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xiào liǎn
  • smiling face
笑脸 [xiào liǎn]
  • [smiling face] 带笑的脸庞

  • 处处有笑脸

笑脸[xiào liǎn]
  1. 他的笑脸出现在T恤衫、公告牌和海报上面。

    His smiling face appears on T-shirts , billboards , and posters .

  2. 我们的吉祥物是UU,一张笑脸。

    Our mascot is UU , a smiling face .

  3. 公众似乎并不相信他们最近所表演的一连串笑脸攻势。

    The public seems unconvinced by their latest charm offensive .

  4. 她一笑脸就皱了起来。

    Her face crinkled up in a smile .

  5. 米克严肃的表情一下子变成了笑脸。

    All at once , Mick 's serious expression softened into a grin

  6. 他先是冲我咧嘴一笑,不过看到我的表情后又赶紧收起笑脸。

    He flashed me a quick grin but rapidly swallowed it when he saw my expression .

  7. 奶奶不太像奶奶——倒像是来自故乡的母老虎,她已经几十年没有露出过笑脸了。

    Grandma is something else — a battle-axe from the old country who hasn 't smiled in decades .

  8. 命运之神向我们露出了笑脸。

    Fortune smiled on us .

  9. 她把艾利坎迪利润的10%捐给了“大笑脸”。

    She donates 10 % of AilieCandy 's profits to Big Smiles .

  10. 笑脸迎客,和气生财

    Receive customers with a smile . amicaBility attracts riches .

  11. 需要笑脸迎人的上班生活可谓压力山大。

    Working life can be stressful , with all that smiling and all those expressions .

  12. 很少见,还不如太阳穿透当地阴沉天空的次数,一星期太阳或许还能露出一次笑脸。

    Rarer than the sun that cracks the cheeks Of the gaunt sky perhaps once in a week .

  13. 尽管我怀疑大多数人都不喜欢,但是我看到用标点符号构成的笑脸还挺高兴的。

    I 'm a sucker for variations on the smiley face made with punctuation8 marks , though I suspect most people don 't like them . High five from down low

  14. 在清单3中,我为笑脸画布使用script属性。

    In Listing 3 , I use the script attribute for the smiley canvas .

  15. v.啜泣这个失望的男孩忍住啜泣,强作笑脸。

    The disappointed boy gulped down a sob and tried to smile .

  16. 我们的客户对这个解决方案感到很兴奋&你可以从他们开始学习RationalRapidDeveloper的可能性时的笑脸上看出来。

    Our clients are excited by this solution & you can see it on their faces once they start to learn about the possibilities of Rational Rapid Developer .

  17. 凭借其标识较少的2308-11神秘广告(0是一个笑脸形状的插座),通用汽车(GM)成功制造出了一些罕见的轰动。

    General Motors succeeded in creating some rare buzz through its cryptic , logo-less 230 8-11 ads ( the 0 was a smiley-faced electrical outlet ) .

  18. 维也纳梅瑟利研究所聪明狗狗实验室(MesserliResearchInstitute'sCleverDogLab)的科学家们,训练狗狗将笑脸或怒容的图片与奖励联系在一起。

    Scientists at the Messerli Research Institute 's Clever Dog Lab in Vienna trained dogs to associate pictures of happy or angry faces with a reward .

  19. 他还在InstagramStories上转发这条广告来表示支持,还配上了祈祷的手势和带有红心表情的笑脸。

    He also showed his approval by reposting the clip on Instagram Stories with the praying hands and smiling face with hearts emojis .

  20. 有些人将他视为丰田汽车(ToyotaMotor)的啦啦队长,在过去几年间负责代表这家深陷困境的企业抛头露面,对公众笑脸相迎。

    One school sees him as the leading cheerleader for Toyota Motor ( TM ) , a laughing and smiling front man for a company that has been struggling more than usual the past few years .

  21. Puja看起来几乎不像是一个斗争者,但在她那笑脸底下确是如钢铁般的意志。

    Puja hardly looks like a fighter but beneath her smiling face is a steely resolve .

  22. 在我们庆祝狗之家酒店吃饭,第二天早上,我们驱车在长桥,我们是在挥舞旗帜与方格,气球和笑脸许多新的MG。

    We celebrated at a dinner at The Dog , s House Inn and next morning we drove to the new MG plant at Longbridge where we were waved in with chequered flags , balloons and lots of smiling faces .

  23. 在日本,博客、Facebook粉丝页面,以及电视上到处可见这样的虎牙笑脸。大家普遍认为,在一张可爱的脸孔上加上一点点恰到好处的瑕疵,会增添女性的魅力。

    The look - frothed about on blogs , Facebook fan pages and on Japanese TV - is seen as adding a well-calculated dash of imperfection to a pretty face , adding to a woman 's desirability .

  24. 总是笑对周遭的EvaSolo笑脸盘,既可以放果仁、糖果,也可以放你口袋里的任何东西。

    Eva Solo smiley bowl always smiles at its surroundings , and it is always ready to lend a helping hand to hold nuts , sweets or all the stuff that you carry around in your pockets .

  25. Logo上面的黄色曲线和单词里面的“a”字母组成了一个笑脸。这个黄色曲线也是一个箭头,从字母“a”一直跨越到字母“z”。

    The position of the yellow line forms a visible smile with each " a " in the word acting as the eyes.The yellow line is also an arrow , beginning at the first " a " and spanning over to " z. "

  26. 拍出的照片包括这只猴子迷人的笑脸。善待动物组织认出他是一只6岁大的公猴,绰号火影忍者(Naruto)。他对着镜头大笑,露出门牙。

    The results included the charming mug of the monkey , identified by PETA as a 6-year-old male , Naruto , grinning broadly and bucktoothed into the lens .

  27. 这些笑脸与表情符号的根源可以追溯到19世纪80年代,但是你手机里这些emoji符号则发源于20世纪90年代中期的日本,由一个在青少年中非常流行的寻呼机品牌首先用来给自己增加点特色。

    it had to stop . The roots of smiley faces and emoticons go back to the 1880s , but the story of the emoji , those little pictorial icons on your cellphone , began in Japan in the mid-1990s when it was added as a special feature to a brand of pagers popular with teenagers .

  28. 天真的笑脸好似花儿,引得蝴蝶流连忘返!

    The smiling faces of naive like flowers attract butterflies away !

  29. 很高兴看到你们热情洋溢的笑脸。

    I 'm also really happy to see your smiling faces .

  30. 我看到了在绞刑架上悬挂着的笑脸。

    I 've seen more cheerful faces dangling from a gallows .