
shè huǒ
  • traditional festivities
社火 [shè huǒ]
  • (1) [folk art performance given on traditional or religious festivals]∶民间节日举办的杂戏、杂耍等游艺活动

  • (2) [partner]∶同伙

  1. 回族社火队&一个独特的文化现象

    The traditional festivities of Hui nationality - a unique cultural phenomenon

  2. “社火”,是中国节庆期间开展的传统民间娱乐活动。

    Shehuo is a traditional folk entertainment activity performed during Chinese festivals .

  3. 当今的社火马勺脸谱,出自民间资深艺人之手。

    Today 's fire Mashao 's Face , from senior civil artists hands .

  4. 本溪社火文化的价值内涵与保护利用

    The Value Connotation , Protection and Utilization of Benxi Local Club Fire Culture

  5. 通过敬拜土地的形式,社火被赋予未来丰收和富足的希望。

    By worshipping the earth , it 's hoped good harvests and fortune will follow .

  6. 村民姚红雨(音)从事社火生意已经30多年了。

    One villager , Yao Hongyu , has the Shehuo business for over 30 years .

  7. 笔者主要从三个方面对黑社火的文化内涵进行了挖掘。

    I mainly from three aspects of social and cultural connotations of fire have been excavated .

  8. 从陕西社火马勺观脸谱艺术的民俗应用

    Look at the Folk-custom Applied of Facial Make-up Art From the Village Festive Gourd Ladle in Shaanxi

  9. 在某种程度上,近80%的村民都从事社火道具的加工和生产过程。

    Nearly 80 percent of the residents the processing and production of Shehuo props in some way .

  10. 包括黑社火中歌、舞、乐三种表演形式的艺术形态。

    Tt are including the night fire songs , dance , music of three forms of artistic performances .

  11. 社火是古代祭祀土地神和火神活动的延续。

    Shehuo is a continuation of an ancient tradition of offering sacrifices to Land Gods and Fire Gods .

  12. 轻松地点点鼠标,他们的社火道具就能销往世界各个角落。

    With a simple click of the mouse , their Shehuo props can be sold to every part of the world .

  13. 主要包括黑社火的组织机构、组织程序、表演过程、节目类型四个方面。

    Mainly include fire and agency organization , organizational procedures , performing the process , four aspects of the program type .

  14. 在西宁地区的社火表演活动中,较好地保留了原始的古代迎春礼俗。

    The traditional festivities shows in Xining district continue to have the original etiquette and custom of ancient spring welcoming activities .

  15. 那时村里的社火生意还是延续着传统模式。村民在小作坊里生产道具,之后得为自己做的东西找销路。

    Villagers produced the props in small workshops , and then had to find a market for the things they made themselves .

  16. 社火体育健身文化不仅是民俗体育文化的重要组成部分,而且也是传统体育的一个根基。

    Community fire fitness folk culture is not only an important part of sports culture , but also a foundation of traditional sports .

  17. 在中国中部的河南霍庄村,制作社火道具已有几百年的历史。

    And in Huozhuang Village of central China 's Henan Province , the skills of making Shehuo props have a history spanning hundreds of years .

  18. 一直以来,秧歌作为我国民间“庙会”、“社火”中的歌舞戏沿承了正统的仪式性,同时又具有节庆狂欢化的反仪式特征。

    All along , Yangge as an singing and dancing drama of civilian " temple fair "," gam " evolutes traditional ceremony , and takes on anti-ceremony characteristic of festival bashing .

  19. 社火是中国传统节日文化中的重大娱乐活动之一,它是春节期间汉民族传统的娱神娱人的民间文艺活动,源自于对古老的土地与火的崇拜。

    Teeming activity is one of the entertaining activities of Chinese traditional festival cultures . As a traditional folk art performance of Han Nationality to entertain God and Man itself , teeming activity originates from the worship of ancient earth and fire .

  20. 木文对山西农村的体育类民间游戏和民间社火分别从它们的分类、主要内容、活动特点、开展现状及影响因素进行了细致的描述、分析,以达到对山西民俗体育的挖掘和整理。

    The article gives Shanxi folk games of the rural sports and folk poses a detailed description and analysis in terms of classification , major content , characteristics , current situation and influence factors in order to exploit and sort out the folk sports in Shanxi Province . 3 .