径范围内布置一台简单的名为奥冈发生器的设备来实现。

    A method was discovered to disable these ELF towers from exerting their mind control functions by placing a simple device known as an orgone generator within a radius of1,300 feet of these towers .

  5. MODOK的举动,包括精神控制,部队爆破,心理稻瘟病,智取胜,无敌等等。

    MODOK 's moves include Mind Control , Force Blast , Psychic Blast , Outwit , Invulnerability and more .

  6. 纳粹科学家是如何被征募,进行人体辐射研究,微波技术,和MKULTRA精神控制实验的。

    How Nazi Paperclip scientists were recruited for human radiation studies , microwave technology , and MKULTRA mind control experiments .

  7. Chavkin预言精神控制技术能成为政府,监狱和警察部门的标准配件,它有有力的文件做依托。

    Chavkin 's prediction that mind-control techniques could become standard equipment of governments , prisons , and police departments is backed by forceful documentation .

  8. 我喜欢你对丹尼的精神控制

    I love the Jedi mind trick on Danny boy .

  9. 有是没有办法分开的精神控制的实际控制。

    There is no way to separate physical control from mind control .

  10. 精神控制雕文:提升持续时间30秒。

    Glyph of Mind Control : Increases duration by30 seconds .

  11. 爱国者广播者们意识到精神控制正在发生。

    Patriot broadcasters are aware that mind control is happening .

  12. 社会学语境下的精神控制及其对策

    On Mind Control of Sociological Language Environment and Strategies

  13. 一个强,好的政府不需要用精神控制。

    A strong , good government does not need to use mind control .

  14. 这个医疗机构显示,他们进行了精神控制以及行为修正实验。

    The medical facility indicates they were mind control or behavior modification treatments .

  15. 政府扣押孩子因为父母抱怨精神控制的影响。

    Government confiscation of children because the parent complains about mind control effects .

  16. 这完全是控制的问题,集中精神控制方向。

    It 's all about control , and control is in your mind .

  17. 精神控制仪器转换你的声音成为某种事物,叫做沉默的声音。

    The Mind Control Machine converts your voice into something called Silent Sound .

  18. 我不知他们是否用了现代的电子精神控制方法。

    I don 't know whether they used modern electronic mind control methods .

  19. “精神控制”在副本中将不再受到100码的距离限制。

    " Mind control " no longer has a100 yard range limitation in instances .

  20. 需要其他可靠的关于精神控制的可靠资源,请参观我们的精神控制信息中心。

    For other reliable resources on mind control , visit our mind control information center .

  21. 帕特的例子不同寻常,她的母亲也遭受到的精神控制。

    Pat 's case is unusual in that her MOTHER also experienced mind control attacks .

  22. 精神控制技术可以被广义上分成两支:基于创伤的和基于电子的。

    Mind control technologies can be broadly divided into two subsets : trauma-based or electronic-based .

  23. 然而,我们的目标是改变精神控制方面的药物上瘾。

    Our goal , though , is to reverse the mind controlling aspects of addictive drugs .

  24. 催眠不是精神控制医生的创造的控制的健忘的唯一方法,然而。

    Hypnosis was not the mind control doctors'only method for creation of controlled amnesia , however .

  25. 试验品身心受尽折磨,精神控制侵害在今天就像是最惊人的的惊悚电影。

    Physical and psychological torture of mind control victims today is like the worst horror movies .

  26. 媒体在某种程度上忽视了精神控制,或者增加他们的嘲笑。

    The media ignore mind control for the most part , or add their own ridicule .

  27. 精神控制:当目标免疫这个状态时,无法施法。

    Mind Control : This spell can no longer be cast while it is already active .

  28. 精神控制实验成为加州的一部分已经十年了,并且渗入到了精神病院和监狱中。

    Mind control experiments have been part of California for decades and permeate mental institutions and prisons .

  29. 用马斯洛需要层次论对传销组织精神控制的分析及对策

    Analysis of Mental Control by Multi Level Marketing Organizations in Light of Hierarchy of Needs and Countermeasures

  30. 周代的和谐文化主要体现在制度控制、精神控制以及艺术审美三个层面。

    Harmonious culture in Zhou Dynasty is characterized by system control , spiritual control and aesthetic appreciation .