
jīnɡ shén sǔn hài
  • moral damage;spiritual damage;mental injury
  1. 人身伤亡精神损害赔偿研究

    A Study Compensation for Moral Damage of personal Injury and Death

  2. 残疾、死亡赔偿金与精神损害抚慰金辨析

    Solatium analysis on the disability , death and moral damage compensation

  3. 其范围包括财产损害赔偿和精神损害赔偿;

    Its range includes compensation of material loss and spiritual loss .

  4. 完善我国精神损害赔偿法律制度若干问题的思考

    Consider the Perfection of the Law Institutions on Emotional Damages Compensation

  5. 侵权法上精神损害及其赔偿之再探(上)

    Re-Discussion of Mental Injury and Its Compensation ( First Half )

  6. 试论我国环境侵权的精神损害赔偿制度

    On the System Mental Damage Compensation for Environmental Tort in China

  7. 因此,应该确立刑事精神损害赔偿制度。

    Therefore , criminal spiritual damage compensation system should be established .

  8. 精神损害赔偿是社会关注的一个热点问题。

    Mental damage compensation is a hot issue of social concern .

  9. 三是近亲属纯粹精神损害赔偿制度。

    Third , close relatives , purely mental injury compensation system .

  10. 法国民法广泛承认精神损害赔偿。

    French civil law is widely recognized moral damage compensation .

  11. 论行政侵权精神损害的赔偿问题

    Simple Analysis of the Compensation Case on Administrative Tort and Mental Damage

  12. 法律是否应支持这类主体提起的精神损害赔偿请求?

    And should the law support the compensation for their mental damages ?

  13. 行政精神损害赔偿制度的法律思考

    Consideration on the Law of Compensation of Administrative Spiritual Tort

  14. 精神损害的实质是精神利益损害。

    The essence of mental injury is the injury of mental interests .

  15. 精神损害费若干法律问题探讨

    Discussion of several legal issues concerning compensation for mental damage

  16. 完善精神损害立法量化损害赔偿额度

    Perfect the Legislation of Mental Injury Quantify the Quantity of Damage Compensation

  17. 环境侵权中的精神损害赔偿制度初探

    The spirit indemnity system preliminary study in the environment infringement

  18. 传统的精神损害赔偿主要是针对侵权行为的直接受害人,而并不承认对第三人的精神损害赔偿。

    Conventional inspirit injury amends mostly aim at the direct tortious victims .

  19. 第一章阐述精神损害的界定。

    The first part elaborates the definition of mental damage .

  20. 违约精神损害赔偿的比较研究

    Comparative Research on Spiritual Claim against Breach of the Contract

  21. 行政机关侵犯公民名誉权及精神损害赔偿责任

    On Administrative Indemnity for the Citizens ' Reputation Right and Mental Damage

  22. 精神损害赔偿是一个一直存有争议的法律问题。

    The compensation for moral damage is always a controversial legal problem .

  23. 第一章主要论述了精神损害与精神损害赔偿。

    Chapter ⅰ: I deals with major damage and mental spirit damages .

  24. 谈将精神损害赔偿纳入国家赔偿的意义

    The Significance of Involving Compensation for Mental Injury in State Compensation Law

  25. 人格侵权之精神损害责任的发展。

    The development of spirit damages of personal right tort .

  26. 然后分别探讨物质损害赔偿和精神损害赔偿应有之计算标准。

    And then discuss the calculation standard of material and mental damages .

  27. 精神损害赔偿的立法缺陷和改进

    The Legislative Shortcomings and Improvement of Compensation for Spiritual Damage Sign of Spirit

  28. 走出精神损害赔偿的误区

    Changing the Wrong Knowledge of Compensation for Mental Damages

  29. 精神损害赔偿权利主体限于公民,不包括法人。

    Subjects of right in mental compensation are citizens , excluding juridical persons .

  30. 浅议国家侵权行为之精神损害赔偿

    A Study on the Spiritual Damages for National Tort