
  • 网络cronartium ribicola;C. ribicola
  1. DNA分子标记在华山松疱锈病研究中的应用现状及前景

    The Application and Prospect of DNA Molecular Markers to the Study on Armandii Pine Blister Rust

  2. 华山松疱锈病是华山松Pinusarmandi最严重的病害之一。

    Pinus armandi blister rust is one of the most severe diseases in P. armandi forest .

  3. 中国三种松疱锈病菌Cronartiumspp.孢子表面形态的扫描电镜观察

    Spore surface morphology of three pine blister rusts ( cronartium spp. ) of China as observed under a scanning electron microscope

  4. 五针松疱锈病病原菌生活史的计算机模拟

    Computer Simulation the Lifecycle of Five needle Pine Blister Rust

  5. 云南华山松疱锈病综合治理技术研究

    Technological Research on Comprehensive Control of Pinus armandii Blister Rust in Yunnan

  6. 红松疱锈病综合防治技术的研究

    Integrated control of blister rust in Korean pine plantation

  7. 华山松疱锈病发病规律的研究

    Study on the regularity of Armand Pine blister rust

  8. 华山松疱锈病发生与林分因子关系的研究

    Study on Relationship between Forest Factors and Occurrence of Pinus armandii Blister Rust

  9. 红松疱锈病的研究

    A study on blister rust of Korean pine

  10. 马尾松疱锈病病原及转主寄主的研究

    A study on pathogen and the alternate host of blister rust of massoniana pine

  11. 黄山松疱锈病的研究

    Studies on the Blister Rust of Taiwan Pine

  12. 激光防治红松疱锈病研究初报&激光辐射红松疱锈病菌锈孢子效应试验

    A preliminary report on study of controlling blister rust of Korean pine by laser

  13. 云南省华山松疱锈病病原研究

    Studies on Armandii Pine Blister Rust in Yunnan

  14. 陕西秦岭林区华山松疱锈病分布及危害研究

    Distribution and Damage of Armand Pine Blister Rust ( Cronartum sp. ) in Shaanxi Province

  15. 华山松针叶表皮结构与抗疱锈病关系的初步研究

    The Relation of the Blister Rust Resistance and the Structures of the Needle Epidermis in the Pinus armandii Franch

  16. 紫茎泽兰在我国的分布、危害与防除途径的探讨陕西秦岭林区华山松疱锈病分布及危害研究

    STUDIES ON THE DISTRIBUTION , HARMFULNESS AND CONTROL OF EUPATORIUM ADENOPHORUM SPRENG Distribution and Damage of Armand Pine Blister Rust ( Cronartum sp. ) in Shaanxi Province

  17. 因此,弄清华山松健康植株和感染疱锈病的植株(以下简称感病植株)上的树栖真菌种类、数量和动态变化对华山松疱锈生物防治中重寄生菌的定殖相当重要。

    So the kind , quantities and changes of dendrocola fungi on healthy and infected ( by Cronartium ribicola ) Pinus armandii are very important to the growth of the mycoparasites .