
  • 网络Populus tremuloides;quaking aspen;aspen
  1. 它们的叶子会在微风中颤抖。颤杨以能忍耐贫瘠土壤和寒冷气候而闻名。以它们的白色树皮为衬托,颤杨树林间闪烁着黄叶,预示着即将来临的冬天。

    Known for tolerating poor soils and cold climates , aspens flash yellow against their white bark in an unmistakable sign of coming winter .

  2. 研究了颤杨机械浆和高得率浆在回用过程中性质的变化,并对照研究了黑云杉热磨机械浆的回用性能。

    Changes in pulp characteristics of aspen ( Populus tremloides ) mechanical and high yield pulps during recycling have been studied and compared with spruce thermomechanical pulp .

  3. 这片莽原区包括了几块世界上最大的颤杨林地。这些颤杨树增长非常迅速,一年内可以长高5英尺(约1.5米)。

    It includes some of the world 's largest stands of fast-growing aspen trees , which can gain 5 feet ( 1.5 meters ) in a year .