
kē jì ɡōnɡ zuò zhě
  • scientific and technical worker
  1. 女性科技工作者职业发展影响因素的三维解析

    Three-Dimensional Analyses on the Influencing Factors to Career Development of Female Scientific and Technical Worker

  2. 他的父母都是科技工作者。

    His parents are scientific and technological workers .

  3. Internet现有的拥塞控制算法已远远无法适应未来的高带宽时延乘积网络环境,因此,科技工作者近年来相继提出了一些新的算法和教学分析模型。

    The existing congestion control algorithm of Internet can far from fit for intending high bandwidth-delay product networks . Therefore , some new protocols and new mathematical analysis models have been put forward .

  4. 通过多年检索教学实践经验,对Internet学术信息采集中的常见文件格式进行了总结,为科技工作者利用网络信息资源提供帮助。

    Through many years ' practice of the retrieval teaching , this paper sums up the common file format in the collection of the academic information from Internet in order to provide the helps for sci-tech workers to use the network information resources .

  5. 再看看一大批正在火人节(BurningMan)欢度春假的人群中穿梭,或者在西南偏南音乐节(SouthbySouthwest)袒露健美体格的科技工作者(其中包括投资人、加密货币传道者泰勒o文克莱沃斯那犹如奥林匹斯山诸神的强健身躯)。

    Look at the hordes of young tech workers navigating the Spring Break crowds at Burning Man and South by Southwest baring their toned physiques ( including the literally Olympian torso of Tyler Winklevoss , the investor and cryptocurrency evangelist ) .

  6. 你的Twitter首页每刷新一次,这座城市就会自我更新一次。高耸的起重机遍布市区,年轻的科技工作者成群结队地涌入城市的各个角落。

    This is a city that 's reinventing itself with every refresh of your Twitter feed , with cranes rising all over downtown and an army of young tech workers pouring into neighborhoods across the city .

  7. 也正是因此,AFM在科学研究领域的需求非常大,研制新型的多功能原子力显微镜是当下众多科技工作者的重要任务。

    It is also why , AFM has a large demand in scientific research area . Design and development on new AFM with multi-function is an important task for many science and technology workers .

  8. 经过电力科技工作者们几十年的研究,纯交流系统的潮流算法现在已经相当成熟,其中最常用的是牛顿法和PQ分解法。

    Through decades of the hard work , the flow calculation for AC system has been quiet mature , among which the most commonly used are the Newton method and PQ Decomposition .

  9. 渗透汽化过程(Pervaporation)在环境保护领域的应用正受到人们越来越多的关注,尤其是用渗透汽化法脱除工业废水中微量有机物更是近年来各国科技工作者研究的焦点。

    The applications of pervaporation ( PV ) in the field of environment protection were paid more and more attention , especially in the removal of volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) from industrial wastewater .

  10. 扫描隧道显微镜(STM)和原子力显微镜(AFM)的出现是微纳米检测技术发展史的里程碑,是纳米技术发展的基础,是纳米科技工作者必不可少的研究工具。

    Scanning tunneling microscope ( STM ) and atomic force microscope ( AFM ) are not only the milestone of micro-nano detection technology development in the history , but also the basis for the development of nano-technology and essential research tools for nano-scientists and engineers .

  11. 科技工作者职业生涯设计初探

    Tentative Study On Designing Scientific and Technical Workers ' Occupational Career

  12. 科学精神对科技工作者是至关重要的。

    Scientific spirit is most important to S & T worker .

  13. 女性科技工作者职业生涯发展模式与对策研究&基于天津的调查

    Women Scientists ' Career Development Path & Based on Research in Tianjin

  14. 科学道德建设与科技工作者的责任

    On Building of Scientific Ethics and Responsibility of Scientific Workers

  15. 因此研究具有耐盐性能好的高吸水性树脂已经成为该领域科技工作者的主要研究方向。

    Researching high anti-salt performance have become important direction for scientific workers .

  16. 社会支持在企业科技工作者工作压力与工作倦怠的关系中起调节作用,随着工作压力的增大,高的社会支持可以在一定程度上缓解工作压力对工作倦怠的影响。

    Social support had moderating effects between job stress and job burnout .

  17. 继承和发扬它,是我们科技工作者的责任。

    And it is our responsibilities to inherit and develop these technologies .

  18. 女科技工作者的心理健康及教育

    On the psychological health and education of women science and technology workers

  19. 其非常复杂,往往吸引着科技工作者。

    Its very complexity tends to be attractive to technocrats .

  20. 论科技工作者的献身精神

    On the Spirit of Dedication of Scientific and Technological Workers

  21. 我国畜牧兽医科技工作者利用文献的探讨

    Study on the application of documents in animal husbandry and veterinary science research

  22. 科技工作者的科研成果要进行国际间的交流。

    The achievement in scientific research must be internationally communicated in academic circles .

  23. 试论科技工作者与科学精神

    Talk about S & T Worker and Scientific Spirit

  24. 科技工作者应对社会的发展负责;

    Scientific and technical workers should be responsible for the development of social ;

  25. 这些高科技公司的科技工作者也将热烈欢迎来自亚太地区的同行们。

    Many engineers at these high tech companies hail from the Asia Pacific .

  26. 2008年中国科技工作者状况调查

    Investigation on the Status of Scientific and Technological Workers of China in 2008

  27. 试论科技工作者的人文素养对科学技术发展的影响

    Effect of Our Scientific Workers ' Humanity Quality on Development of Scientific Technology

  28. 于是,科技工作者创造种种方法,力图提高激光准直系统的测量精度。

    So technician try to improve precision of laser collimation system in many ways .

  29. 马克思主义哲学能够给科技工作者提供什么?

    What can Marxist philosophy provide to scientists ?

  30. 报告的作者们认为,这样将增加科技工作者的忠诚度。

    This would increase the loyalty of S & T workers , he says .