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chàn dǒu
  • tremble;shake;shiver;quiver;waver;falter;twitter
颤抖 [chàn dǒu]
  • [shiver;tremble;shake] 颤动;发抖

  • 他感到自己的心在颤抖

  • 她紧张得连声音都在颤抖

颤抖[chàn dǒu]
  1. 我的体育记者朋友说见到《纽约客》(NewYorker)作家罗杰•安杰尔(RogerAngell)让他颤抖。

    My sportswriter friend , who said that meeting the New Yorker writer Roger Angell literally made him shake .

  2. 他的手第一次颤抖起来。

    For the first time the hand appeared to shake .

  3. 一道眩目的闪光过后,整栋大楼颤抖起来。

    There was a blinding flash and the whole building shuddered .

  4. 简不禁声音颤抖。

    Jane couldn 't help the quiver in her voice .

  5. 她竭力控制住颤抖的双腿。

    She tried to control the trembling in her legs .

  6. 他嘴里发出了微弱颤抖的声音。

    A weak trembling sound issued from his lips .

  7. 他的声音略微有点儿颤抖。

    There was a slight tremor in his voice .

  8. 她紧握双拳,克制颤抖。

    She clenched her fists to stop herself trembling .

  9. 他的声音激动得颤抖。

    His voice was throbbing with emotion .

  10. 很明显她的手在颤抖。

    Her hand was shaking noticeably .

  11. 剧烈的颤抖使他抽搐不已。

    A violent shiver convulsed him .

  12. 她激动得声音颤抖。

    Her voice shook with emotion .

  13. 她激动得声音颤抖。

    Her voice trembled with excitement .

  14. 他的下唇在颤抖。

    His lower lip trembled .

  15. “我在这里不安全吧?”她用颤抖的声音问道。

    ‘ I 'm not safe here , am I ? ’ she asked in a quavering voice .

  16. 她说起话来还是因为害怕及激动而颤抖。

    The dangerous , excitable tremor was still in her voice .

  17. 他说话时声音沙哑颤抖。

    When he spoke , his voice was hoarse and cracked .

  18. 她正剧烈地抽噎着,浑身颤抖。

    She was now shaking with long , racking sobs .

  19. 简把肌肉绷紧,不让它们颤抖。

    Jane tensed her muscles to stop them from shaking .

  20. 他声音颤抖,泪水在眼眶里打转。

    His voice trembled , on the verge of tears .

  21. 她的下唇颤抖着,豆大的泪珠顺着面颊滚落下来。

    Her bottom lip quivered and big tears rolled down her cheeks .

  22. 麦克说出最后这两个字时,吓得声音颤抖。

    Mack made his voice quiver with fear on these last two words .

  23. 她颤抖着放下电话听筒,电话几乎立刻又响了起来。

    Trembling , she put the phone down . It rang again almost immediately .

  24. 他嘴唇发干,眼睛圆睁,全身开始颤抖起来。

    His mouth became dry , his eyes widened , and he began to tremble all over

  25. 她的声音因情绪激动而颤抖。

    Her voice trembled with emotion .

  26. 飞行旅程让瑞安筋疲力尽,他双腿颤抖着走出来寻找克拉克。

    Ryan was exhausted by the flight and walked off with wobbly legs to find Clark .

  27. 她颤抖着又吸了口气。

    She draws another wavering breath .

  28. 她激动得声音颤抖,对他说:“这好像不公平吧。”

    Her voice breaking with emotion , she told him : ' It doesn 't seem fair ' .

  29. “所以这就是我要回家的原因,”他声音颤抖地说。

    ' So that 's why I want to go home , ' he said in a wobbly voice .

  30. 她纤弱的身躯因阵阵咳嗽而颤抖。

    Her slight frame was shaken by bouts of coughing .